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Do you believe in god?

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#1076 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 04:57 AM

No sweat I saw them gang on you and how Laser is misusing tools I installed for him!! Rawr laser rawr! :p

I can't break rules which don't exist. :p So whether it is misuse or not is very subjective, you regard it as misuse, I don't. :) Rawr indeed.

#1077 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 04:57 AM

Lets not be negative Finale. Use nicer words instead of downfall or people will try to gang on you and I can't keep rawring im busy coding.

Haha laser you're a jerk. It's not a rule doof :p Just don't make people feel alone with tools I'm making for you!! :p

#1078 Sweeney

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 04:57 AM

We will get to your request. In a second, i have to see these interesting answers first. So please bare with me. Lets dig deep into your answers a bit more sweeney.

1. Science is a tool used to discover the truth. Science is known for proving something is accurate or inaccurate. If people believe something maybe true, bring good ol science into the picture, and bam! It never fails in providing you with accurate information and proving that something is wrong or right. Do you agree with me so far? Yes or No?

No, I don't agree with you.
Science provides disproof, or evidence. Never proof.

Science, carried out flawlessly, provides flawless answers. However, science is almost never used perfectly, as humans are imperfect creatures. That said, when science does make a mistake, it is only ever corrected by more, and better, science.

2. You have seen your brain? Well butter my buns and call me buscuit...thats freakin unbelievable. But thats not what i was talking about. I am not talking about Xray images of your brain. I am asking if you have looked at your own brain with your own eyes. Which i think, is like impossible, unless your like a patient of dr.hannibal lector. So what you mean to say is, you have seen your own brain on xray, but you haven't actually seen the physical brain in your head. (just images of it) True or False?


I could, though, if I wanted to, and had the money to pay a rogue surgeon to remove the top of my skull.
Your vain efforts to trap me into admitting that I "believe in something I cannot see" are futile.

3. Science is a tool, properly applied it is the same everywhere. So what your saying is when science is applied to religion , it does not change, it is the same science that you believe in and the same tool you use? True or False.

With the emphasis on "properly applied", yes.

4. There have been scientists since before civilization. Okay fair enough let me rephrase this question. In the year 600, were there any scientists that grasped the knowledge of science we have today with detail? Yes or No

Obviously not. Science builds upon itself.
I would note at this juncture that the ability of science to adapt and change is an advantage, not a flaw.

Stay Tuned for Weakness #2 and #3. By the way, i take your invitation after we are done this little discussion,Posted Image

You forgot number five.

And no one is really interested in your #2 or #3, if they're as vapid as #1.

#1079 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:02 AM

Haha laser you're a jerk. It's not a rule doof :p Just don't make people feel alone with tools I'm making for you!! :p

If anything I would say it's the other way around, it appears to me that TigerWoods was bringing in his friends to try to 'gang up' (your words, not ones I would really use to describe it) on Sweeney and Jake (and anybody else who doesn't agree with their beliefs), albeit unsuccessfully.

#1080 TigerWoods

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:03 AM

Tiger has proof on after life? Incorrect, if he proved in any way that was true, many more people would be religious.... thing is there isn't any proof about after life.

How did you come to that conclusion if you yourself haven't learned everything? I provided countless evidences which stand as the groundwork for proof. What would you accept as proof? If it were proved you say that many more people would be religious. Here's the thing though, a lot more people are religious. By 2015 Islam will be the largest religion in the world. It is currently the fastest growing religion in the world. Just statistics though right? Believing in something that is right is a natural sense for everyone. But not everyone maintains and lives by this natural sense. in other words they don't have the common sense.

Here's an article:


If in anyway you must devote time and are forced to do things solely for a religion, that is when it becomes out of line. In my opinion it is the beginning of extremism.

How does it come out of line to be grateful? If someone opens a door for you or does you a favor, you are grateful without hesitation. Why is that? .. but when it comes to the Creator who's given you sustenance, the ability to eat and sleep, think logically, devotion and appreciation becomes extremism? If you choose to deny a designer in this life that is your choice, but when you imply it is a waste of time for others who choose to worship we have every right to explain ourselves.

I can live a better life than that by doing ALL of the things you mentioned ie charity, sports, community work etc. without having to spend any time with religion. Now by all means if that is what you believe in then you may do so, no one should tell you otherwise. The thing is I just don't see the reason on using my time to devote myself to a religion to better my after life (note this unless if there is another reason, because ultimately at the end you would just hope for acceptance by Allah into paradise.)

You can live a better life, but if you are going no where with no purpose and no meaning why would you do those things you mentioned? When truth has been made clear to me I don't doubt an afterlife. It's been made clear to me. That's why I've been so content with the Quran. Devoting myself to my religion involves treating my parents with kindness, upholding the ties of kinship, seeking knowledge, getting married, restraining my tongue from gossip and curses, treating my brother the same way I would like to be treated, humility, patience, lowering my gaze when a woman walks by instead of lusting about her, abstaining from adultery, fornication, liquor, intoxicants, and much more. If anything it is an improvement. You're right, no one can tell me otherwise.

no worries man, it is your opinion, but it is far from a waste of time for me. Dont worry about me :)

lakum deenukum waliya deeen "To you be your way, to me be mine"

#1081 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:05 AM

If anything I would say it's the other way around, it appears to me that TigerWoods was bringing in his friends to try to 'gang up' (your words, not ones I would really use to describe it) on Sweeney and Jake (and anybody else who doesn't agree with their beliefs), albeit unsuccessfully.

Hey hey Joe and jake vs Tigerwoods seems like a gang up on tigerwoods :p

#1082 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:11 AM

Hey hey Joe and jake vs Tigerwoods seems like a gang up on tigerwoods :p

This forum just happens to have fewer Muslims than non-Muslims so it's pretty obvious that there's going to be more people who disagree with TigerWoods than those who share his beliefs. That doesn't mean that they were ganging up on him...

Either way these discussions always end up exactly the same way, both sides get annoyed at the perceived inability to understand each others arguments and then give up and go away with exactly the same beliefs as they started with. :)

#1083 Finale

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:15 AM

Please expand on downfall.

The Downfall i am talking about is the ability to seek the truth.

The 3 weaknesses Impact their ability to see things clearly. The fact that they are anxious to reply to a question, that they may not have the answer to. A simple example is how you atheists are discussing religion, and some of the people on this forum were quoting the holy quran (from websites) without knowledge of Islam and the Holy Quran. We then come to 2 conclusions.

1) Atheists want to destroy the foundation of Islam by questioning everything and taking their statements head on.
2) Atheists haven't read the Holy Quran. Therefore the by product is a person who wants to take down Islam and show any (contradictions), but hasn't take then time to read the holy quran to gain the knowledge to use against muslims. I would respect someone that read the holy quran and attempted to use the full knowledge more, then someone who goes to google.com and types in Islam Contradictions . LOL

No atheist here as read the holy quran fully. Yet you are so Quick to question our statements on the scientific proofs and the logic behind Islam and the creator. but on the other hand....Muslims know the beliefs of Atheists. Since Their beliefs revolve around Science. Something we learn in school. but Atheists dont' learn Islam in school or anywhere. They just gain bits of knowledge from the media and are usually introduced to big globs of information through discussions such as this.

Jake, I think your a good person... however you have your affairs out of order. For instance let me give you an example of what im talking about.

Lets Use Sweeneys Assumption LOL . In school you are given exams and you have a certain time to finish the exam. and usually the time is usually critical.
Compare the time you have for a test. to the time you have to live. The common thing about both, is that they both end, and you realize with both of them, that you still have more time until the time ends. That alone should be enough to make you think. Your heart is the timer and every breath you take, it gets closer to time ending.

Also talking about your last statement. If Islam was correct, then everyone would follow it. In the perfect world that would be true. However Common sense isn't very common. Even though we figure everyone has common sense, there are alot of people that don't have common sense. But to give you a better answer. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, it is about to beat Judaism, and is already proven to be the biggest Single religion. If so many people are becoming muslim, then it must be making you really curious to have a look at it.

Like i said you seem like a down to earth person, but your not in this world to think about how many religions there are, and say its a waste of time. You are here to find out your purpose. Because we die for a reason. Not because its natural, but because it makes you think. Our generation will die, and a new generation will come , and they will have a time limit. Then the next generation , then the next generation. It's almost like a system of exams to graduate. Don't give up yet bro, do some think and search. I can see why you left christianiaty, but its not fair that because you left one book, you think all books are the same. I just say you atheists are all the same, to piss you guys off, but i don't have that view. I think some of you want something to look forward to. You want proof of an after life. because no one wants to die. Posted Image

#1084 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:15 AM

This forum just happens to have fewer Muslims than non-Muslims so it's pretty obvious that there's going to be more people who disagree with TigerWoods than those who share his beliefs. That doesn't mean that they were ganging up on him...

True true true. Finale didn't seem to feel the ganging either.
Ok ok im wrong im wrong no ganging!

Let's all be happy!! :p

#1085 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:15 AM

What gave you the idea that I was trying to appease you? I could care less about your opinions, just remember there's 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet (and still growing rapidly),

I never said you did but if you're bothering to debate with me you clearly do. Also way to ignore the majority of the post. I guess while Islam was very advanced during it's time there's no arguing the fact that it's outdated in the 21st century in all non-shit countries.

Like many atheists.... you are assuming. Which atheists are so good at. You are answering his questions based on little knowledge that you have about Islam. And its not just you, a majority of you atheists do this. It's like you want to discuss Islam, but you don't want to read the Holy Quran to strengthen any arguments you have against us. Mr.Hobo have you read all 114 surah's from an actual athentic Holy Quran with English Translations?

Yes, it's atheist who are famous for their assumptions, not religious people :/.

Also have you read the Bible? How about The Torah? Bagvadhgita? Pali Cannon?

At the end of the day all you have is a flawed outlook on life with a superiority complex no evidence and the ability to ignore paradox after paradox

#1086 Finale

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:15 AM

Please expand on downfall.

The Downfall i am talking about is the ability to seek the truth.

The 3 weaknesses Impact their ability to see things clearly. The fact that they are anxious to reply to a question, that they may not have the answer to. A simple example is how you atheists are discussing religion, and some of the people on this forum were quoting the holy quran (from websites) without knowledge of Islam and the Holy Quran. We then come to 2 conclusions.

1) Atheists want to destroy the foundation of Islam by questioning everything and taking their statements head on.
2) Atheists haven't read the Holy Quran. Therefore the by product is a person who wants to take down Islam and show any (contradictions), but hasn't take then time to read the holy quran to gain the knowledge to use against muslims. I would respect someone that read the holy quran and attempted to use the full knowledge more, then someone who goes to google.com and types in Islam Contradictions . LOL

No atheist here as read the holy quran fully. Yet you are so Quick to question our statements on the scientific proofs and the logic behind Islam and the creator. but on the other hand....Muslims know the beliefs of Atheists. Since Their beliefs revolve around Science. Something we learn in school. but Atheists dont' learn Islam in school or anywhere. They just gain bits of knowledge from the media and are usually introduced to big globs of information through discussions such as this.

Jake, I think your a good person... however you have your affairs out of order. For instance let me give you an example of what im talking about.

Lets Use Sweeneys Assumption LOL . In school you are given exams and you have a certain time to finish the exam. and usually the time is usually critical.
Compare the time you have for a test. to the time you have to live. The common thing about both, is that they both end, and you realize with both of them, that you still have more time until the time ends. That alone should be enough to make you think. Your heart is the timer and every breath you take, it gets closer to time ending.

Also talking about your last statement. If Islam was correct, then everyone would follow it. In the perfect world that would be true. However Common sense isn't very common. Even though we figure everyone has common sense, there are alot of people that don't have common sense. But to give you a better answer. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world,and is already proven to be the biggest Single religion. If so many people are becoming muslim, then it must be making you really curious to have a look at it.

Like i said you seem like a down to earth person, but your not in this world to think about how many religions there are, and say its a waste of time. You are here to find out your purpose. Because we die for a reason. Not because its natural, but because it makes you think. Our generation will die, and a new generation will come , and they will have a time limit. Then the next generation , then the next generation. It's almost like a system of exams to graduate. Don't give up yet bro, do some think and search. I can see why you left christianiaty, but its not fair that because you left one book, you think all books are the same. I just say you atheists are all the same, to piss you guys off, but i don't have that view. I think some of you want something to look forward to. You want proof of an after life. because no one wants to die. Posted Image

Edited by Finale, 12 August 2010 - 05:24 AM.

#1087 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:18 AM

No atheist here as read the holy quran fully.

If every atheist read/studied every religious text ever written they'd have no time to eat, sleep or debate

#1088 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:23 AM

Laser add one more to the bunch. Hobo :p
Was he there earlier?

You guys are going to have deal with laser and my commentary in between. :p

#1089 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:25 AM

I've been arguing (poorly) since page 1 :p

#1090 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:27 AM

Hahah hobo that's your style argue like a hobo. I read comment by you. It's real good man. Not poor at all. Keep it up.

#1091 Finale

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:30 AM

If every atheist read/studied every religious text ever written they'd have no time to eat, sleep or debate

Say that to the 7-10 year olds that are memorizing in the entire Holy Quran in Arabic. Say that to the Muslims that read the entire Holy Quran in one sitting. And anything you want is possible. You could go to every culture and ask and learn more about their beliefs. That is better then, quoting some random website in an attempt to find an error in the belief of Islam. There are no contradictions , so you attack the meaning. Hahhaha sorry to burst your bubble, but the meaning of things in the arabic (poetic) language are precise.

As for If i have read those books. I have read the bible, and am looking into the Torah. In Islam, it is essential to believe in the books of the past (Bible, Torah, Psalms,...etc). So I'm guessing you haven't read any of them?

#1092 Drakonid

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:30 AM

I don't think I understand your concept of "god", if what you mean is the "supernatural creator and overseer of the universe", I believe I fit the description.
And yes, I acknowledge my own existence, cogito ergo sum, as you humans say.

Edited by OmnipotetSuperiorBeing, 12 August 2010 - 05:32 AM.

#1093 TigerWoods

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:31 AM

I never said you did but if you're bothering to debate with me you clearly do. Also way to ignore the majority of the post. I guess while Islam was very advanced during it's time there's no arguing the fact that it's outdated in the 21st century in all non-shit countries.

thanks to ignorant individuals like you who make choices to occupy and invade territories in the name of democracy.

#1094 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:33 AM

Btw I just have to add that it's pretty poor form to claim that any religion is the fastest growing without mentioning which category you're using to measure that growth. It's also very poor form to think or claim that the growth rate of any religion is in any way connected to the 'truth' of that religion.

#1095 Jake

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:37 AM

No one knows if a god exists, if heaven exists, if we have an after life; if there is 100% evidence that in some way proves the existence of either of those 3 then athiesm or at least non-believers wouldn't be what I assume is the fastest growing 'group' of people. You are correct in saying Islam is the fastest growing religion, I didn't decline the notion nor if it is the largest, at the same time though immigration of Muslims and as said in the article "Asked for an explanation Monsignor Formenti observed that "While Muslim families, as is well known, continue to make a lot of children, Christian ones on the contrary tend to have fewer and fewer". He said the figure for the Muslim global population was derived from data submitted to the United Nations by Muslim countries."

If someone opens the door for me or does me a favour, I am visibly witnessing them do this and am thus grateful without hesitation. If the Creator cares so much for religion and wants us to worship Him, surely he would guide the mis-guided such as myself, because there are differences between those who are mis-guided and those who simply choose not to believe. You could argue that I am the latter, but until given a reason to follow this righteous path, why am I to believe that anyone has created this 'luxury' for me? I did not mean to imply worship as a waste of time, I don't recall doing so but I apologise if I have. What you choose to do is your own life, I'm just telling it like it is DAWG.

Who's to judge I am going no where and have no purpose? Believe it or not people have kindness without following a faith, why do I need someone to preach to me that I should do good things? Morally it is right and if humans wish to live along with each other then kindness is a necessity. Liquor, fornication, adultery, lusting women are all privileges, the only people that should be able to take that away are the authorities, even if it makes your life better you should not have anything restricted.

#1096 TigerWoods

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:42 AM

I don't think I understand your concept of "god", if what you mean is the "supernatural creator and overseer of the universe", I believe I fit the description.
And yes, I acknowledge my own existence, cogito ergo sum, as you humans say.

Say: He is Allah the One and Only; (1)
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; (2) He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; (3)
And there is none like unto Him. (4) [Quran Surah Ikhlas]
  • Allah - The single, proper name for God in Islam --> Al = The, ilah = anything that is worshipped ----> Al + ilah ---> Allah: The God
  • Ar-Rahman - The Compassionate, The Beneficent
  • Ar-Raheem - The Merciful
  • Al-Malik - The King, The Sovereign Lord
  • Al-Quddoos - The Holy
  • As-Salaam - The Source of Peace
  • Al-Mu'min - The Guardian of Faith
  • Al-Muhaimin - The Protector
  • Al-'Aziz - The Mighty, The Strong
  • Al-Jabbaar - The Compeller
  • Al-Mutakabbir - The Majestic
  • Al-Khaaliq - The Creator
  • Al-Bari' - The Evolver, The Maker
  • Al-Musawwir - The Fashioner
  • Al-Ghaffaar - The Great Forgiver
  • Al-Qahhaar - The Subduer, The Dominant
  • Al-Wahhaab - The Bestower
  • Al-Razzaaq - The Sustainer, The Provider
  • Al-Fattaah - The Opener, The Reliever
  • Al-'Aleem - The All-Knowing
  • Al-Qaabid - The Retainer
  • Al-Baasit - The Expander
  • Al-Khaafid - The Abaser
  • Al-Raafi' - The Exalter
  • Al-Mu'iz - The Honorer
  • Al-Muthil - The Humiliator
  • As-Samee' - The All-Hearing
  • Al-Baseer - The All-Seeing
  • Al-Hakam - The Judge
  • Al-'Adl - The Just
  • Al-Lateef - The Subtle One
  • Al-Khabeer - The Aware
  • Al-Haleem - The Forebearing
  • Al-'Azeem - The Great One
  • Al-Ghafoor - The All-Forgiving
  • Ash-Shakoor - The Grateful
  • Al-'Aliyy - The Most High
  • Al-Kabeer - The Great
  • Al-Hafeez - The Preserver
  • Al-Muqeet - The Maintainer
  • Al-Haseeb - The Reckoner
  • Al-Jaleel - The Sublime One
  • Al-Kareem - The Generous
  • Ar-Raqeeb - The Watcher
  • Al-Mujeeb - The Responsive
  • Al-Wasi' - The Vast
  • Al-Hakeem - The Wise
  • Al-Wadood - The Loving
  • Al-Majeed - The Glorious
  • Al-Ba'ith - The Resurrector
  • Ash-Shaheed - The Witness
  • Al-Haqq - The Truth
  • Al-Wakeel - The Trustee
  • Al-Qawiyy - The Strong
  • Al-Mateen - The Firm One
  • Al-Waliyy - The Supporter
  • Al-Hameed - The Praiseworthy
  • Al-Muhsee - The Counter
  • Al-Mubdi' - The Originator
  • Al-Mu'eed - The Reproducer
  • Al-Muhyi - The Restorer
  • Al-Mumeet - The Destroyer
  • Al-Hayy - The Alive
  • Al-Qayyoom - The Self-Subsisting
  • Al-Waajid - The Perceiver
  • Al-Waahid - The Unique
  • Al-Ahad - The One
  • As-Samad - The Eternal
  • Al-Qaadir - The Able
  • Al-Muqtadir - The Powerful
  • Al-Muqaddim - The Expediter
  • Al-Mu'akh-khir - The Delayer
  • Al-'Awwal - The First
  • Al-'Akhir - The Last
  • Az-Zaahir - The Manifest
  • Al-Baatin - The Hidden
  • Al-Walee - The Governor
  • Al-Muta'ali - The Most Exalted
  • Al-Barr - The Source of All Goodness
  • At-Tawwaab - The Acceptor of Repentance
  • Al-Muntaqim - The Avenger
  • Al-'Afuww - The Pardoner
  • Ar-Ra'uf - The Compassionate
  • Malik Al-Mulk - The King of Kings
  • Thul-Jalali wal-Ikram - The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
  • Al-Muqsit - The Equitable
  • Al-Jaami' - The Gatherer
  • Al-Ghaniyy - The Self-Sufficient
  • Al-Mughni - The Enricher
  • Al-Maani' - The Preventer
  • Ad-Daarr - The Distresser
  • An-Nafi' - The Propitious
  • An-Noor - The Light
  • Al-Haadi - The Guide
  • Al-Badi' - The Incomparable
  • Al-Baaqi - The Everlasting
  • Al-Waarith - The Inheritor
  • Ar-Rasheed - The Guide to the Right Path
  • As-Saboor - The Patient

#1097 Finale

  • 14 posts

Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:43 AM

Btw I just have to add that it's pretty poor form to claim that any religion is the fastest growing without mentioning which category you're using to measure that growth. It's also very poor form to think or claim that the growth rate of any religion is in any way connected to the 'truth' of that religion.

LOL your last sentence doesn't make sense bro. Try again. When people see a path is correct, they go toward that path. If more people see a path is correct, more people go toward that path. If people know they have taken the wrong path, they come back from that path and if they find the right path, they all gather toward that path.

Thus if many people are all gathering at his one path, because they believe its the right path, all these people are finding the truth. The growth rate that a religion is going through as everything to do with connecting to the truth. These people are reading the holy Quran, and figuring (the way atheists use science) out the truth. To all these people this path is the truth, and it is not only the truth for many, but nations and countries. Like I said, more people are going to steer toward the beneficial road (that they figure out using common sense). You haven't read the holy Quran yet, so you wouldn't know.

Religion is religion, what categories did I miss? Out of Every Religion in the world , Islam is the fastest growing. As a Single religion, Islam is the biggest religion. And I guess the category your talking about is Monotheism. Islam is Monotheist.


regarding this statement "If someone opens the door for me or does me a favour, I am visibly witnessing them do this and am thus grateful without hesitation."

There are many things in life you dont visibly see, but you still believe in or feel.

[ Your own brain ]
[ The wind ]
[ The planet Earth]
Many of these things you have not seen in its entire form visibly. It's always some xray or theory explaining it.

You know your brain functions and you can do many things. But you still haven't visibly seen your own brain.

Same with our creator, you know everything around is created by the creator, but you still haven't visibly seen the creator.

There is one line that a human must draw, and that is the line when a human starts to think what god would do. Part of the reason why atheist people are blind or will never believe or seek knowledge is because they try to portray God with human feelings or emotions or human reasoning. If i were god, i wouldn't do this. Or if i were god, i would do this. Its that same belief that will cloud your judgement. You seem to be more arrogant then most, never being grateful for what you receive and thinking you lead your own life and that everything is a coincidence.

Edited by Finale, 12 August 2010 - 05:50 AM.

#1098 Sweeney

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:53 AM

So, I guess you gave up on our "little discussion"?
Things not going the way you expected?

#1099 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 05:54 AM

LOL your last sentence doesn't make sense bro. Try again. When people see a path is correct, they go toward that path. If more people see a path is correct, more people go toward that path. If people know they have taken the wrong path, they come back from that path and if they find the right path, they all gather toward that path.

Thus if many people are all gathering at his one path, because they believe its the right path, all these people are finding the truth. The growth rate that a religion is going through as everything to do with connecting to the truth. These people are reading the holy Quran, and figuring (the way atheists use science) out the truth. To all these people this path is the truth, and it is not only the truth for many, but nations and countries. Like I said, more people are going to steer toward the beneficial road (that they figure out using common sense). You haven't read the holy Quran yet, so you wouldn't know.

Religion is religion, what categories did I miss? Out of Every Religion in the world , Islam is the fastest growing. As a Single religion, Islam is the biggest religion. And I guess the category your talking about is Monotheism. Islam is Monotheist.

I don't think you understood the point I was making, I was talking about the methodology used when measuring the 'growth' of religions. Are you talking about number of conversions or percentage growth or growth in absolute numbers? What data are you using to measure this growth? Which religions are you including when measuring this growth (if you're including small religions then the percentage growth will be skewed)? Are you taking into account other factors such as birth rates or immigration rates when calculating your growth rate? You can't claim to measure the growth rate of religions without taking into account all of these questions and many more.

#1100 Jake

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:17 AM

Let's start on 'you atheists'. That is a very derogatory term, undermining civilized intelligent people because they don't agree with your opinions is just a joke. Tigerwoods and yourself seem intelligent, or at least you seem to know your shit about Islam, lay off with the insults.

Athiests want to 'destroy' the foundation of Islam? Talk like that is just fucking stupid. None of us are out here trying to destroy your religion, neither do most atheists, so please kindly stop making up this bullshit. You're right I have never read the Qur'an and I never plan to, not only because it is a waste of time (not meant to be insulting, but honestly religious texts are pretty big and reading them is the purpose of being there in the first place) but also because of all the preaching and religious dribble in religious texts. You mentioned contradictions previously, you seem to be making a few big ones when you mention blind faith and questioning someone's logic. Religious schools also taint science, for example they do not teach evolution. Don't be so quick to judge shit when religion is so corrupted.

You seem to like this test/exam metaphor when relating to religion, I'll give you another one. Let's compare Allah to a magician. An invisible magician makes a magic show and uses a translator beside him, a prophet if you will, to speak to the crowd for him. There isn't visibly any magic being shown nor another speaking and for all they know it could be the translators own words. We know these people as insane. Not the best example I know, but bear with me.

What you imply now is that it is common sense to believe in Islam, otherwise you have lost your wits. Honestly do you not see your own contradicting bullshit? As I said it is fast growing because immigration... religion has the ability to spread like wildfire, the only difference between modern days and the middle ages is that we now have firemen and emergency response teams. More people are becoming Muslims because now they are spread throughout the whole world due to immigration.

My purpose in life is to live it to the fullest without influence of a group of people or having people tell me how to live my life.

thanks to ignorant individuals like you who make choices to occupy and invade territories in the name of democracy.

Oh wow the way you put that makes you sound like a terrorist. What are you doing living in Canada if you don't agree with something so strong? You are free to move back to that area, where the 'infidels' are invading. Honestly, your own people (in this case Al-Qaeda) the SAME ones who believe in your sacred religion kill your own people more than those invaders. How god damn ironic is that sir? Most recently a Taliban spokesman said that the Taliban are now attempting to avoid civilian casualties, such a load of shit propaganda to recruit more blind faithed followers. They fight to get rid of the invaders on their holy land, if they just fucked off and went back into civillians there would be no war. In no way do I agree with the reasons of this war and I agree the countries should leave, but until they do I will support them, because ultimately each individual soldier is doing it for a good cause, corrupted by the government however. In the taliban's case, they are more corrupted than the government.

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