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Do you believe in god?

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#376 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 11:21 PM

I lol'ed at the Deuteronomy one. Seems like an improbable situation. I wonder how many times a women has lost her hand for that

#377 InsertRandomNameHere

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:02 AM

I don't , but I wish he does...... if he does , why doesn't he tell me ? Why do I suffer ?

#378 MasterJunpei

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:19 AM

Why Christianity over Islam, Judaism, Jainism etc. And even then, what branch of Christianity? There are so many
Pretty sure legitimate belief is a requirement to get into Christian heaven and belief can't exactly be forced, even if theoretically you obeyed the dozens of absurd rules (dozens probably an understatement), your lack of belief would condemn you

well thats just a risk you have to take I guess. Don't get anything without a little risk :p

#379 jcrdude

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 06:25 AM

well thats just a risk you have to take I guess. Don't get anything without a little risk :p

Then again, you lose an awful lot of what we know exists by TAKING this risk. When you factor in time and tithing (or however much you have to give to the church depending on your religious branch)... that shit adds up. We don't know a thing about the after-life.... so this is a pretty risky long-term investment.

#380 Sweeney

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 11:45 AM

well thats just a risk you have to take I guess. Don't get anything without a little risk :p

Actually, if you make the not-unreasonable assumption that the God that exists (if one does) prefers you to live a good secular life, over a good life worshipping a false idol, then the risk is, in point of fact, ridiculous.

#381 chobitz

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 12:45 PM

Actually, if you make the not-unreasonable assumption that the God that exists (if one does) prefers you to live a good secular life, over a good life worshipping a false idol, then the risk is, in point of fact, ridiculous.

And also by having a slight doubt , just believing 'just in case' will deny the person access into heaven? It implies the person can 'trick' god into thinking they were True Believers.

For arguments sake, who would be more likely to get into heaven.. The person who goes to church every sunday, mouths the right words, but has doubts. OR the one who never sets foot in a church but believes there is a god?

#382 Sweeney

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 12:51 PM

And also by having a slight doubt , just believing 'just in case' will deny the person access into heaven? It implies the person can 'trick' god into thinking they were True Believers.

For arguments sake, who would be more likely to get into heaven.. The person who goes to church every sunday, mouths the right words, but has doubts. OR the one who never sets foot in a church but believes there is a god?

Or, indeed, the person who doesn't believe in God, but lives an unimpeachable life?

#383 chobitz

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:21 PM

Or, indeed, the person who doesn't believe in God, but lives an unimpeachable life?

IMO? that example.

I find "salvation" to be the biggest bullshit around. A child molester/killer on his death bed can repent , be saved and go to heaven but someone who doesn't believe but does great deeds won't because they didn't say those "magic words".

Yeah not buying ..

#384 Map

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:31 PM

What are these magic words?? I don't know about them :(.

#385 iargue

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:36 PM

IMO? that example.

I find "salvation" to be the biggest bullshit around. A child molester/killer on his death bed can repent , be saved and go to heaven but someone who doesn't believe but does great deeds won't because they didn't say those "magic words".

Yeah not buying ..

Repenting on your death bed doesnt absolve your sins....

Way to not know religion.

#386 Sweeney

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 01:44 PM

Repenting on your death bed doesnt absolve your sins....

Way to not know religion.

Depends on the religion.

#387 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 02:27 PM

Repenting on your death bed doesnt absolve your sins....

Way to not know religion.

A lot of religious last rites ask for forgiveness. Deathbed confession I suppose

#388 Frizzle

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 04:53 PM

I believe that if there is a deity above us all who is simply as powerful as described, then these friviolous issues would be simplified quite easily when approaced. But of course all of this is theorised so cannot be proven/unproven. You can debate about it all night long but it'll just be words at the end of the day.

#389 Ives

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Posted 23 February 2010 - 08:17 PM


And you're right, there's no evidence that refutes "creation" in general, because it's totally nonspecific. "Creation" tells us absolutely nothing.

As for specific theistic creation stories, there's plenty of evidence to trash those.

There isn't any point in me proving God to you. I couldn't if I wanted to, anyways.

I don't have a damn desire to prove the existence of God on any note. What you can't really escape from is the fact you and the rest of the universe are not seperate but one chaotic organism. I choose the unrational step of calling it God, and only out of personal experience do I make this choice.

I have no interest in God beyond doing my best to love all humans and help end human suffering, an impossible task but one much more worthwhile than trying to convert people to religion out of a fear of the next life.

#390 anim0sitee

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Posted 24 February 2010 - 10:41 AM

No. Just no. My parents forced me to go to private school from K-10th grade. Had God and all that biblical shit crammed down my throat for years and now I just refuse it all together.

#391 Sweeney

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Posted 24 February 2010 - 10:57 AM

There isn't any point in me proving God to you. I couldn't if I wanted to, anyways.

I don't have a damn desire to prove the existence of God on any note. What you can't really escape from is the fact you and the rest of the universe are not seperate but one chaotic organism. I choose the unrational step of calling it God, and only out of personal experience do I make this choice.

I have no interest in God beyond doing my best to love all humans and help end human suffering, an impossible task but one much more worthwhile than trying to convert people to religion out of a fear of the next life.

If you want to believe in deism, and keep it entirely to yourself, I'm entirely uninterested in debating it fruitlessly :p

#392 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 24 February 2010 - 12:07 PM

Thats pantheism not deism

#393 Sweeney

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Posted 24 February 2010 - 12:18 PM

Thats pantheism not deism

Yes, you're right. My bad.

#394 Barracuda

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Posted 24 February 2010 - 12:24 PM

Do I believe in God?

It is more of what I don't believe.
I don't think the matter is easy to explain on my part, I respect all religion as in my opinion if you believe in your God/Goddess/ Deity it is real for you.

I tried not to believe in ghosts. and I know many people don't believe in spirits. But after getting smacked around by one and frankly sensing them most of my life I cant argue the point.
I was raised with respect for the so called supernatural.
Most of my family, specially on my fathers side, have gifts that are hard to explain.

I know when a family members passes on, I often know beforehand if something bad is going to happen.
my nephew sees people in colour
I feel that there are many things in this world we live with without realising it may not be accepted as normal by others.

#395 Reddevil

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 03:11 AM

I don't believe in god

#396 Philly

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 03:46 AM

I've been raised roman catholic but I don't really believe in God as in praying to him all the time or showing my worship. I believe that there's something out there with a higher power that takes care of us, but not a god or anything the like... Just something in your own mind.

#397 wolfrevenant

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 07:45 PM

I believe in my own version of God, and not necessarily what other religions have to say about him.

My personal belief is that he set down the rules for this little role-playing-game that we are playing, but he doesn't influence it. He doesn't help good or bad, he just leaves it to us to twist and turn his rules into our own favour. Somehow, I don't believe that when something good happens, it's because God made it happen, or when something bad happens, then God works in mysterious ways. It feels like putting words into his mouth, which he never actually said. I also don't expect him to have ultimate powers far beyond our imaginations, nor do I expect there to be some great reward at the end for all of us. It's like, we supposedly created machines and are possibly, soon to be creating AI, but does that mean we must be all powerful over machines, and have some robot heaven and hell for them? As for whether God has some reward at the end, that's for him to decide and for us to dream about.

#398 Elindoril

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 07:50 PM

My personal belief is that he set down the rules for this little role-playing-game that we are playing.

God is mad at me! SAVING THROW! ROLL A D20!


#399 GreenScissors

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 08:34 PM

No because I realized that it was immune to logic. So there's no point debating it and anything against it, is pretty much rejected. Anyway, I dislike that absolute nature of it so I just don't believe it.

#400 googlehead

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 12:40 AM

Yes. I view God like Elvis. I like the guy, but not the fanclubs. You can't assume that all Christians are these bitter old ladies who treat others like crap, put themselves on a pedastool and yell at others to repent. Not all are closed minded either. Everyone is entitled to their own views. Just like I won't berate others for what they do (or do not) believe, I hope that others will treat me with such decency. It is possible to believe in God and not be a total douche.

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