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Do you believe in god?

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#626 Jake

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Posted 30 June 2010 - 06:51 PM

How do you think YWHW feels about your "Fuck Yeah" picture being posted in a "Do You Believe in God?" debate? Talk about disrespect, man.

Tbh if I didn't exist I wouldn't care if people offended me.


#627 emerkeng

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:30 AM

Yes I believe in the lord Jesus Christ and through him all are saved . . . seriously how can you not believe in a god. Who do you think created us how did civilization advance so fast in so little time read the bible and you'll find that it's not just fairy tales that the media portrays it to be.

#628 jcrdude

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 02:42 PM

I'm going to break your post up a little bit and reply as noted.

Yes I believe in the lord Jesus Christ and through him all are saved . . . seriously how can you not believe in a god(1). Who do you think created us(2) how did civilization advance so fast in so little time(3) read the bible and you'll find that it's not just fairy tales that the media portrays it to be.(4)

1: You'd be surprised how easy it is when you separate yourself from the rhetoric and examine the facts.
2: Luck luck luck luck luck. Considering that the current theory is that there are an infinite number of theoretical parallel universes, the odds that one would turn out like this one are still small, but with so many "attempts," it becomes quite likely that an "Earth" comes into existence with the life that we see now.
3: We've actually been advancing kind of slowly. It's only recently that our technology has advanced immensely. It kind of makes sense though. In order for our civilization to be able to focus on the "unnecessary" technology we enjoy today, we first had to conquer our needs. BEFORE we made the technological advances you are seeing today, we first focused on food and shelter, then transportation to make the other two easier, then further advances in food until we had an excess of everything. With all the excesses that modern civilization has, it would follow that we look for a new place to focus our great minds, and that would be the transfer of information and luxury goods.
4: I've read most of the Bible, and once you get past the rhetoric, it is a book of parables. Yes there are plenty of lessons to be learned, but there are more direct ways of learning them IMO.

#629 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 02:44 PM

Personally, I prefer Aesop.

(Also, JCR, did you -have- to bring this one up? He's already fighting for his life in the gay topic :p)

#630 Waser Lave

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 02:46 PM

(Also, JCR, did you -have- to bring this one up? He's already fighting for his life in the gay topic :p)

I'd laugh if it turns out he's just trolling. :p

#631 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 02:46 PM

I'd laugh if it turns out he's just trolling. :p

Doesn't matter :p It's still fun ^^

#632 Lychee

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 02:50 PM

I'd laugh if it turns out he's just trolling. :p

It seems likely, 'cause who could be that dense? Still, entertaining to argue with.

It could even be a clever way to get to 500 posts quickly.

#633 emerkeng

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:00 PM

I'm going to break your post up a little bit and reply as noted.

1: You'd be surprised how easy it is when you separate yourself from the rhetoric and examine the facts.
2: Luck luck luck luck luck. Considering that the current theory is that there are an infinite number of theoretical parallel universes, the odds that one would turn out like this one are still small, but with so many "attempts," it becomes quite likely that an "Earth" comes into existence with the life that we see now.
3: We've actually been advancing kind of slowly. It's only recently that our technology has advanced immensely. It kind of makes sense though. In order for our civilization to be able to focus on the "unnecessary" technology we enjoy today, we first had to conquer our needs. BEFORE we made the technological advances you are seeing today, we first focused on food and shelter, then transportation to make the other two easier, then further advances in food until we had an excess of everything. With all the excesses that modern civilization has, it would follow that we look for a new place to focus our great minds, and that would be the transfer of information and luxury goods.
4: I've read most of the Bible, and once you get past the rhetoric, it is a book of parables. Yes there are plenty of lessons to be learned, but there are more direct ways of learning them IMO.

classic case of unbeliever's trying to disprove the bible. Theories are not facts they can still be disproved. I have examined the facts and they are not just rhetoric. I meant the beginning of civilization which in the bible it says fallen angels were on earth in Genesis 6:1-6:6 (sons of God) in my and other's views these angels gave us technology to do things we did not understand and without them we would not have advanced this far.

Edited by pathentic, 18 July 2010 - 03:03 PM.

#634 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:09 PM

classic case of unbeliever's trying to disprove the bible. Theories are not facts they can still be disproved. I have examined the facts and they are not just rhetoric. I meant the beginning of civilization which in the bible it says fallen angels were on earth in Genesis 6:1-6:6 (sons of God) in my and other's views these angels gave us technology to do things we did not understand and without them we would not have advanced this far.

Any evidence for that outside the bible? Corroboration, that sort of thing?

#635 emerkeng

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:20 PM

Any evidence for that outside the bible? Corroboration, that sort of thing?

Since I've given you so much evidence already show me some of your own evidence instead "of scientific fact" which the majority of is BS. I'll start talking once you act like a sane adult and give me some resources on what you're basing your "evidence" on as it is however, I will not bother to entertain your trolling.

#636 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:24 PM

Since I've given you so much evidence already show me some of your own evidence instead "of scientific fact" which the majority of is BS. I'll start talking once you act like a sane adult and give me some resources on what you're basing your "evidence" on as it is however, I will not bother to entertain your trolling.

What do you want me to give you evidence for? That angels didn't come down from heaven and give people advanced technology? O_o

#637 emerkeng

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:35 PM

What do you want me to give you evidence for? That angels didn't come down from heaven and give people advanced technology? O_o

Look in the bible genesis 6:1-6:6 sons of god are fallen angels they are known as the nephilim when on earth in human form and they taught humans new ways of doing things how do you explain how simple to complex civilization became? Just cause you are plagued by scientific "theories" you will probably be too dense to realize that fact.

You're really persistent Im a leave ciao!

#638 Waser Lave

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:37 PM

Look in the bible genesis 6:1-6:6 sons of god are fallen angels they are known as the nephilim when on earth in human form and they taught humans new ways of doing things how do you explain how simple to complex civilization became? Just cause you are plagued by scientific "theories" you will probably be too dense to realize that fact.

You're really persistent Im a leave ciao!

I think I missed the meeting when the bible became officially factual... O_o

#639 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:37 PM

Look in the bible genesis 6:1-6:6 sons of god are fallen angels they are known as the nephilim when on earth in human form and they taught humans new ways of doing things how do you explain how simple to complex civilization became? Just cause you are plagued by scientific "theories" you will probably be too dense to realize that fact.

You're really persistent Im a leave ciao!

"how do you explain how simple to complex civilization became?"
You'd like me to explain four billion years of evolution? Or two hundred thousand years of human development?

That's a tall order considering all you've said is "Angels did it because the bible says so".

#640 Waser Lave

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:41 PM

"how do you explain how simple to complex civilization became?"
You'd like me to explain four billion years of evolution? Or two hundred thousand years of human development?

That's a tall order considering all you've said is "Angels did it because the bible says so".

I'm just waiting until they explain the talking donkey in Numbers 22:28-30 or even the talking snake. :p It's a fact that at least one talking donkey exists or has at some point existed (and I'm not including Mr. Ed).

#641 Lychee

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:43 PM

Look in the bible genesis 6:1-6:6 sons of god are fallen angels they are known as the nephilim when on earth in human form and they taught humans new ways of doing things how do you explain how simple to complex civilization became? Just cause you are plagued by scientific "theories" you will probably be too dense to realize that fact.

You're really persistent Im a leave ciao!

We've made some really amazing technological strides in this century alone. Are you claiming that angels showed us how to make televisions, refridgerators and computers? More importantly, do you think angels helped create the internet? 'Cause if so buddy, I have something to disprove that.

#642 emerkeng

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:46 PM

We've made some really amazing technological strides in this century alone. Are you claiming that angels showed us how to make televisions, refridgerators and computers? More importantly, do you think angels helped create the internet? 'Cause if so buddy, I have something to disprove that.

I meant the beginning of civilization in the era of the nephilim prior to the flood. But if you're going to bring up pointless arguments . . . Idk whether to keep arguing or to go to the movies . . .

Edited by pathentic, 18 July 2010 - 03:47 PM.

#643 Lychee

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:50 PM

I meant the beginning of civilization in the era of the nephilim prior to the flood. But if you're going to bring up pointless arguments . . .

You are saying that humans couldn't make technological advances by themselves. I provided evidence that humans can do pretty impressive things without divine intervention.

#644 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:51 PM

I am so, so glad you brought up "The Flood". Because that never happened.

If it had, even allowing for a supernatural ark, all sealife would be dead, and all plant life too. On top of that, all animal life would be severely riddled with recessive genetic disorders.

#645 emerkeng

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 03:58 PM

You are saying that humans couldn't make technological advances by themselves. I provided evidence that humans can do pretty impressive things without divine intervention.

Read my posts I never said humans couldn't make technological advances by themselves . . . I said that the beginnings of civilization were greatly influenced by the Nephilim and at that point in time I don't believe humans were able to make technological advances without divine intervention. Huge difference from then and now.

I am so, so glad you brought up "The Flood". Because that never happened.

If it had, even allowing for a supernatural ark, all sealife would be dead, and all plant life too. On top of that, all animal life would be severely riddled with recessive genetic disorders.

Learn to not criticize things you dont understand (= www.religioustolerance.org/ev_noah.htm

Edited by pathentic, 18 July 2010 - 03:59 PM.

#646 Lychee

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:02 PM

Read my posts I never said humans couldn't make technological advances by themselves . . . I said that the beginnings of civilization were greatly influenced by the Nephilim and at that point in time I don't believe humans were able to make technological advances without divine intervention. Huge difference from then and now.

What was so different then to now? By your logic, humans today are exactly as they were thousands of years ago. That's why you want to hold onto backdated concepts, right?

#647 Waser Lave

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:03 PM

Learn to not criticize things you dont understand (= www.religioustolerance.org/ev_noah.htm

A flooding of the Black Sea is in no way comparable to a worldwide flood which the story of Noah claims...it is likely to be the source of the story though.

#648 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:04 PM

Learn to not criticize things you dont understand (= www.religioustolerance.org/ev_noah.htm

I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about the global flood that annihilated the evils of mankind... not a poxy little expansion of the black sea.

#649 emerkeng

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:22 PM

I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about the global flood that annihilated the evils of mankind... not a poxy little expansion of the black sea.

Err damn wrong source haha (=. Oh well there's no point in giving you guys the other source since you guys still wont believe me (=. Finally I'm done arguing actually if you think I'm wrong I'm wrong but true believers will know I am in the right the bible says that True Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs I guess I am being persecuted for my beliefs right now. If you guys wish to persecute me and believe I'm in the wrong do so (=.

#650 Sweeney

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 04:23 PM

Err damn wrong source haha (=. Oh well there's no point in giving you guys the other source since you guys still wont believe me (=. Finally I'm done arguing actually if you think I'm wrong I'm wrong but true believers will know I am in the right the bible says that True Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs I guess I am being persecuted for my beliefs right now. If you guys wish to persecute me and believe I'm in the wrong do so (=.

Mmm, delicious copy pasta.

I don't believe there is another link ^_^ Lying is a sin, you know.
Where's the harm in posting the other link? After all, if it's a good 'un, you might change our minds.
Unless you're concerned that I'll rip it to shreds convincingly, and destroy your faith... but that doesn't seem very likely, since you're definitely 100% right.

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