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Do you believe in god?

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#851 lowellite

  • 54 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 08:00 PM

Logic and reason are fallible when it comes to things like the bible . . .

Shouldn't it be the other way around? ;)

#852 Mr. Hobo

Mr. Hobo
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Posted 21 July 2010 - 09:03 PM

Logic and reason are fallible when it comes to things like the bible . . .

Does that only apply to the Bible? What warrants it getting that special exception?

#853 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 09:39 PM

at a speed of 1-3 squeezes per second, within a distance of 6 to 24 inches. Continue this kneading for 2-4 minutes, or longer as necessary, until you notice an unexpected sensation in your hands. You may feel heat, tingling, vibrating, or strong magnetic repulsion. Many people will experience these feelings on their first attempt; others will need to repeat the exercise daily until a result is obtained.

ya that's called your extremities getting tired from squeezing an imaginary beach ball for 2-4 minutes at an incredibly tiring rate of 3 squeezes per second...

Logic and reason are fallible when it comes to things like the bible . . .

before i call you a moron for not realizing that that sentence shows how inept you are for really believing that you're right, let me ask you something:

why and how does the bible become a special exception to the rules of life? why can logic and reason, which are in fact infallible, not be applied to the bible.

#854 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 09:50 PM

ya that's called your extremities getting tired from squeezing an imaginary beach ball for 2-4 minutes at an incredibly tiring rate of 3 squeezes per second...

before i call you a moron for not realizing that that sentence shows how inept you are for really believing that you're right, let me ask you something:

why and how does the bible become a special exception to the rules of life? why can logic and reason, which are in fact infallible, not be applied to the bible.

because people say it is impossible to walk on water and that it is illogical for him to have walked on water. But according to the apostles Peter did walk on water and they were actually there when it happened so yes Peter did walk on water God is real and yes Christianity is the one true religion. Logic and reason cannot refute this

Edited by pathentic, 21 July 2010 - 09:50 PM.

#855 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 09:57 PM

because people say it is impossible to walk on water and that it is illogical for him to have walked on water. But according to the apostles Peter did walk on water and they were actually there when it happened so yes Peter did walk on water God is real and yes Christianity is the one true religion. Logic and reason cannot refute this

you're failing to see the point of subjecting something to logic and reason. the point is not to try to fit logic and reason into a story/idea, but rather to prove or disprove its validity... of course if you continue to believe blindly that all the stories in the bible are true, logic and reason seem irrational and wrong... however if you are an intelligent human being you would understand that logic and reason, which are wrong in no other aspect of life, do not fit with the stories in the bible. now does this mean that this single part of life is right and everything else is wrong, or the other way around?

you really need to apply some intelligence into your life, you blindly believe this book which is nothing but parables and stories meant to convey messages... want to know the reason that logic and reason can't refute what's in the bible? because its simply fiction!!! wake up!

#856 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:08 PM

you're failing to see the point of subjecting something to logic and reason. the point is not to try to fit logic and reason into a story/idea, but rather to prove or disprove its validity... of course if you continue to believe blindly that all the stories in the bible are true, logic and reason seem irrational and wrong... however if you are an intelligent human being you would understand that logic and reason, which are wrong in no other aspect of life, do not fit with the stories in the bible. now does this mean that this single part of life is right and everything else is wrong, or the other way around?

you really need to apply some intelligence into your life, you blindly believe this book which is nothing but parables and stories meant to convey messages... want to know the reason that logic and reason can't refute what's in the bible? because its simply fiction!!! wake up!


You really need to understand that the bible is the word of god not a book of stories made by man . . .

you're failing to see the point of subjecting something to logic and reason. the point is not to try to fit logic and reason into a story/idea, but rather to prove or disprove its validity... of course if you continue to believe blindly that all the stories in the bible are true, logic and reason seem irrational and wrong... however if you are an intelligent human being you would understand that logic and reason, which are wrong in no other aspect of life, do not fit with the stories in the bible. now does this mean that this single part of life is right and everything else is wrong, or the other way around?

you really need to apply some intelligence into your life, you blindly believe this book which is nothing but parables and stories meant to convey messages... want to know the reason that logic and reason can't refute what's in the bible? because its simply fiction!!! wake up!


You have to realize the bible is made by god and not stories made by man

Edited by pathentic, 21 July 2010 - 10:06 PM.

#857 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:11 PM


You have to realize the bible is made by god and not stories made by man

firstly i think you're the last one who should be laughing, we're all putting forth logically developed ideas backed by facts and intelligent points, you're just repeating the same crap over and over again without anything but your blind faith to back it up

secondly WHY are you so sure it's the word of God? i want a legitimate reason why you're so sure of this?

#858 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:17 PM

firstly i think you're the last one who should be laughing, we're all putting forth logically developed ideas backed by facts and intelligent points, you're just repeating the same crap over and over again without anything but your blind faith to back it up

secondly WHY are you so sure it's the word of God? i want a legitimate reason why you're so sure of this?

well isn't one of your weirdo scientific theories if there is no evidence that something doesn't exist then it means it exists? There is no evidence that proves god does not exist so yes he does exist. And it is the word of god because the apostle Paul wrote all scriptures are inspired by god in II timothy 3:16 Paul's word is good enough for me.

#859 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:23 PM

well isn't one of your weirdo scientific theories if there is no evidence that something doesn't exist then it means it exists? There is no evidence that proves god does not exist so yes he does exist. And it is the word of god because the apostle Paul wrote all scriptures are inspired by god in II timothy 3:16 Paul's word is good enough for me.

where did you get this weirdo theory? you just made that up. if there is no evidence that something exists, and there IS evidence that something doesn't exist then this is true, but if there is evidence of neither then nothing can be said for sure. the fact is there is absolutely no evidence of god's existence, yet there is clear evidence of things like the big bang, evolution, and other such scientific things which clearly oppose the beliefs which come with god's existence. by looking at these facts, i can only conclude that the evidence against his existence is much stronger than FOR his existence, so i choose not to believe in him. however unlike him i don't choose to force others into believing this as well.

and if the only thing that makes you believe that the bible is surely the word of god is that paul wrote it, let me ask you something, how do you know that paul was telling the truth,or let alone that paul existed as he was described within the bible.

#860 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:27 PM

where did you get this weirdo theory? you just made that up. if there is no evidence that something exists, and there IS evidence that something doesn't exist then this is true, but if there is evidence of neither then nothing can be said for sure. the fact is there is absolutely no evidence of god's existence, yet there is clear evidence of things like the big bang, evolution, and other such scientific things which clearly oppose the beliefs which come with god's existence. by looking at these facts, i can only conclude that the evidence against his existence is much stronger than FOR his existence, so i choose not to believe in him. however unlike him i don't choose to force others into believing this as well.

and if the only thing that makes you believe that the bible is surely the word of god is that paul wrote it, let me ask you something, how do you know that paul was telling the truth,or let alone that paul existed as he was described within the bible.

Actually the Big Bang is just a theory evolution is just a theory and both theories have flaws that people are discovering such as why only dramatic leaps in changes occur in animals and not slow gradual changes as Darwin suggested with his natural selection theory. And because many historians of that time period portray paul exactly as he was portrayed in the bible is how i know paul existed as he described within the bible and Paul was telling the truth because why else would his words be in the holy book?

Admit it you athiests try to find every way to believe that god doesn't exist even though he does.

Edited by pathentic, 21 July 2010 - 10:30 PM.

#861 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:30 PM

Actually the Big Bang is just a theory evolution is just a theory and both theories have flaws that people are discovering such as why only dramatic leaps in changes occur in animals and not slow gradual changes as Darwin suggested with his natural selection theory. And because many historians of that time period portray paul exactly as he was portrayed in the bible.

i did not say these theories are perfect, but rather that there is legitimate evidence against god's existence... please inform me of some legitimate evidence on for god's existence which is neither "i believe he's real" or "the bible is his word"...

#862 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:36 PM

i did not say these theories are perfect, but rather that there is legitimate evidence against god's existence... please inform me of some legitimate evidence on for god's existence which is neither "i believe he's real" or "the bible is his word"...

Athiests will try to disprove god by saying that he doesn't exist and back it up with theories of the big bang and evolution O_o when the Big Bang itself requires a gigantic amount of faith just to even think it happened and evolution is not an infallible theory people see holes in it all the time. God does exist you can't prove he doesn't exist so he does exist and there is no significant evidence against his existence so yes he does exist. How can you explain how the world was created how we were created? It's cause of God we're here and alive today.

#863 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 10:48 PM

Athiests will try to disprove god by saying that he doesn't exist and back it up with theories of the big bang and evolution O_o when the Big Bang itself requires a gigantic amount of faith just to even think it happened and evolution is not an infallible theory people see holes in it all the time. God does exist you can't prove he doesn't exist so he does exist and there is no significant evidence against his existence so yes he does exist. How can you explain how the world was created how we were created? It's cause of God we're here and alive today.

LMFAO you just sounded like you gave up in the argument ..."God does exist you can't prove he doesn't exist so he does exist"...really? that's you're reasoning? I can't prove he doesn't exist so he does? and i CAN explain how the world was created and how we were created, it's called the big bang and evolution!do you know how much work darwin did to back up his theory of evolution? it's not perfect but it's well thought out and explained, as well as backed up by facts and evidence... where is this same work on the other side, trying to prove god does exist? NO WHERE!

#864 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:01 PM

LMFAO you just sounded like you gave up in the argument ..."God does exist you can't prove he doesn't exist so he does exist"...really? that's you're reasoning? I can't prove he doesn't exist so he does? and i CAN explain how the world was created and how we were created, it's called the big bang and evolution!do you know how much work darwin did to back up his theory of evolution? it's not perfect but it's well thought out and explained, as well as backed up by facts and evidence... where is this same work on the other side, trying to prove god does exist? NO WHERE!

You're really contradicting yourself. Look at the history of the bible the historians that weren't even part of the bible that claim that the same people that are written about in the bible did exist. And there is no proof that the Big Bang existed a theory can be disproved and evolution can be disproved. Both theories are being refuted and both theories are essentially false that's why it's called a theory you're laughably hilarious. Give me theories that have no possible way of being proven false and then I may believe you as it is there are a lot of arguments about evolution and Big Bang even within your realm of athiestic scientists. And you're saying that the existence of God is not well explained ? The bible encompasses more than a thousand years of history. You're a moron if you think that they wrote the bible for no reason they were called upon by the Holy Spirit to write the bible lal of the writers were. The bible is evidence that god existed.

Edited by pathentic, 21 July 2010 - 11:09 PM.

#865 neopedi2

  • 37 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:05 PM

ya that's called your extremities getting tired from squeezing an imaginary beach ball for 2-4 minutes at an incredibly tiring rate of 3 squeezes per second...

Not that you probably care but just in case you confused anybody, you are not supposed to strain or flex or squeeze your hand muscles. when you are tense the energy does not flow. it clearly states you must be relaxed.

You basically move your hands very lightly in and out like you are creating an energy ball in your palms from the cartoons.. You could try to throw it at a friend and see if they feel the spirals of energy.

and BTW, its kind of pointless to argue about god on the internet as you guys are doing... simply state your interpretation on life and accept others.. however crazy it may sound...

Here is a movie... Its a bit long but its enjoyable and very educational

the name of the movie is "what the bleep do we know" can be viewed online for free ----> http://www.moviesfou..._do_we_know.php

It shows you how every thought/idea affects reality and how quantum physics is changing the way we look at everyday life..


#866 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:11 PM

LMFAO you just sounded like you gave up in the argument ..."God does exist you can't prove he doesn't exist so he does exist"...really? that's you're reasoning? I can't prove he doesn't exist so he does? and i CAN explain how the world was created and how we were created, it's called the big bang and evolution!do you know how much work darwin did to back up his theory of evolution? it's not perfect but it's well thought out and explained, as well as backed up by facts and evidence... where is this same work on the other side, trying to prove god does exist? NO WHERE!

You're really contradicting yourself. Look at the history of the bible the historians that weren't even part of the bible that claim that the same people that are written about in the bible did exist. And there is no proof that the Big Bang existed a theory can be disproved and evolution can be disproved. Both theories are being refuted and both theories are essentially false that's why it's called a theory you're laughably hilarious. Give me theories that have no possible way of being proven false and then I may believe you as it is there are a lot of arguments about evolution and Big Bang even within your realm of athiestic scientists.

LMFAO you just sounded like you gave up in the argument ..."God does exist you can't prove he doesn't exist so he does exist"...really? that's you're reasoning? I can't prove he doesn't exist so he does? and i CAN explain how the world was created and how we were created, it's called the big bang and evolution!do you know how much work darwin did to back up his theory of evolution? it's not perfect but it's well thought out and explained, as well as backed up by facts and evidence... where is this same work on the other side, trying to prove god does exist? NO WHERE!

You're really contradicting yourself. Look at the history of the bible the historians that weren't even part of the bible that claim that the same people that are written about in the bible did exist. And there is no proof that the Big Bang existed a theory can be disproved and evolution can be disproved. Both theories are being refuted and both theories are essentially false that's why it's called a theory you're laughably hilarious. Give me theories that have no possible way of being proven false and then I may believe you as it is there are a lot of arguments about evolution and Big Bang even within your realm of athiestic scientists.

#867 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:11 PM

You're really contradicting yourself. Look at the history of the bible the historians that weren't even part of the bible that claim that the same people that are written about in the bible did exist. And there is no proof that the Big Bang existed a theory can be disproved and evolution can be disproved. Both theories are being refuted and both theories are essentially false that's why it's called a theory you're laughably hilarious. Give me theories that have no possible way of being proven false and then I may believe you as it is there are a lot of arguments about evolution and Big Bang even within your realm of athiestic scientists. And you're saying that the existence of God is not well explained ? The bible encompasses more than a thousand years of history. You're a moron if you think that they wrote the bible for no reason they were called upon by the Holy Spirit to write the bible lal of the writers were. The bible is evidence that god existed.

how am i contradicting myself? :S just because the people talked about in the bible are real doesn't mean that the stories written within are accurate. i can't seriolusly believe that you blindly accept the fact that a man that may or may not have lived over 2000 years ago actually multiplied a bunch of fish and bread and turned water into wine and healed blind people.

there is no proof that the big bang occured? are you crazy? do you even know anything about the big bang? and how many times must it be explained to you, a scientific theory does not refer to an idea, it is not a theory in the way that you describe it:

Theory is speculative explanation, as opposed to practice or "just doing"
Scientific theory, a principle or body of principles for explaining a class of phenomena

i am not a moron, and the only person here that's laughably hilarious is you...well and that neopedi2 dude, that guy's on crack...all the bible is is evidence that for thousands of years, people like you, puppets to the psychotic members of the church, have existed and that no matter how much humanity evolves, we will never get rid of you.

#868 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:12 PM

LMFAO you just sounded like you gave up in the argument ..."God does exist you can't prove he doesn't exist so he does exist"...really? that's you're reasoning? I can't prove he doesn't exist so he does? and i CAN explain how the world was created and how we were created, it's called the big bang and evolution!do you know how much work darwin did to back up his theory of evolution? it's not perfect but it's well thought out and explained, as well as backed up by facts and evidence... where is this same work on the other side, trying to prove god does exist? NO WHERE!

You're really contradicting yourself. Look at the history of the bible the historians that weren't even part of the bible that claim that the same people that are written about in the bible did exist. And there is no proof that the Big Bang existed a theory can be disproved and evolution can be disproved. Both theories are being refuted and both theories are essentially false that's why it's called a theory you're laughably hilarious. Give me theories that have no possible way of being proven false and then I may believe you as it is there are a lot of arguments about evolution and Big Bang even within your realm of athiestic scientists.

#869 Jiraiya

  • 521 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:16 PM

You're really contradicting yourself. Look at the history of the bible the historians that weren't even part of the bible that claim that the same people that are written about in the bible did exist. And there is no proof that the Big Bang existed a theory can be disproved and evolution can be disproved. Both theories are being refuted and both theories are essentially false that's why it's called a theory you're laughably hilarious. Give me theories that have no possible way of being proven false and then I may believe you as it is there are a lot of arguments about evolution and Big Bang even within your realm of athiestic scientists.

Why do you have to post the same message multiple times?

#870 tb20

  • 68 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:16 PM

Oh boy looks like I've missed quite a bit in the recent pages xD

#871 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:18 PM

how am i contradicting myself? :S just because the people talked about in the bible are real doesn't mean that the stories written within are accurate. i can't seriolusly believe that you blindly accept the fact that a man that may or may not have lived over 2000 years ago actually multiplied a bunch of fish and bread and turned water into wine and healed blind people.

there is no proof that the big bang occured? are you crazy? do you even know anything about the big bang? and how many times must it be explained to you, a scientific theory does not refer to an idea, it is not a theory in the way that you describe it:

Theory is speculative explanation, as opposed to practice or "just doing"
Scientific theory, a principle or body of principles for explaining a class of phenomena

i am not a moron, and the only person here that's laughably hilarious is you...well and that neopedi2 dude, that guy's on crack...all the bible is is evidence that for thousands of years, people like you, puppets to the psychotic members of the church, have existed and that no matter how much humanity evolves, we will never get rid of you.

err . . . lagged on the other 3 posts and submitted it 3x O.O. Anyways those theories are continously being refuted against there are flaws in those theories. So yes those theories are not completely foolproof hence you have no proof those theories have occurred or are occuring. You're hilarious for thinking that the church is psychotic it is not It teaches God's message you're laughably hilarious for saying you're a Catholic and not realizing that. Guess what Jesus did multiply bread and fish and turned water into wine and healed blind people. Jesus is God's son and he had the power to perform miracles.

Why do you have to post the same message multiple times?

I'm sorry haha my proxy keeps messing up . . . kept pressing submit . . .

#872 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:34 PM

err . . . lagged on the other 3 posts and submitted it 3x O.O. Anyways those theories are continously being refuted against there are flaws in those theories. So yes those theories are not completely foolproof hence you have no proof those theories have occurred or are occuring. You're hilarious for thinking that the church is psychotic it is not It teaches God's message you're laughably hilarious for saying you're a Catholic and not realizing that. Guess what Jesus did multiply bread and fish and turned water into wine and healed blind people. Jesus is God's son and he had the power to perform miracles.

I'm sorry haha my proxy keeps messing up . . . kept pressing submit . . .

at least there's scientific evidence backing all these theories up , all you have backing up your bible theories are the spoken word of people who died thousands of years ago (that is if they existed) ... so if 1000 people told you that i am the son of satan and i have killed many innocent children by simply staring into their eyes, and written a book about my life, you would blindly believe it? like jesus, you do not know me, you do not know who i am, what i look like, what i can and can't do. yet you believe the spoken word of other people who, once again, you have never met, and have no more validity than i do.

your logic baffles me... im going to bed its 3:33 am... Oooo scary, it's a sign if you know what im talking about ;)

#873 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 July 2010 - 11:42 PM

at least there's scientific evidence backing all these theories up , all you have backing up your bible theories are the spoken word of people who died thousands of years ago (that is if they existed) ... so if 1000 people told you that i am the son of satan and i have killed many innocent children by simply staring into their eyes, and written a book about my life, you would blindly believe it? like jesus, you do not know me, you do not know who i am, what i look like, what i can and can't do. yet you believe the spoken word of other people who, once again, you have never met, and have no more validity than i do.

your logic baffles me... im going to bed its 3:33 am... Oooo scary, it's a sign if you know what im talking about ;)

It is not just the spoken word of people who died thousands of years ago. It is the word of God. Your logic truly baffles me. Scientific evidence may as well be called evidence until people prove that it is wrong people are proving that Darwin's theory of evolution and the Big Bang have flaws the bible does not have flaws it is just people like you who are influenced by evil that say that god does not exist and try to find ways to believe that God does not exist.

Edited by pathentic, 21 July 2010 - 11:44 PM.

#874 outsidedream86

  • 457 posts

Posted 22 July 2010 - 12:11 AM

I'm sorry, what are the flaws of the Big Bang theory and evolution? Please be specific.

#875 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 22 July 2010 - 12:20 AM

I'm sorry, what are the flaws of the Big Bang theory and evolution? Please be specific.

Here's a link that may help you =) http://lmgtfy.com/

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