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Do you believe in god?

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#901 Volition

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Posted 23 July 2010 - 10:41 AM

well isn't one of your weirdo scientific theories if there is no evidence that something doesn't exist then it means it exists? There is no evidence that proves god does not exist so yes he does exist. And it is the word of god because the apostle Paul wrote all scriptures are inspired by god in II timothy 3:16 Paul's word is good enough for me.

So uh, where can i find/meet this paul? There is no evidence that proves paul exists, so no he does not exist :)
...unless you can find his bones and carbon date them.

And if you answer that i would be able to find paul in "heaven" I would then promptly ask, "So uh, where can i find/meet this heaven? There is no evidence that proves heaven exists, so no it does not exist :)"

#902 Lychee

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Posted 23 July 2010 - 10:51 AM

Your vibrant, intelligent aura, has now rubbed off on those douchbags. Have fun at the club, party people.

So, I'm improving these people? Surely that should be a good thing?

Same goes for hanging around intelligent, lively, funny people.. Energy is contagious. Thought follows energy. Get where im going?

By your logic, I'm guessing you don't hang around rational, logical people very much.

#903 pabs123

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Posted 23 July 2010 - 11:15 AM

By your logic, I'm guessing you don't hang around rational, logical people very much.

im guessing he doesn't hang much around people in general....

#904 neopedi2

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 01:42 AM

So, I'm improving these people? Surely that should be a good thing?

By your logic, I'm guessing you don't hang around rational, logical people very much.

Sacrifice your life force at your own will.

All your words indicate you still have much to learn. Don't be afraid to grow. I socialize with doctors, nurses, hypnotists, massage therapists, and energy guru's. I socialize with non human life forms.

Get rid of the ego. (woman degradation/masculinity, racism, secrets, fear) Free yourself from the ego. Let yourself just be one with the whole. We are all one.

Yes you are essentially "raising others vibrations" by spreading your "intelligent aura" by dancing near weak individuals but is that spending your energy wisely?

(every movement and every thought you create changes the world and affects others in some form) (yea thats a lot of negativity in the world huh)

But that is where all young adults and kids come in.... our energy is much more pure, more intense, our intentions and will power can create miracles when joined together.
Even though we are the minority (not for long)we still stand strong, changing the world with every thought and action we take and will succeed to make this planet a safe place for all beings.

Instead, you could be helping friends, family or even strangers in need... I have many times. Enjoy the simple things in life, don't let the darkness take over (negative energy) and be loving no matter what.

Over time, you will see that you have an over abundance of this energy at your disposal to use for moral purposes and you can manifest your reality faster and more efficiently. You become a co-creator.

You don't have to believe in god either, you just have to accept the fact that there is an "unknown", and you can access this unknown with your mind.

HEY BTW, did anybody else hear about this? ....proof we are all one race... the theory is that one of the parents holds a ancient gene that rarely ever comes up. HERE IS YOUR GOD PEOPLE... lolz jk

Nigerian Couple Give Birth to Blue-Eyed Blonde Hair Baby


Edited by neopedi2, 24 July 2010 - 01:43 AM.

#905 Sweeney

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 02:21 AM

What you are providing isn't teaching, it's preaching. And preaching bullshit, at that.

Provide evidence for your assertions, or accept that you can't and move on.

#906 neopedi2

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 03:00 AM

Reality is an illusion. There is no space or time. There is no me or you. All points are one. We are all one. Everything is connected. Infinite parallel universes, infinite dimensions.

Wake up.

Edited by neopedi2, 24 July 2010 - 03:01 AM.

#907 Jake

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 04:16 AM

Oh wow @ the activity in this thread.

Also lol @ pathentic's complete ignorance. Nothing less expected from a church go-er, acts the same as my religious grandmother and uncle, crazy wing bats.

#908 Elle

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 04:26 AM


#909 Faval

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 05:01 AM

Reality is an illusion. There is no space or time. There is no me or you. All points are one. We are all one. Everything is connected. Infinite parallel universes, infinite dimensions.

Wake up.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, then again I don't even know if you really exist or if you're just a fabrication of what I believe to be my senses.

#910 Sweeney

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 08:07 AM

Reality is an illusion. There is no space or time. There is no me or you. All points are one. We are all one. Everything is connected. Infinite parallel universes, infinite dimensions.

Wake up.

Congratulations on perpetuating an irrelevancy.

Even if that were true, reality behaves as if it isn't, which in turn means that it doesn't matter.

#911 pabs123

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 01:55 PM

Reality is an illusion. There is no space or time. There is no me or you. All points are one. We are all one. Everything is connected. Infinite parallel universes, infinite dimensions.

Wake up.

if so, then who gives a shit what we think? leave us in our ignorant state oh enlightened one

#912 Lychee

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 02:25 PM

Get rid of the ego. (woman degradation/masculinity, racism, secrets, fear) Free yourself from the ego. Let yourself just be one with the whole. We are all one.

Oh. Is it okay to degrade men, or is it only women who need this special protection? I'm afraid I'm not really that masculine, so I don't know how to fix my masculinity. I'm mildly offended you insinuate that I'm racist, but I shall generously assume that you're just bad with words. Also, having some secrets and being afraid of some things is a smart thing to do.

Instead, you could be helping friends, family or even strangers in need... I have many times. Enjoy the simple things in life, don't let the darkness take over (negative energy) and be loving no matter what.

Over time, you will see that you have an over abundance of this energy at your disposal to use for moral purposes and you can manifest your reality faster and more efficiently. You become a co-creator.

You don't have to believe in god either, you just have to accept the fact that there is an "unknown", and you can access this unknown with your mind.

Holy shit. Guess what? I help others and it isn't for some new age bullcrap.

I am ignoring the rest because it is really, really dumb.

#913 neopedi2

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 02:40 PM

Congratulations on perpetuating an irrelevancy.

Even if that were true, reality behaves as if it isn't, which in turn means that it doesn't matter.

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What does matter to you?

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Edited by neopedi2, 24 July 2010 - 02:43 PM.

#914 pabs123

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 02:48 PM

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What does matter to you?

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okay this thread just keeps getting more and more ridiculous... how long did your little presentation here take, cuz that's time you're not getting back. OH WAIT time doesn't exist so what does it matter :sarcasm:

Edited by pabs123, 24 July 2010 - 02:48 PM.

#915 Lychee

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 02:50 PM

What the hell? Are you trying to get banned? More importantly, why is that girl's crotch talking?

#916 Sweeney

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 03:20 PM

What does matter to you?

All of it, if reality is really reality.

According to you, though, it's all an illusion, and doesn't matter at all.

Who's the real asshole?

#917 neopedi2

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 03:44 PM

if so, then who gives a shit what we think? leave us in our ignorant state oh enlightened one

if what you think/manifest affects others... why would we not give a shit what you think? I expect that most people on earth want a positive future for themselves/children/friends

We are equals, feel the energy of life. Close your eyes and feel your heart beat. What keeps the heart going? Its your energy, its what circulates your blood.
This energy extends about 10 feet in all directions around your human torso, when you are healthy and at your peak.

Your thoughts and feelings become this energy around you. Your energy interacts/mixes with anybody you come in contact with(mental or physical).

Sorry if I sound like I'm preaching, I only mean to awaken anyone to the bigger picture. Not trying to break any forum rules..

Edited by neopedi2, 24 July 2010 - 03:46 PM.

#918 Lychee

  • 633 posts

Posted 24 July 2010 - 04:12 PM

if what you think/manifest affects others... why would we not give a shit what you think?

Bold mine. Why are you referring to yourself in the plural?

#919 Sweeney

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 05:02 PM

if what you think/manifest affects others... why would we not give a shit what you think? I expect that most people on earth want a positive future for themselves/children/friends

We are equals, feel the energy of life. Close your eyes and feel your heart beat. What keeps the heart going? Its your energy, its what circulates your blood.
This energy extends about 10 feet in all directions around your human torso, when you are healthy and at your peak.

Your thoughts and feelings become this energy around you. Your energy interacts/mixes with anybody you come in contact with(mental or physical).

Sorry if I sound like I'm preaching, I only mean to awaken anyone to the bigger picture. Not trying to break any forum rules..

Evidence. There is none.

#920 pabs123

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 05:17 PM

Bold mine. Why are you referring to yourself in the plural?

lol that's actually a little scary :S "we want to enlighten you neocodex *maniacal laugh*'...

but for real just drop the aura and energy stuff unless you prove it or at least show some legit evidence supporting it...either that or you just continue to waste our time

#921 neopedi2

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 10:19 PM

Bold mine. Why are you referring to yourself in the plural?

I am not alone, I know many people are behind me and care about others thoughts/actions. Chances are you have met or maybe even are a person that puts others before themselves(just a really nice person)
We influence others in everyday life and give back more than we take. I have already done and achieved exactly what I set myself to do.. which is just present you all the idea of this energy (plant the seed). You will do with it what you will.

My teachers have told me that some people have to be forced to change. Most will usually wake up on their own.. The truth will set you free.

It sometimes depends if you were brought up as a child in a loving family, or if you were abused and now all you do is abuse others(fear) .

I can't enlighten anybody that will refuse to be enlightened. Listen to all the signs that life gives you. Nothing is coincidence.

I hope you don't just dismiss this video as actors.. wake up people

Push hands is when you use your energy and hands to basically push people or anything off you without physically touching them.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FofBEedm80o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af1RGVaBQYc

I saw a random comment on the second videos page...

"Chi is real, we are energy beings, everything is made of energy. Our emotions have energy too think about how you feel as the intensity of your anger starts to rise. Its an energy that most can keep under some control. Some however can not and they do crazy things while angry because of a surge of emotions/energy. We are energy, through meditation you can learn to manipulate it. Using your inner energy is great for healing. Energy is infinite. Its the elite that try to make us feel powerless. "

These are the others i speak of.

Here is some proof from others... Check out the second guys channel.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7ht1VXVg5s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3tsqj9GCAM


Edited by neopedi2, 24 July 2010 - 11:05 PM.

#922 Sweeney

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 11:43 PM

"Pushing" others is pure psychology. The other person expects to be pushed, and so, they feel a push.

I'd be impressed if a "Chi master" could push someone who wasn't anticipating it.

#923 neopedi2

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 12:33 AM

"Pushing" others is pure psychology. The other person expects to be pushed, and so, they feel a push.

I'd be impressed if a "Chi master" could push someone who wasn't anticipating it.

That is true. Legit energy practitioners will never force their energy onto somebody unless they have to. Like you said, it depends on that persons mental state. If the practitioner is unusually gifted or just has really strong mental power, there is a chance he could over power and effect somebody.

In a case with two regular aware people, neither could manipulate each other unless permitted.

Keep in mind also that when many people join their intentions together,they can move/accomplish anything.

But like you stated... It works much more easier when both people are expecting it or accepting it to happen. I'm glad we are finally making connections here.

Edited by neopedi2, 25 July 2010 - 12:38 AM.

#924 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 12:51 AM

So uh, where can i find/meet this paul? There is no evidence that proves paul exists, so no he does not exist :)
...unless you can find his bones and carbon date them.

And if you answer that i would be able to find paul in "heaven" I would then promptly ask, "So uh, where can i find/meet this heaven? There is no evidence that proves heaven exists, so no it does not exist :)"

There are historical accounts that prove Paul existed at one time. And since there is no proof that he doesn't exist then he exists. Since there is no evidence that heaven does not exist it exists.

Oh wow @ the activity in this thread.

Also lol @ pathentic's complete ignorance. Nothing less expected from a church go-er, acts the same as my religious grandmother and uncle, crazy wing bats.

Psalm 14:1-3 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."

Edited by pathentic, 25 July 2010 - 12:55 AM.

#925 jcrdude

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 01:01 AM

There are historical accounts that prove Paul existed at one time. And since there is no proof that he doesn't exist then he exists. Since there is no evidence that heaven does not exist it exists.

How do you propose we disprove a person's existence?

And yes "the heavens" exist. That's where we keep our stars, silly.

Now if you want to talk about the Heaven where all the angels go, then we have another matter on our hands. Disproving Heaven would be the same as disproving God; there is no proof either way, so believing in it is a leap of faith.

And if this went over your head... Since there is no evidence the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist, it exists.

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