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Do you believe in god?

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#926 emerkeng

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 01:40 AM

How do you propose we disprove a person's existence?

And yes "the heavens" exist. That's where we keep our stars, silly.

Now if you want to talk about the Heaven where all the angels go, then we have another matter on our hands. Disproving Heaven would be the same as disproving God; there is no proof either way, so believing in it is a leap of faith.

And if this went over your head... Since there is no evidence the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist, it exists.

I believe you :thumbsup:. Earlier, today my family and I went out to eat and a waiter was going towards our table with a plate of spaghetti it was a monster plate of spaghetti and she trips and the monster plate of spaghetti flys into the air=flying spaghetti monster =).

Well that's my joke of the day =). Anyways since you can't prove heaven doesn't exist it exists and I believe it exists due to study of the bible. However, I understand many people consider it a leap of faith to believe in things that they themselves can't see but I believe I do see God working miracles everyday so for me it really isn't a leap of faith as much as it is just a part of my lifestyle.

#927 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 01:41 AM

That is true. Legit energy practitioners will never force their energy onto somebody unless they have to. Like you said, it depends on that persons mental state. If the practitioner is unusually gifted or just has really strong mental power, there is a chance he could over power and effect somebody.

In a case with two regular aware people, neither could manipulate each other unless permitted.

Keep in mind also that when many people join their intentions together,they can move/accomplish anything.

But like you stated... It works much more easier when both people are expecting it or accepting it to happen. I'm glad we are finally making connections here.

It's a trick. It's not real.
Can't you read what you write?!

#928 emerkeng

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 01:51 AM

It's a trick. It's not real.
Can't you read what you write?!

Why do you have a problem with his beliefs he has a right to believe what he wants you know O_o

Edited by pathentic, 25 July 2010 - 01:52 AM.

#929 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 01:53 AM

Why do you have a problem with his beliefs ? ? ? It can be real you know O_o

No, it can't.
I have a problem with people telling me that I'm wrong when I'm not. Especially when they do it sanctimoniously, and with no evidence.

Why do you have a problem with his beliefs he has a right to believe what he wants you know O_o

He does. What does that have to do with a debate?
Just because they're his beliefs, doesn't mean I have to sit here and listen to someone spout pious bullshit at me.

Also, your pathological edits are most irritating.

#930 emerkeng

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:11 AM

No, it can't.
I have a problem with people telling me that I'm wrong when I'm not. Especially when they do it sanctimoniously, and with no evidence.

He does. What does that have to do with a debate?
Just because they're his beliefs, doesn't mean I have to sit here and listen to someone spout pious bullshit at me.

Also, your pathological edits are most irritating.

Err . . . usually I type things wrong the first time and have to revise it . . . so just look at the revised form which is more accurate of my question that the first one or look at the 2nd answer in which I display more information than the unedited version. Also people may believe you're wrong and that they're right don't look at science and consider it to be the only thing there are many things in the world that not even science can answer.

Edited by pathentic, 25 July 2010 - 02:16 AM.

#931 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:21 AM

Err . . . usually I type things wrong the first time and have to revise it . . . so just look at the revised form which is more accurate of my question that the first one or look at the 2nd answer in which I display more information than the unedited version.

Why not look over your post before you actually post it? That's what someone with more than half a brain would do.

Also people may believe you're wrong and that they're right don't look at science and consider it to be the only thing there are many things in the world that not even science can answer.

Like what?

#932 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:23 AM

Why not look over your post before you actually post it? That's what someone with more than half a brain would do.

There you go being all cynical again like you always are . . . ever thought that I may be multitasking? Like for example right now I' m watching a movie responding to you and doing some research on nutrition and also on the other thread saying that I'm not even Ivy level O_o. You know how easy it is to get into an Brown University right? 4.0+ GPA, leader of a club, community service, other extracurricular activities, and a 2300-2400 SAT isn't hard if you study hard and have the motivation to do well ;). Anyways just be more tolerant of people you consider idiots even though you consider me one I don't really care since you don't really know me ;)

#933 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:27 AM

There you go being all cynical again like you always are . . . ever thought that I may be multitasking? Like for example right now I' m watching a movie responding to you and doing some research on nutrition and also on the other thread saying that I'm not even Ivy level O_o. You know how easy it is to get into an Brown University right? 4.0+ GPA, leader of a club, community service, other extracurricular activities, and a 2300-2400 SAT isn't hard if you study hard and have the motivation to do well ;). Anyways just be more tolerant of people you consider idiots even though you consider me one I don't really care since you don't really know me ;)

If you can't cope with all your activities competently, you're not multitasking, you're failing.

#934 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:29 AM

Why not look over your post before you actually post it? That's what someone with more than half a brain would do.

Like what?

Things like the placebo effect and dreaming for starters science does not explain.

If you can't cope with all your activities competently, you're not multitasking, you're failing.

immature insult/joke much?

#935 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:35 AM

Things like the placebo effect and dreaming for starters science does not explain.

I'll grant you that science does not fully understand the placebo effect, but that's a long way from saying that science cannot explain it.
Dreams aren't unexplained, though. They've been relatively well understood for around fifty years.

immature insult/joke much?

I wasn't joking. What you said was similar to me claiming I can juggle when I drop the batons every ten seconds.

#936 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:46 AM

I'll grant you that science does not fully understand the placebo effect, but that's a long way from saying that science cannot explain it.
Dreams aren't unexplained, though. They've been relatively well understood for around fifty years.

If you're talking about the Freudian theory of dreams many scientists these days don't stand by that position anymore and are still looking for the explanation of why we dream

I'll grant you that science does not fully understand the placebo effect, but that's a long way from saying that science cannot explain it.
Dreams aren't unexplained, though. They've been relatively well understood for around fifty years.

I wasn't joking. What you said was similar to me claiming I can juggle when I drop the batons every ten seconds.

Err when you're juggling ten seconds is pretty good O_o that's how long I juggle 4-5 tennis balls for O_o but I get your point <_<

#937 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:47 AM

If you're talking about the Freudian theory of dreams many scientists these days don't stand by that position anymore and are still looking for the explanation of why we dream

No, I'm not talking about Freud O_o

You still haven't given me an example of something that science cannot explain.

Err when you're juggling ten seconds is pretty good O_o that's how long I juggle 4-5 tennis balls for O_o but I get your point <_<

Then I would say you can't juggle, either ;)

#938 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 02:53 AM

No, I'm not talking about Freud O_o

You still haven't given me an example of something that science cannot explain.

Then I would say you can't juggle, either ;)

Actually science can't explain the placebo effect so I did give you an example until scientists commit to more than just hypothetical guesses for the placebo effect then science cannot explain it. However, not sure if these can be explained or not just found it interesting when I saw it online looking for things that are currently unexplainable which means science cannot explain it, note: if science has not already explained it it currently can not explain it. ;)
1. DARK MATTER of an unknown form makes up most of the matter of the universe. This matter is not predicted by the standard physics models. The so-called "Theory of Everything" does not predict and does not understand what this substance is.

2. THE LAW OF GRAVITY appears to be seriously broken. Experiments by Saxl and Allais found that Foucault pendulums veer off in strange directions during solar eclipses. Interplanetary NASA satellites are showing persistent errors in trajectory. Neither of these is explained or predicted by the standard theory of gravity known as Einstein's General Relativity.

3. COLD FUSION. The Cold Fusion phenomenon violates physics as we understand it, and yet it has been duplicated in various forms in over 500 laboratories around the world. Recent studies by the Electric Power Research Institute, a large non-profit research organization funded by the nation's power companies, found that Cold Fusion works. A recent Navy study also verified the reality of Cold Fusion, and the original MIT study which supposedly disproved Cold Fusion has been found to have doctored its data. Present day physics has no explanation for how it works, but it does work.

4. CHARGE CLUSTERS. Under certain conditions, billions of electrons can "stick together" in close proximity, despite the law of electromagnetism that like charges repel. Charge clusters are small, one millionth of a meter in diameter, and are composed of tens or hundreds of billions of electrons. They should fly apart at enormous speed, but they do not. This indicates that our laws of electromagnetism are missing something important.

5. COSMOLOGY. Quasars, which are supposed to be the most distant astronomical objects in the sky, are often found connected to nearby galaxies by jets of gas. This suggests that they may not be as far away as previously thought, and their red shifts are due to some other, more unusual physics which is not yet fully understood.

6. SPEED OF LIGHT, once thought unbreakable, has been exceeded in several recent experiments. Our notion of what is possible in terms of propagation speed has been changing as a result. Certain phenomena, such as solar disturbances on the sun which take more than eight minutes to be visible on the earth, are registered instantaneously on the acupuncture points of instrumented subjects. Acupuncture points apparently respond to solar events by some other force which travels through space at a much higher speed than light.

This covers just a few of the more glaring anomalies in the "hard sciences." Evidence has also accumulated in the laboratory that many paranormal effects are real, and can be verified and studied scientifically. Among these are the following:

7. ESP. Large-scale experiments by the Princeton PEAR Lab as well as other laboratories have proven that ESP is a real, statistically verifiable scientific phenomenon. Thousands of experiments have been conducted with dozens of subjects, which demonstrate that this form of communication is real, and that it does not weaken measurably with distance. This makes it unlike any known physical force.

8. PSYCHOKINESIS, OR MIND OVER MATTER. The ability to exert psychic force over objects at a distance has also been demonstrated in large-scale experiments. Even over distances of thousands of miles, the behavior of certain machines, called REGs for Random Event Generators, have been altered by the intention, or the psychic force of a distant person. The odds that these effects are real, and not due to chance, is now measured in billions to one. In other words, this phenomenon is real.

9. REMOTE VIEWING. The American military conducted a secret remote viewing program for almost two decades. It was supported because it worked, and evidence of its success has now become public. The remote viewers have demonstrated that it is possible to view "targets" which are remote in space and time. In many cases details which were unavailable any other way were acquired by the viewers. Rigorous statistical experiments have confirmed that remote viewing has accuracy far above chance, and represents a real phenomenon which defies present science.

10. TIME AND PROPHECY. One unusual aspect of ESP, Remote Viewing and Psychokinesis is that "time" doesn't seem to matter. One can exert an influence or acquire information in the past and in the future, almost as easily as in the present. In conventional physics, the order of events is very important, but in the realm of psychic phenomena there seems to be a flexibility to move in time that defies current physics.

11. OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE. Experiments have been performed which show that, during some out-of-body experiences, the "astral body" or center of consciousness of the individual can be detected at remote locations. When individuals go "out of body" and focus their consciousness at another location, physical disturbances have been measured at that remote location. These include anomalous light, electrical, magnetic and other physical forces which indicate the "astral body" sometimes has physically measurable properties.

12. GHOSTS. Modern scientific ghost hunters use magnetic, electrical, optical and thermal sensors when they survey supposedly haunted sites. In hundreds of cases, technically trained researchers have found measurable physical anomalies when ghosts are said to be present. Although some people have claimed to see ghosts, and many have reported anomalous cold spots and described a strange chill on their skin, modern ghost hunters have shown that unusual magnetic fields and strong voltages also occur in these same haunted locations. Unusual orbs have been photographed at the same time that magnetic and electrical disturbances are measured. None of these can be explained by conventional science.

. Eh when I only have to juggle 3 balls I could do it for a minute so I guess I can juggle? Also tell me then who you are talking about? Even so scientists are still baffled at how when we dream environmental factors influence us more than stored information inside the brain which was supposedly Freud's theory?

Edited by pathentic, 25 July 2010 - 02:55 AM.

#939 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:02 AM

You're not getting the difference between "hasn't explained" and "can't explain".
Also, over half that list is paranoid lies ;)

Dark matter is a theoretical construct that is not well understood. It's not "inexplicable".
Gravity is well understood. I don't know enough about the effect of eclipses to discuss it, although I have heard of the phenomenon. Either way, the incompleteness of a theory doesn't make it flat-out wrong.
Cold fusion has -never- been repeated, and probably never happened in the first place.
I'd like to see more information about charge clusters, and this phasar linking. I've never heard of either of them.
The speed of light has never been exceeded.
7-12 are just plain crap :p

#940 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:12 AM

You're not getting the difference between "hasn't explained" and "can't explain".
Also, over half that list is paranoid lies ;)

Dark matter is a theoretical construct that is not well understood. It's not "inexplicable".
Gravity is well understood. I don't know enough about the effect of eclipses to discuss it, although I have heard of the phenomenon. Either way, the incompleteness of a theory doesn't make it flat-out wrong.
Cold fusion has -never- been repeated, and probably never happened in the first place.
I'd like to see more information about charge clusters, and this phasar linking. I've never heard of either of them.
The speed of light has never been exceeded.
7-12 are just plain crap :p

To me hasn't explained is the same as can't explain right now due to technical difficulties so yes I am getting the difference between the two just my opinion on it differs from yours. Dark matter is not understood which means it currently can not be explained. A flaw in a theory such as the eclipse phenomenon does however, make it partially wrong and scientists can not explain it. There are reports that say Cold Fusion has occurred and even though it may not have been repeated does not rule out the fact that there were reports that it did occur and that scientists can not explain why it did not happen. Actually, German scientists of the last 3 years have reported exceeding the speed of light. However, you're lucky in that Einstein's theory was that nothing with mass can exceed the speed of light. Also ESP does exist I don't know about the others but ESP does exist.

You're not getting the difference that science has not explained it which means it at the moment can not be explained and maybe just maybe will be unable to explained so no you're not getting the difference if it can't be explained it can't be explained right now. Your belief that science will solve everything is just a big a leap of faith as me believing in God in this case.

P.S. Which is why it is a good idea to be tolerant of other people's beliefs.

Edited by pathentic, 25 July 2010 - 03:19 AM.

#941 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:26 AM

To me hasn't explained is the same as can't explain right now due to technical difficulties so yes I am getting the difference between the two just my opinion on it differs from yours. Dark matter is not understood which means it currently can not be explained. A flaw in a theory such as the eclipse phenomenon does however, make it partially wrong and scientists can not explain it. There are reports that say Cold Fusion has occurred and even though it may not have been repeated does not rule out the fact that there were reports that it did occur and that scientists can not explain why it did not happen. Actually, German scientists of the last 3 years have reported exceeding the speed of light. However, you're lucky in that Einstein's theory was that nothing with mass can exceed the speed of light. Also ESP does exist I don't know about the others but ESP does exist.

You're not getting the difference that science has not explained it which means it at the moment can not be explained and maybe just maybe will be unable to explained so no you're not getting the difference if it can't be explained it can't be explained right now.

You said there are things that science cannot explain, and yet you haven't given any valid examples. There are only things that science hasn't explained.
On the other hand, mysticism and religion have never explained anything at all.

Having done a bit of research, the jury is out on whether the eclipse effect actually exists. Luckily scientists are researching it.
Pretending you have all the answers is far worse than admitting ignorance.

Scientists can explain why Cold Fusion cannot happen. Scientists can't explain why cold fusion did happen, and it's never been repeated. That means it probably didn't ever happen, and that the reports were falsified.

Provide references for your speed of light claim. And I'm talking scientific papers, not "Spiritology Weekly eZine". Same for your ESP claim, please. All well executed studies on ESP show absolutely no significant deviation from chance results.

P.S. Which is why it is a good idea to be tolerant of other people's beliefs.

That was a nice little addendum. Particularly irrelevant, since you've made no valid points at all, so far.

#942 artificial

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:27 AM

I chuckled at number twelve. My mother used to watch those scientific ghost shows repeatedly, to the point where I couldn't even be in the same room while an episode was airing. The 'science' they use is crude and unfounded. The 'experts' are either unqualified or practice new-age science with no solid foundation. And lastly, as with most shows on TV, their primary role is to entertain and, they attract large audiences because of it.

I can tell you now, if there were solid scientific proof of an afterlife, you would have the most intelligent minds in the world exploring it.

Sweeney was spot on. What irks me most of all is when individuals seek comfort in religion due to an inability to explain unknown phenomena. For one who preaches open-mindedness, are you really that insecure in your own existence, that you're willing to close your mind to the possibility that you may be wrong? Or does such a thought terrify you?

You can spurt as much evidence as you want, but when it comes down to it all you have is faith and, what you're going to find is that most intelligent people aren't going to base their core beliefs on a book and religious infrastructure that is so obviously flawed. You preach enlightenment, but the scary truth is you are so closed-minded that you are drawing meaning and links from scenarios that just aren't there. Not for a second in this topic have I seen you concede the possibility that you may be wrong; rather, you attempt to bridge almost every piece of conflicting evidence to your pre-existing belief system.

#943 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:30 AM

I believe it's all down to people who would rather have a comfortable lie, than an awkward truth.

Or, occasionally, people who would rather believe they hold Absolute Truth, than simply the best answer we have so far.

These are the differences between religious foundations and rationalist foundations.

#944 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:37 AM

You said there are things that science cannot explain, and yet you haven't given any valid examples. There are only things that science hasn't explained.
On the other hand, mysticism and religion have never explained anything at all.

Having done a bit of research, the jury is out on whether the eclipse effect actually exists. Luckily scientists are researching it.
Pretending you have all the answers is far worse than admitting ignorance.

Scientists can explain why Cold Fusion cannot happen. Scientists can't explain why cold fusion did happen, and it's never been repeated. That means it probably didn't ever happen, and that the reports were falsified.

Provide references for your speed of light claim. And I'm talking scientific papers, not "Spiritology Weekly eZine". Same for your ESP claim, please. All well executed studies on ESP show absolutely no significant deviation from chance results.

Hey hey hey what were we talking about were we talking about Christianity or Islam or New Age psycho? NO we were talking about science. And no science has not explained it but at the same time it cannot explain it at the moment and probably never will. Yes pretending You have all the answers is far worse than admitting ignorance since you believe you have all the answers but right now you're trying to make the distinction of hasn't been explained and can't explain when earlier you believed science can and will explain everything well it hasn't explained any of this. Cold Fusion is also named Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
LENR, the acronym for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions is the label commonly used by serious science to describe the phenomena that experiments express for many researchers. LENR started life with the discovery that started in 1989 by Martin Fleishmann and Stanley Pons, becoming a global scientific sensation known as cold fusion, only to blow apart in the conception stages.

But some very tough, smart and persistent scientists more interested in the physics than the notoriety stayed in the hunt for understanding and reproducing, or some might say finally proving with solid evidence, that nuclear reactions can occur at low temperatures.

Rife with problems, one being an extreme difficulty in using conventional electronic instruments to detect the small number of neutrons produced in the process, research has gone on. Most research has proceeded with little support often with the personal funds of the scientists. Getting any attention at all has been a struggle and the blow back from the 1989 event often brought along bias, preconceived concepts and just bad blood.

Then Monday researchers reported compelling new scientific evidence for the existence of low-energy nuclear reactions at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Salt Lake City.

The American Chemical Society’s 237th National Meeting has 30 papers on the topic that will be presented during a four-day symposium, “New Energy Technology,” March 22-25, in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the first description of cold fusion. The American Chemical Society is a leading scientific organization, which suggests strongly that cold fusion has come back in to respectability with a smarter descriptive title, LENR.

I am to say the least, greatly relieved to see science overcome the old emotions and get on with the research into the facts.

Pamela Mosier-Boss, Ph.D., analytical chemist at the U.S. Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego is one of a group describing what they term as the first clear visual evidence that LENR devices can produce neutrons, subatomic particles that scientists view as tell-tale signs that nuclear reactions are occurring. Ms Mosier-Boss says, “Our finding is very significant, to our knowledge, this is the first scientific report of the production of highly energetic neutrons from an LENR device.”

In the new study, Mosier-Boss and colleagues inserted an electrode composed of nickel or gold wire into a solution of palladium chloride mixed with deuterium or “heavy water” in a process called co-deposition. A single atom of deuterium contains one neutron and one proton in its nucleus.

Posted ImageNeutron Tracks In CR-39. Click image for more information.

Researchers passed electric current through the solution, causing a reaction within seconds. The scientists then used a special plastic, CR-39, to capture and track any high-energy particles that may have been emitted during reactions, including any neutrons emitted during the fusion of deuterium atoms.

At the end of the experiment, they examined the plastic with a microscope and discovered patterns of “triple tracks,” tiny-clusters of three adjacent pits that appear to split apart from a single point. The researchers say that the track marks were made by subatomic particles released when neutrons smashed into the plastic. Importantly, Mosier-Boss and colleagues believe that the neutrons originated in nuclear reactions, perhaps from the combining or fusing deuterium nuclei.

“People have always asked ‘Where’s the neutrons?’” Mosier-Boss says. “If you have fusion going on, then you have to have neutrons. We now have evidence that there are neutrons present in these LENR reactions.”

With that the team is able to cite other evidence for nuclear reactions including X-rays, tritium (another form of hydrogen), and excess heat. The Mosier-Boss team continuing to explore the phenomenon to get a better understanding of exactly how LENR works, which is key to being able to control it for practical purposes. Ms Mosier-Boss points out that the field currently gets very little funding and, despite its promise, researchers can’t predict when, or if, LENR may emerge from the lab with practical applications.

Other noteworthy presentations come from:

  • Steve Krivit, editor of New Energy Times and author of “The Rebirth of Cold Fusion,” presented an overview of the field of low energy nuclear reactions, formerly known as “cold fusion” on Sunday March 22. A leading authority on the topic, Krivit will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and implications of this controversial subject, including its brief history.
  • Tadahiko Mizuno, Ph.D., of Hokkaido University in Japan, reported Monday the production of excess heat generation and gamma ray emissions from an unconventional LENR device that uses phenanthrene, a type of hydrocarbon, as a reactant. He is the author of the book “Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion.”
  • Antonella De Ninno, Ph.D., a scientist with New Technologies Energy and Environment in Italy, will describe evidence supporting the existence of low energy nuclear reactions today, Tuesday, March 24. She conducted lab experiments demonstrating the simultaneous production of both excess heat and helium gas, tell-tale evidence supporting the nuclear nature of LENR. She also shows that scientists can control the phenomenon.
Now before you blast me, keep in mind these presentations are given to The American Chemical Society, a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. At more than 154,000 members, the ACS is the world’s largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. It’s fair to expect that a great deal of peer thought has gone into the meeting, its contents and the credibility of the presenters.

Its good news – LENR or cold fusion if you must, has a potential for limitless and clean energy production. We’ll never know or get the benefits unless the research presses on from theoretical experimentation to lab demonstrations that are repeatable to prototypes and scaling. It’s a long way to go. But the starting line seems to be back on the map with an exciting race to watch!

We have broken speed of light'
By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent
Published: 12:01AM BST 16 Aug 2007

A pair of German physicists claim to have broken the speed of light - an achievement that would undermine our entire understanding of space and time.

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel an object at more than 186,000 miles per second.

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However, Dr Gunter Nimtz and Dr Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of Koblenz, say they may have breached a key tenet of that theory.

The pair say they have conducted an experiment in which microwave photons - energetic packets of light - travelled "instantaneously" between a pair of prisms that had been moved up to 3ft apart.

Being able to travel faster than the speed of light would lead to a wide variety of bizarre consequences.

For instance, an astronaut moving faster than it would theoretically arrive at a destination before leaving.

The scientists were investigating a phenomenon called quantum tunnelling, which allows sub-atomic particles to break apparently unbreakable laws.

I'm scared of ESP so I am not going to look up online about it. The reason I am scared of it is that me and my brother have a psychic connection which I can't explain but we know everything the other one's thinking. So I guess this doesn't count as proof since it's personal experience but whatever.

Dr Nimtz told New Scientist magazine: "For the time being, this is the only violation of special relativity that I know of."

Edited by pathentic, 25 July 2010 - 03:39 AM.

#945 Sweeney

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 04:29 AM

I can't read that, it's a mess. Just link me to the papers.

Since you're so obstinate, I did the same googling you did.
Except I actually read the relevant papers and documentation.

Before I start, though, I would add that neither I, nor "science", claim to hold absolute answers. Simply that we have the best answers currently possible, according to rational thought and logical process.

On to cold fusion.
The Mosier-Boss experiment is hotly disputed, namely concerning the possibility that both the neutrons and excess heat were generated from a non-fusion reaction.
Further, that American Chemical Society symposium was an open invitation event, and not intended to imply a softening of skepticism, according to the official statement.

The quantum tunnelling experiment is likewise controversial.
According to many researchers, including Nimtz himself, the tunnelling effect percieved can potentially be accurately predicted by Maxwell's equations. I don't claim to understand quantum physics; I don't think anyone can truly make that claim.
Least of all you.
Using examples you do not understand is unwise.

Why are you scared of looking up information on ESP? I believe it's because you're afraid that you won't find the evidence you've convinced yourself exists.
Of course, it could also be because you're a paranoid lunatic, but there we are.
What is your brother thinking right now?

#946 Lychee

  • 633 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 05:35 AM

Well that's my joke of the day =). Anyways since you can't prove heaven doesn't exist it exists and I believe it exists due to study of the bible. However, I understand many people consider it a leap of faith to believe in things that they themselves can't see but I believe I do see God working miracles everyday so for me it really isn't a leap of faith as much as it is just a part of my lifestyle.

I've being studying the Necronomicon and I now believe that Cthulhu exists. Since your religion can't prove that he doesn't, he must exist. By your logic, I don't need any evidence - I just need to wave Lovecraft books in the air.

There you go being all cynical again like you always are . . . ever thought that I may be multitasking? Like for example right now I' m watching a movie responding to you and doing some research on nutrition and also on the other thread saying that I'm not even Ivy level O_o. You know how easy it is to get into an Brown University right? 4.0+ GPA, leader of a club, community service, other extracurricular activities, and a 2300-2400 SAT isn't hard if you study hard and have the motivation to do well ;). Anyways just be more tolerant of people you consider idiots even though you consider me one I don't really care since you don't really know me ;)

Your grammar begs to differ.

To me hasn't explained is the same as can't explain right now due to technical difficulties so yes I am getting the difference between the two just my opinion on it differs from yours.

That's rich, considering that your religion has had centuries to provide conclusive evidence of its beliefs - and has failed to do so.

#947 david santiago

david santiago
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Posted 25 July 2010 - 06:49 AM


#948 Puppetmaster

  • 905 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 09:43 AM

12. GHOSTS. Modern scientific ghost hunters use magnetic, electrical, optical and thermal sensors when they survey supposedly haunted sites. In hundreds of cases, technically trained researchers have found measurable physical anomalies when ghosts are said to be present. Although some people have claimed to see ghosts, and many have reported anomalous cold spots and described a strange chill on their skin, modern ghost hunters have shown that unusual magnetic fields and strong voltages also occur in these same haunted locations. Unusual orbs have been photographed at the same time that magnetic and electrical disturbances are measured. None of these can be explained by conventional science.

Scientific ghost hunters? Like this?


#949 Volition

  • 701 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 10:12 AM

Actually science can't explain the placebo effect so I did give you an example until scientists commit to more than just hypothetical guesses for the placebo effect then science cannot explain it. However, not sure if these can be explained or not just found it interesting when I saw it online looking for things that are currently unexplainable which means science cannot explain it, note: if science has not already explained it it currently can not explain it. ;)
1. DARK MATTER of an unknown form makes up most of the matter of the universe. This matter is not predicted by the standard physics models. The so-called "Theory of Everything" does not predict and does not understand what this substance is.

2. THE LAW OF GRAVITY appears to be seriously broken. Experiments by Saxl and Allais found that Foucault pendulums veer off in strange directions during solar eclipses. Interplanetary NASA satellites are showing persistent errors in trajectory. Neither of these is explained or predicted by the standard theory of gravity known as Einstein's General Relativity.

3. COLD FUSION. The Cold Fusion phenomenon violates physics as we understand it, and yet it has been duplicated in various forms in over 500 laboratories around the world. Recent studies by the Electric Power Research Institute, a large non-profit research organization funded by the nation's power companies, found that Cold Fusion works. A recent Navy study also verified the reality of Cold Fusion, and the original MIT study which supposedly disproved Cold Fusion has been found to have doctored its data. Present day physics has no explanation for how it works, but it does work.

4. CHARGE CLUSTERS. Under certain conditions, billions of electrons can "stick together" in close proximity, despite the law of electromagnetism that like charges repel. Charge clusters are small, one millionth of a meter in diameter, and are composed of tens or hundreds of billions of electrons. They should fly apart at enormous speed, but they do not. This indicates that our laws of electromagnetism are missing something important.

5. COSMOLOGY. Quasars, which are supposed to be the most distant astronomical objects in the sky, are often found connected to nearby galaxies by jets of gas. This suggests that they may not be as far away as previously thought, and their red shifts are due to some other, more unusual physics which is not yet fully understood.

6. SPEED OF LIGHT, once thought unbreakable, has been exceeded in several recent experiments. Our notion of what is possible in terms of propagation speed has been changing as a result. Certain phenomena, such as solar disturbances on the sun which take more than eight minutes to be visible on the earth, are registered instantaneously on the acupuncture points of instrumented subjects. Acupuncture points apparently respond to solar events by some other force which travels through space at a much higher speed than light.

This covers just a few of the more glaring anomalies in the "hard sciences." Evidence has also accumulated in the laboratory that many paranormal effects are real, and can be verified and studied scientifically. Among these are the following:

7. ESP. Large-scale experiments by the Princeton PEAR Lab as well as other laboratories have proven that ESP is a real, statistically verifiable scientific phenomenon. Thousands of experiments have been conducted with dozens of subjects, which demonstrate that this form of communication is real, and that it does not weaken measurably with distance. This makes it unlike any known physical force.

8. PSYCHOKINESIS, OR MIND OVER MATTER. The ability to exert psychic force over objects at a distance has also been demonstrated in large-scale experiments. Even over distances of thousands of miles, the behavior of certain machines, called REGs for Random Event Generators, have been altered by the intention, or the psychic force of a distant person. The odds that these effects are real, and not due to chance, is now measured in billions to one. In other words, this phenomenon is real.

9. REMOTE VIEWING. The American military conducted a secret remote viewing program for almost two decades. It was supported because it worked, and evidence of its success has now become public. The remote viewers have demonstrated that it is possible to view "targets" which are remote in space and time. In many cases details which were unavailable any other way were acquired by the viewers. Rigorous statistical experiments have confirmed that remote viewing has accuracy far above chance, and represents a real phenomenon which defies present science.

10. TIME AND PROPHECY. One unusual aspect of ESP, Remote Viewing and Psychokinesis is that "time" doesn't seem to matter. One can exert an influence or acquire information in the past and in the future, almost as easily as in the present. In conventional physics, the order of events is very important, but in the realm of psychic phenomena there seems to be a flexibility to move in time that defies current physics.

11. OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE. Experiments have been performed which show that, during some out-of-body experiences, the "astral body" or center of consciousness of the individual can be detected at remote locations. When individuals go "out of body" and focus their consciousness at another location, physical disturbances have been measured at that remote location. These include anomalous light, electrical, magnetic and other physical forces which indicate the "astral body" sometimes has physically measurable properties.

12. GHOSTS. Modern scientific ghost hunters use magnetic, electrical, optical and thermal sensors when they survey supposedly haunted sites. In hundreds of cases, technically trained researchers have found measurable physical anomalies when ghosts are said to be present. Although some people have claimed to see ghosts, and many have reported anomalous cold spots and described a strange chill on their skin, modern ghost hunters have shown that unusual magnetic fields and strong voltages also occur in these same haunted locations. Unusual orbs have been photographed at the same time that magnetic and electrical disturbances are measured. None of these can be explained by conventional science.

. Eh when I only have to juggle 3 balls I could do it for a minute so I guess I can juggle? Also tell me then who you are talking about? Even so scientists are still baffled at how when we dream environmental factors influence us more than stored information inside the brain which was supposedly Freud's theory?

1. Does God have a theory for what dark matter is?
2. Does God have an explanation for the Allais Effect?
3. Show me a scientific journal that says cold fusion has been duplicated.
4. Define close proximity
5. Show me proof that this has been done.
6. They've 'supposedly' sped up light waves.
7-12. pseudosciences are bullshit, you might as well put alchemy here too.

Edited by SilentErektion, 25 July 2010 - 10:13 AM.

#950 pabs123

  • 498 posts

Posted 25 July 2010 - 11:20 AM

im not going to re-quote the long list cuz it'll waste space, but let me simple ask you this. remake the list and show me god's explanation for each one WITH evidence from your beloved book so we can compare logical explanations against yours

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