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Do you believe in god?

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#1101 Finale

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:17 AM

So, I guess you gave up on our "little discussion"?
Things not going the way you expected?

Hey I like your answers ^_^ I gotta go for now. we will continue this little argument soon. Till then take care.

As for the muslim population growth: Here is something for you to check out. LoL not to sweeney
The other guy.


Edited by Finale, 12 August 2010 - 06:18 AM.

#1102 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:19 AM

Say that to the 7-10 year olds that are memorizing in the entire Holy Quran in Arabic. Say that to the Muslims that read the entire Holy Quran in one sitting. And anything you want is possible. You could go to every culture and ask and learn more about their beliefs. That is better then, quoting some random website in an attempt to find an error in the belief of Islam. There are no contradictions , so you attack the meaning. Hahhaha sorry to burst your bubble, but the meaning of things in the arabic (poetic) language are precise.

As for If i have read those books. I have read the bible, and am looking into the Torah. In Islam, it is essential to believe in the books of the past (Bible, Torah, Psalms,...etc). So I'm guessing you haven't read any of them?

I'm talking about reading books that hold a belief that is different than yours and then you go on a rant about how successful some children have been indoctrinated and back to condescension. You might want to practice some humility

thanks to ignorant individuals like you who make choices to occupy and invade territories in the name of democracy.

What is this I don't even? Why make that assumption? You're just stereotyping me. I'm sure had I said "thanks to ignorant individuals like you who go around blowing themselves and destroying civilization in the name of Islam" I'd be accused of racism.

Also @ the dude above me, sharing a belief doesn't magically validate it. If everyone started believing the world was flat would it be any flatter?

#1103 Sweeney

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:22 AM

Hey I like your answers ^_^ I gotta go for now. we will continue this little argument soon. Till then take care.

Funny how that always seems to happen.

#1104 Miked924

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:24 AM

i cant seem to believe in god anymore when i learn of all the science that can disprove what is taught in the bible

#1105 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:25 AM

As for the muslim population growth: Here is something for you to check out. LoL not to sweeney
The other guy.



Growth rate*: 1.84 percent

Adherents: 1.3 billion

Behind the trend: High birthrates in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe

So higher birth rates and immigration = higher growth in Islam, no mention of more people 'finding the correct path'. It's not usually a good idea to make a statement and then cite a source which contradicts it.

#1106 Jake

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:42 AM

I have seen brains with my own eyes, birds, frogs etc. In regards to human brains I have seen videos and pictures. I do know indeed my brain is inside my head because a) I have seen an xray (that is indeed evidence) and b) No brain = DEAD.

If I see tornadoes and dust storms, I'm basically seeing wind right there.

I see the planet earth every day ;)

The difference between your almighty creator and these mentioned cases is that NO ONE sober or sane has seen Him and there are no photos, videos or xrays that show Him. Only beliefs.

I don't know where you get this from? I never try to use a god in my daily life and I wouldn't dare portray myself as a god. If I was a god my almighty righteousness would be so amazing my head would explode and my brain would fly out. I am grateful for some things, like my house, education, job etc. things that people I have seen have done for me or I have done myself. I do indeed lead my own life and so should everyone else, it is their right, not a privilege. Also not everything is a coincidence.

I have a question for you believers.

We do not know if the universe is finite or infinite, hypothetically lets assume it is finite. You think God created the universe, and you portray Him (also lolz that it is Him and not It) as the creator of everything and most certainly your religious texts. Now even if the universe is finite, a diameter of 80 billion light years (read about that, that is our known limit of size so far, or at least something close to that) and let's say we have 1000 galaxies although I can assume the number is much greater than that. Unless if you are completely ignorant you can probably also assume there is life in many of those galaxies as well, perhaps greater in technology and different in species, perhaps not, perhaps there is a galaxy akin to ours... regardless the odds of their not being intelligent life out there is slim to none. If Allah loves his children etc. are you aware then that he basically oversees each entire gallaxy, planet, species? Like shit man this guy is the boss if he can look over and forgive sinners at a rate of 5000 animal dying:every 30 seconds (let's say).

Surely if Allah is the creator all of those other intelligent species that surely exist will except him as their God as well. No?

#1107 luvsmyncis

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:45 AM

At the end of the day all you have is a flawed outlook on life with a superiority complex no evidence and the ability to ignore paradox after paradox

But you've just described most religious people right there.
There is no use arguing for the belief in God with non-believers. People who don't believe, typically don't because there is no solid, convincing evidence. People who DO believe, do so without evidence. I'm pretty good at bullshiting, but even if I did believe in God, I couldn't come in here and tell you why without being hammered by the science geeks for proof, but at least I'd be man enough to admit that evidence of God that will satisfy a skeptic just doesn't exist. Even with the Bible, and the Koran and all this holy literature. Even if I got into an accident and saw the light and Jesus came and told me it wasn't my time yet and then I get a whole dramatized segment for my story on the 700 club. Even if the Virgin Mary burned her image on to my tortilla. Those things are enough for the believers, and at the same time will NEVER be enough for the non-believers.

So higher birth rates and immigration = higher growth in Islam, no mention of more people 'finding the correct path'. It's not usually a good idea to make a statement and then cite a source which contradicts it.

So basically they're fucking more than the Christians? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

#1108 Sweeney

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:48 AM

So basically they're fucking more than the Christians? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

Muslim courts punish the victims of rape instead of the perpetrators.
So, they're probably all rape babies.

#1109 SmokingKush

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:51 AM

No I don't. The whole theist argument is based around god being "FIRST!" like those idiots you see shitting up topics on most forums. Like those people who say god put evolution in action. That's such a retarded idea. The whole point of evolution is that a system starts simple and becomes complex as time passes, you can't just say a supreme complex being was the starting point. It's irrational and nonsense.

It seems religious people cling to the idea that a possibility(even the most remote possibilities) of x being true makes x a valid stance. It's impossible to win against religious people though all they do is backtrack, but soon enough, there won't be any place left to hide.

Edited by SmokingKush, 12 August 2010 - 06:54 AM.

#1110 luvsmyncis

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 07:07 AM


So, they're probably all rape babies.

*imagines and the first thing to come to mind is...*

Posted Image

#1111 Trichomes

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 07:49 AM

I am certainly not about to read 45 pages of debate, but to answer the original question without really getting into it: no. However, I have a hard time considering myself an atheist because I do want to hold onto my hope that there is an afterlife, even though I have doubts.

#1112 manon

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 01:19 PM

but i think there is more
but its not god

#1113 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:24 PM

Muslim courts punish the victims of rape instead of the perpetrators.
So, they're probably all rape babies.

I'll say something to the first sentence.
There isn't a muslim country today practicing real Shariah.

Second sentence I wont say because wtf. LOL

And stop talking in bold!!!

#1114 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:27 PM

And stop talking in bold!!!

The bold thing was a bug seemingly caused somehow by TigerWoods' post (all text below his post is bold, including the usernames in the Currently Viewing thread list).

#1115 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:38 PM

O >_<

Also in PM with finale a good point: why don't I say anything.
Way I think: Who cares, inform them (indirectly or directly or dont) if they go to jannah good for them and if not I dont give a crap, I'm worried about getting myself to jannah. Also who's to say a non-muslim can't go to jannah. He can be a good person still. Kind to the poor, respectful, etc etc. Many muslims will go to jannah but many will not because of stuff they do. (ie: the courts mentioned by joe)
Its time to stop the negative connotation from both sides and be happy! Just give factual answers and keep the emotion heavy words in the replies to less then a minimum!

My thoughts on the debate by these two: An AWEOMSE job!
Our job is just to inform people(and that too is not really a job, you don't have to). They have informed so much. Already I have got a PM saying "I dont like how these guys say bible is not true anymore, I am going to research the roots of the bible and find out myself". Which is amazing, he'll research it, and he'll find out what there is to find out.

Our religion is not something we can prove to anyone else. It's something a person has to prove to themselves. How? Asking questions and debating is one way, which they are doing, which is why I keep telling them to keep it up. Just give an answer but don't feel bad or hurt about it. It's their life why care.

So yeah I don't really care, let them say whatever, they've been informed, your job is done. They think it was unsuccessful, let them no big deal, they have been informed.

So in summary: Tiger and finale you have done a good job. A lot of information is out there and you are getting real bogus replies (ie: the baby comment, and them thinking muslim courts of today are shariah). You can't debate against someone who doesn't know what they are talking about.

A REMINDER: Do you believe in god? Maybe just say yes no. Lets not convince others who's religion is right.

LASTLY: LETS ALL BE FRIENDS!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

#1116 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:50 PM

A REMINDER: Do you believe in god? Maybe just say yes no. Lets not convince others who's religion is right.

This is the General Debate section, not the Give a one-syllable response to avoid hurting the feelings of others section. ;)

#1117 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:52 PM

Oh shoot good point. Ok well then no convincing on who's religion/belief is right. But sure debate existence of god.

#1118 luvsmyncis

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:01 PM

Oh shoot good point. Ok well then no convincing on who's religion is right. 

Are you sure? You don't want to try being Catholic for a while? *sings* We have Jesus wafers...

#1119 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:04 PM


#1120 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:05 PM

Hahah sure punk I would go to church with you. I've been to a 7th day Adventist church with a person. Was fun, singing and dancing.

Also have to add as a message to everyone: No bashing of other religions or beliefs.

#1121 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:06 PM

Also have to add as a message to everyone: No bashing of other religions or beliefs.

What about Scientology?

#1122 Noitidart

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:11 PM

Lol of course.

#1123 luvsmyncis

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:13 PM

Hahah sure punk I would go to church with you. I've been to a 7th day Adventist church with a person. Was fun, singing and dancing.
Also have to add as a message to everyone: No bashing of other religions or beliefs.

Oh. I said Catholic church. There is no fun or dancing there. You usually just sit and listen to the priest tell you why you suck, chant the Lord's Prayer like emotionless robots, are forced to shake hands with dirty strangers and tell them "Peace Be With You", and then you have to eat the body of Christ after you touched hands with dirty people. On the plus side, the church I've been to has beautiful stained glass windows of Christ suffering.

(Scratched out to avoid offense to Catholic peoples.)  :hypocrite:

LMAO Scientology.

#1124 Waser Lave

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:14 PM

Oh. I said Catholic church. There is no fun or dancing there. You usually just sit and listen to the priest tell you why you suck, chant the Lord's Prayer like emotionless robots, are forced to shake hands with dirty strangers and tell them "Peace Be With You", and then you have to eat the body of Christ after you touched hands with dirty people. On the plus side, the church I've been to has beautiful stained glass windows of Christ suffering.

(Scratched out to avoid offense to Catholic peoples.)  :hypocrite:

LMAO Scientology.

That's not offensive...you didn't even mention the paedophile priests.

#1125 Jake

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:20 PM

Noit you can talk neutral when you are clearly picking a 'side' with Tigerwoods and Finale. What I got out of your post is that a) non-believers are mis informed and b) we are harping them and poking fun at their religion.

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