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Do you believe in god?

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#1151 redlion

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 12:44 PM

What's the difference in you and the moon? Or you and me? Aren't we all simply variations of basic atomic material? (protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.) when you look at everything in it's absolute most basic state, we are all made of the same thing. Everything on earth is. Therefore, I am of the belief that "god" or really as a better description, Brahman, is simply energy/matter. Therefore, You are god to me. I am god. The earth is god. The bees are god. We are all variations of the same basic particles. Instead of looking for the differences and dividing us by differences, I aim to look for similarities.

This. Belief system really does hold true to most of the common themes underlying within most religions. Do unto others as you would have done to you essentially. Don't harm others. Blahblahblah. But when you see every one and everything as a "manifestation" of god... You treat everything as you would god... Including yourself!

Sure, its given that we're all made of the same thing. Us, the moon, the earth, the animals and plants, even the atomic bomb is made of matter. The difference between humans and all of the other things made of matter is that we're capable of rational action. The animal bites off his own leg to escape a trap; humans wait until they can save the leg. Intelligence is the difference between us and animals. It's the similarity shared by the vast majority of humans.

This is why the buddha believed humans were the only life that could reach nirvana. How could an animal, incapable of holding itself back, ever reach a cessation of suffering? But I digress.

As to your definition of God/Brahman as energy/matter, thats cool. I mean I believe the same thing, sort of. In this instance, God doesn't have a single consciousness. Like, we couldn't point to God (in any dimension) and know what he's thinking. However, God does have an infinite consciousness, because he encompasses all the intelligent beings capable of consciousness in the infinite universe. It's nicely circular by definition.

I'm too philosophical to really like God. I mean "God". I think He's the concept of ∞, just put into words. It really sucks that I could never believe in a god, considering how fascinating mythologies and pantheons are to me. It's why I'm so nerdy. I love games that involve religions, magic, and gods. They're great plot devices too.

#1152 MsRose

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 12:51 PM

Tl; DR

Personally, I try not to shit on other people's beliefs as long as they don't impose on me.

#1153 redlion

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 01:16 PM

Tl; DR

Personally, I try not to shit on other people's beliefs as long as they don't impose on me.

Cop out. The only way your beliefs are justified is if you believe other people should have them too.

#1154 MsRose

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 04:25 PM

Cop out. The only way your beliefs are justified is if you believe other people should have them too.

I have my beliefs because of my experiences and general disposition. I don't need to make someone explain their god so that I can go "HA! Look there's a flaw here and here and here." nor do I feel validated if they say "oh I guess your right..." because well, I know I'm right. About most things anyways. Maybe you're just insecure and therefore need to shove your views on others? I don't know. That's your issue, not mine. I've never asked someone if they believed in god just so that I can prove them wrong then feel accomplished that my superior factual knowledge proved their beliefs wrong. It's honestly a bit childish.

Obviously there are a lot of flaws and loopholes in any religion, but why should I care? As long as their views aren't harmful to me or anyone else, I could give a rat's ass. Let someone pray to God. They find comfort in it, and who am I to shit on their parade.

#1155 Jake

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 08:39 PM

Well... I think we are all good people from birth. However, through years of poor upbringing and/or a perversive society a lot of people lose sight of what is inherently "good" or "right". It is through this "spiritual" awakening that I had come to realize that I must treat everyone and everything (including myself! My how I didn't do that for a VERY long time...) with care and respect. Devote love into everything I see and touch. Etc. Yes, on a basic level, I think we all know to do this. However, the absence of it being taught or, more accurately, practiced has, IMO, caused most of us to lose sight of this.

I.E. I know MANY people who will justify stealing from a corporation but not from a person. That because the company has so much more money... It's okay for them to steal some. While I think we all should know theft is wrong... It's the culture/upbringing that can lead people to justify things like that in their minds.

Also... I'd like to give a shout-out to LSD. It has truly changed my life. :p (would have said "I thank god for it's creation"... But how cliche is that? :p)

Good from birth? It is all just one large perception. You mention treating people with care and respect, but your version of good can mean something completely different to someone else. We are all just germs in this universe, I don't really waste time with spirituality and the liking because it's all make-belief to me. Just whenever I think could possibly exist outside of our universe I fucking trip the fuck out. It's also hard tripping out imagining what it would be like to just simply cease to exist. FUCK.

#1156 redlion

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 01:35 AM

I have my beliefs because of my experiences and general disposition. I don't need to make someone explain their god so that I can go "HA! Look there's a flaw here and here and here." nor do I feel validated if they say "oh I guess your right..." because well, I know I'm right. About most things anyways. Maybe you're just insecure and therefore need to shove your views on others? I don't know. That's your issue, not mine. I've never asked someone if they believed in god just so that I can prove them wrong then feel accomplished that my superior factual knowledge proved their beliefs wrong. It's honestly a bit childish.

Obviously there are a lot of flaws and loopholes in any religion, but why should I care? As long as their views aren't harmful to me or anyone else, I could give a rat's ass. Let someone pray to God. They find comfort in it, and who am I to shit on their parade.

Welcome to the debate section. There is no comfort here besides knowing you're right. Why did you even post here? To establish your opinion in the public record? That's cool I guess, but if you don't back it up, someone will challenge it. And it's your responsibility (in this small section of this small bulletin board) to challenge other people's beliefs, especially, but not always, when they're wrong. In some cases I don't even argue against stupid people. I try to make people who casually believe true things really understand why the should believe it. What the reasoning is.

And as an aside, don't make it personal. Calling me insecure and childish won't change anything, least of all my disposition towards argument. I'm an educated man, and although the setting may distract you from seriousness, this section is anything but a joke.

Actually, I was going to stop there, but I feel compelled to drive the point home. Do you believe anything that you know to be false? I mean, is the Earth round? Is it 25,000 years old? Did humans and dinosaurs ever coexist? Maybe you know the answer to the first question to be yes. Maybe to you, all three questions are answered yes. From your standpoint, it shouldn't matter to the rest of us that you're an idiot that thinks Jesus rode a dinosaur. But it does matter, because you believing something wrong increases the chances that other people will believe something wrong. This breeds ignorance. It's not shoving my opinion on someone else, it's teaching. The socratic method, to be specific.

Forgive me for calling you an idiot in that example, but if you're a young earth creationist, I really can't redeem you.

@Cody, I'll be back after some sleep to tackle your comments.

#1157 MsRose

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 04:21 PM

You're misinterpreting what I said.

Debate is a good thing. However,

I don't think it's right to laugh at someone's faith or tell them "that's wrong", unless their religion involves lynching people or something else perverse. Everyone knows the flaws in religion. I'm sure people are aware that the bible was written by a bunch of different dudes a really long time ago. They obviously don't care. Besides that, who cares if they believe in god? I mean, why does it matter? Does it effect you in any way shape or form? I read the first page of this debate and the first question was something along the lines of "do you believe in god" and the third post said

LOL I know where you stand. But there are alot of new people on the forums since the last debate on this topic. I'd like to see where they stand so I can show them that faith in god is a myth.

It's just rude. The faithful have become the minority (at least among our age group) and it's not right to constantly make them explain to us "Yes but WHY do you have faith". This isn't really a debate anyways. The question is set to "do you believe in god?" that's not even a debatable topic. If it was "Does god exist?" It would be a lot less hostile and rude.

Actually, I was going to stop there, but I feel compelled to drive the point home. Do you believe anything that you know to be false? I mean, is the Earth round? Is it 25,000 years old? Did humans and dinosaurs ever coexist? Maybe you know the answer to the first question to be yes. Maybe to you, all three questions are answered yes. From your standpoint, it shouldn't matter to the rest of us that you're an idiot that thinks Jesus rode a dinosaur. But it does matter, because you believing something wrong increases the chances that other people will believe something wrong. This breeds ignorance. It's not shoving my opinion on someone else, it's teaching. The socratic method, to be specific.

I base my beliefs off science and what's relevant to my morals. I have come to my conclusions to the best of my abilities. As science changes so will my knowledge and opinions about the world. I obviously don't think the world is flat and even if I did I highly doubt anyone would be "OMG SHE'S RIGHT!" because we have science to tell us otherwise. If you believe that everyone's mind so so shape-able by what anyone says then we would have this lovely debate in the first place :D What I meant by "I know I'm right" is that I know I'm right in comparison to someone like you. You have all of the same resources as I do and the only difference between what conclusion you draw and what I draw would be our morals. Therefore you're opinion, to me, is invalid. Unless you are a scientist that has some new evidence or something equally intriguing.

Besides that, you aren't "teaching" anyone. I'm all for debate but gtfo on that one.

#1158 redlion

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 12:32 AM

You're misinterpreting what I said.

Debate is a good thing. However,

I don't think it's right to laugh at someone's faith or tell them "that's wrong", unless their religion involves lynching people or something else perverse. Everyone knows the flaws in religion. I'm sure people are aware that the bible was written by a bunch of different dudes a really long time ago. They obviously don't care. Besides that, who cares if they believe in god? I mean, why does it matter? Does it effect you in any way shape or form? I read the first page of this debate and the first question was something along the lines of "do you believe in god" and the third post said

It's just rude. The faithful have become the minority (at least among our age group) and it's not right to constantly make them explain to us "Yes but WHY do you have faith". This isn't really a debate anyways. The question is set to "do you believe in god?" that's not even a debatable topic. If it was "Does god exist?" It would be a lot less hostile and rude.

Besides that, you aren't "teaching" anyone. I'm all for debate but gtfo on that one.

Okay, first, I agree with you that the grounds for this debate were mislaid. I think it was on page 46.

Second, I want to talk about this

I base my beliefs off science and what's relevant to my morals. I have come to my conclusions to the best of my abilities. As science changes so will my knowledge and opinions about the world. I obviously don't think the world is flat and even if I did I highly doubt anyone would be "OMG SHE'S RIGHT!" because we have science to tell us otherwise. If you believe that everyone's mind so so shape-able by what anyone says then we would have this lovely debate in the first place :D What I meant by "I know I'm right" is that I know I'm right in comparison to someone like you. You have all of the same resources as I do and the only difference between what conclusion you draw and what I draw would be our morals. Therefore you're opinion, to me, is invalid. Unless you are a scientist that has some new evidence or something equally intriguing.

The point of my example was to prove that everyone wants to be rational, and scientific. And guess what, you want that too. The problem is getting to science; to facts.

Science tells us a lot of things that people regularly ignore. Diet, mental health, sleep - all of these topics have been extensively researched, to the point that science knows exactly what the average human requires. My point is that people are quite irrational. We act irrationally all the time. For instance I know alcohol provides me with absolutely no nutrition, and actually dehydrates me as I drink it. Yet I still throw a few back with my friends after work. I'd even go so far as to say "most" people know these facts about liquor, but that doesn't stop anyone.

And how do you know you're right? Are you up to date on the latest scientific journals? You keep subscriptions to every medical journal published? No, you don't. We have different levels of access to the scientific community. For instance, I have access to a vast number of databases through my university that the average layman wouldn't have. Not that I use that access, but I'm proving a point. Most scientific advancement doesn't make the evening news - it doesn't become common knowledge for quite some time after it is first established as fact.

And who says my conclusion is based on morals? I could be completely amoral and still make a rational, logical conclusion. Hell, case in point: computers. My decision to believe something is and should be completely independent of my moral philosophy. It's called logic.

As far as teaching goes, you might have something to learn yourself. You aren't the only person to frequent this board. There are quite a few younger members who probably can't pronounce all the words in this topic. And even if there aren't, I'm still educating anyone who asks something of me. Don't be so quick to turn away from alternative avenues of learning. There's a Mark Twain quote that would be applicable here... if only my googles worked.

#1159 MsRose

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 01:30 AM

Okay, first, I agree with you that the grounds for this debate were mislaid. I think it was on page 46.

Second, I want to talk about this

The point of my example was to prove that everyone wants to be rational, and scientific. And guess what, you want that too. The problem is getting to science; to facts.

Science tells us a lot of things that people regularly ignore. Diet, mental health, sleep - all of these topics have been extensively researched, to the point that science knows exactly what the average human requires. My point is that people are quite irrational. We act irrationally all the time. For instance I know alcohol provides me with absolutely no nutrition, and actually dehydrates me as I drink it. Yet I still throw a few back with my friends after work. I'd even go so far as to say "most" people know these facts about liquor, but that doesn't stop anyone.

And how do you know you're right? Are you up to date on the latest scientific journals? You keep subscriptions to every medical journal published? No, you don't. We have different levels of access to the scientific community. For instance, I have access to a vast number of databases through my university that the average layman wouldn't have. Not that I use that access, but I'm proving a point. Most scientific advancement doesn't make the evening news - it doesn't become common knowledge for quite some time after it is first established as fact.

And who says my conclusion is based on morals? I could be completely amoral and still make a rational, logical conclusion. Hell, case in point: computers. My decision to believe something is and should be completely independent of my moral philosophy. It's called logic.

As far as teaching goes, you might have something to learn yourself. You aren't the only person to frequent this board. There are quite a few younger members who probably can't pronounce all the words in this topic. And even if there aren't, I'm still educating anyone who asks something of me. Don't be so quick to turn away from alternative avenues of learning. There's a Mark Twain quote that would be applicable here... if only my googles worked.

You're absolutely correct!

Also, we're a bit off topic I do believe my original post was

Tl; DR

Personally, I try not to shit on other people's beliefs as long as they don't impose on me.

Which I posted beeeeecause...

Debate is a good thing. However,

I don't think it's right to laugh at someone's faith or tell them "that's wrong", unless their religion involves lynching people or something else perverse. Everyone knows the flaws in religion. I'm sure people are aware that the bible was written by a bunch of different dudes a really long time ago. They obviously don't care. Besides that, who cares if they believe in god? I mean, why does it matter? Does it effect you in any way shape or form? I read the first page of this debate and the first question was something along the lines of "do you believe in god" and the third post said

It's just rude. The faithful have become the minority (at least among our age group) and it's not right to constantly make them explain to us "Yes but WHY do you have faith". This isn't really a debate anyways. The question is set to "do you believe in god?" that's not even a debatable topic. If it was "Does god exist?" It would be a lot less hostile and rude.

which you now agree...

Okay, first, I agree with you that the grounds for this debate were mislaid. I think it was on page 46.

Now you're going off on some "if you need help pronouncing your words" tangent. I do need help actually! How do you pronounce "go-fuck-yourself"? Thanks for being so helpful you educated man you. I would be so lost and naive without you ;)

Edited by MsRose, 26 August 2010 - 01:45 AM.

#1160 neopedi2

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 11:26 AM

This thread has its ups and downs but its come a long way, I agree with cody, god is infinite and everywhere, all points are one, we are all just energy, everything is different vibrations of energy in infinite dimensions, ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHTS,string theory, love conquers all, we are not the only intelligent lifeforms in this small stretch of space called the milky way galaxy, "society" is set up by the elite ultra-rich, more and more people are awakening to this reality every day, humankind will rise their vibration along with the earth. We all co-create our reality with god, we can make it what we want. This system of capitalism where money and power rules over all creatures of this earth, will crumble. I also agree with the just-be-a-good-person theory, if you can't handle spirituality or have noticed that when you are an negative person, negative events happen to you more often..and vice-versa.. karma.

Posted Image Posted Image

I believe other intelligent life made these. These intelligent life forms care about the earth and all its life, they are spiritual beings who believe in the same god we do. They took part in the creation of man.

Like others have said, newly found data by the "scientific community" won't be released or fully accepted by everyone for a long time; in this case, over 30 years. Millions of people around the world have witnessed this phenomena, but they don't need anybody to tell them they are crazy or stupid, unless they have come to that point where you just don't mind what others say because you know in your heart and mind what is true and or they just want to testify in a courtroom so others take them seriously. There is a bright future ahead of us, never give up hope, we will go through the worst before we get to the best. We are capable of magnificent things, it is only the current "masters" that are holding us back, all things change over time.
Posted Image

Edited by neopedi2, 26 August 2010 - 11:33 AM.

#1161 lowellite

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 12:26 PM

neopedi2, what are those shapes supposed to represent?

#1162 redlion

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 12:55 PM

which you now agree...

Wrong. Who's misinterpreting now? I was agreeing with this statement:

This isn't really a debate anyways. The question is set to "do you believe in god?" that's not even a debatable topic.

Because I said something similar here:

There are actually two kinds of atheist and two kinds of theist.

Those who believe they are right because of facts, and those who believe they are right because of faith.

You can't argue with faith. I mean you can, but it won't get you anywhere. Convincing a christian they aren't saved by faith alone is like convincing a dog not to sniff butt.

However, it is possible to argue/debate facts. Facts about the bible, facts of scientific history (young earth/old earth, etc) facts about religious leaders, facts about the influence of one religion on another, and so on.

Also, if it hasn't been said already, this thread has a horrible title. I mean it's strait forward enough, but it just doesn't provide grounds for debate.

Sorry if you thought I agreed with your entire post. I just agreed with the bit about the thread title.

So really, the entirety of this thread is off topic. Then again, if we had stayed on topic this wouldn't be in the debate section - it would have been in chitchat.

#1163 neopedi2

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 01:11 PM

neopedi2, what are those shapes supposed to represent?

A very intricate pattern that is pretty much impossible to be man-made overnight. Possibly intelligent beings from the stars trying to convey a message. It also represents sacred geometric patterns that appear in nature. To me personally, in simple terms, the circle of life, it represents that everything is connected, that we are all one and the same. There is no ego, we are all part of the whole, which is the source,infinity, god.

I quote http://www.cropcirclesecrets.org

The earliest known proprietors of sacred geometry were the Egyptians who embedded its secrets in the ground plans of their temples, their frescoes and, most blatantly, in the Gizeh pyramid which single-handedly contains most of the fundamental universal laws that many a tortured schoolchild now attributes to Pythagoras. Although these enlightened people used geometry for all manner of terrestrial applications- hence the word 'geo-metry' or 'measure of the earth'- the aim was metaphysical in nature.

Because sacred geometry reflected the universe, its pure forms and dynamic equilibriums shared a higher purpose: the attainment of spiritual wholeness through self-reflection, thereby giving structural insight into the workings of the inner self. In other words, a way for the intuitive mind to find a reason for its existence: by journeying inwards, away from the three-dimensional world and towards fewer and more comprehensive ideas and principles. As the renowned geometer Robert Lawlor observes, " the implicit goal of this education was to enable the mind to become a channel through which the 'earth' (the level of manifested form) could receive the abstract, cosmic life of the heavens. The practice of geometry was an approach to the way in which the universe is ordered and sustained. Geometric diagrams can be contemplated as still moments revealing a continuous, timeless, universal action generally hidden from our sensory perception. Thus a seemingly common mathematical activity can become a discipline for intellectual and spiritual insight."

Wake up!! All the early civilizations like egyptians/incan/maya's/aztecs/atlantis were visited by beings from the sky, the HUMANS even made symbols on the ground that can only be seen from above THAT ARE STILL THERE TODAY, the beings introduced them to advanced technologies, the "masters" don't want you to know this, they want you to think that they were savages with no spiritual aspect. As early as these times, there were those who wanted to control and power over society, the advanced technology was abused by egoistic humans and eventually led to their demise as a whole.

These humongous symbols are in the deserts of Peru and can only be viewed from an aerial view(wonder who was flying back then). If you are interested, google "nazca lines" to see a picture of the lines from above in the dirt for yourself. I won't post them individually because there are many.
Posted Image

Edited by neopedi2, 26 August 2010 - 01:18 PM.

#1164 Sweeney

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 02:21 PM

The nazca lines were probably drawn to communicate with gods.

Just because someone writes a message to something, doesn't mean the intended recipient actually exists.

#1165 MsRose

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 03:04 PM

You're absolutely correct!


#1166 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 06:34 PM

Well I think if we can all agree on one thing it's that Joe is probably a closet theist <3

#1167 MsRose

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 07:27 PM

Did you just quote yourself and tell yourself to stfu...? :p

lol, I have issues.

#1168 luvsmyncis

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Posted 27 August 2010 - 05:45 AM

lol, I have issues.

It's okay. Jesus still loves you. <3


#1169 neopedi2

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 09:16 AM

The nazca lines were probably drawn to communicate with gods.

Just because someone writes a message to something, doesn't mean the intended recipient actually exists.

So... basically both you and I don't exist... along with the rest of the forum :p In a sense, this is fact, since everything is all an illusion, we are just temporarily here on this speck of land and sea we call earth. All is one. Everything is just vibrations of particles in the infinite dimensions. Lol... I apologize to anybody that thinks I am spamming... I base all my beliefs on quantum theories by experts who have long studied the physics of life.. Its been around for a while but the average joe wouldn't know anything about it. Does everyone understand that a particle can be in two places at the same time, and there is no limit to the distance between the places. Particles even HAVE to be in more than one place sometimes. This is the basis of telepathy. We are telepathic beings!!! What you think in your head can be sent clearly to someone across the world in china. You have many more abilities like this, such as healing, romantic relationships, influencing others... I won't go on to say the rest because some of you simply aren't ready to handle it.

The US government and media uses these tactics on us EVERYDAY. This is how they "dumb us down" they don't want us to seek spiritual knowledge, they want us to be individuals that only care about ourselves, our power, and our money. Don't let your ego make the choices for your life. Remember the war strategy, divide and conquer. They divide us as a people, and they take over. Don't ever forget that your thoughts and actions are being observed. If you start to seek a spiritual path, there will be those who will try to attack you mentally and dissuade you from it, because they know your potential as an evolved spiritual being. As for the others...which seem to have joy from others suffering, I bid you well.

There is no heaven or hell that you will end up in, but instead of living your next life as a lion or eagle(or whatever), you may be stuck as a rock on some desert, and that's if your lucky because that's letting you off with a slap on the wrist compared to what you could be. ( Yes i believe that rocks,clouds and all other materials can have consciousness) BOTH you and God decide your next incarnation based on what you learned in your previous life. Choose your thoughts and actions wisely. I love you all.

Edited by neopedi2, 28 August 2010 - 09:20 AM.

#1170 neopedi2

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 09:16 AM

accidental double post...... my original post is above this one

Edited by neopedi2, 28 August 2010 - 09:17 AM.

#1171 Sweeney

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 09:36 AM

So... basically both you and I don't exist... along with the rest of the forum :p

Except that's not what I said.
The fact that I am writing this post is evidence for my existence, not yours.
If you can show me a reply from the aliens that the Nazca lines were communicating with, maybe you'd have better luck convincine sane people.

In a sense, this is fact, since everything is all an illusion, we are just temporarily here on this speck of land and sea we call earth. All is one. Everything is just vibrations of particles in the infinite dimensions. Lol... I apologize to anybody that thinks I am spamming...

You're not spamming, you are preaching. Preaching crap with no basis in fact.
As to your little aside that reality is all an illusion; even if it were true, it wouldn't matter.

I base all my beliefs on quantum theories by experts who have long studied the physics of life.. Its been around for a while but the average joe wouldn't know anything about it. Does everyone understand that a particle can be in two places at the same time, and there is no limit to the distance between the places. Particles even HAVE to be in more than one place sometimes.

I can only assume you are butchering a woeful misunderstanding of the theory of wave-particle duality?
In which case, particles aren't "at the same place at the same time", they are effectively at both places until observed and the probability function collapses.
Sorry, but you won't be able to impress me with misinformation concerning theories I doubtlessly understand better than you do.

This is the basis of telepathy. We are telepathic beings!!! What you think in your head can be sent clearly to someone across the world in china. You have many more abilities like this, such as healing, romantic relationships, influencing others... I won't go on to say the rest because some of you simply aren't ready to handle it.

Try me.
But remember, bring some evidence.

The US government and media uses these tactics on us EVERYDAY. This is how they "dumb us down" they don't want us to seek spiritual knowledge, they want us to be individuals that only care about ourselves, our power, and our money. Don't let your ego make the choices for your life. Remember the war strategy, divide and conquer. They divide us as a people, and they take over. Don't ever forget that your thoughts and actions are being observed. If you start to seek a spiritual path, there will be those who will try to attack you mentally and dissuade you from it, because they know your potential as an evolved spiritual being. As for the others...which seem to have joy from others suffering, I bid you well.

What the fuck are you talking about?
The US government subdues the population with telepathy? Right.
Also, "don't let your ego make the choices"? I don't think you understand what an ego actually is.

There is no heaven or hell that you will end up in, but instead of living your next life as a lion or eagle(or whatever), you may be stuck as a rock on some desert, and that's if your lucky because that's letting you off with a slap on the wrist compared to what you could be. ( Yes i believe that rocks,clouds and all other materials can have consciousness) BOTH you and God decide your next incarnation based on what you learned in your previous life. Choose your thoughts and actions wisely. I love you all.

You, my friend, are a bona fide nutcase.

accidental double post...... my original post is above this one

Believe it or not, some people are capable of figuring these things out by themselves.

#1172 neopedi2

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 10:10 AM

Sorry if you misinterpreted me Sweeney, but the part about nobody existing was a joke, obviously we are both here writing these posts.

Maybe I didn't use the exact words that the theories themselves use, but I guess i did restate it poorly, this was not on purpose just laziness, but what i meant to elaborate upon was that everything is connected and we are all one in the same.

Some other abilities... telekinesis, teleportation, cloaking yourself (invisibility), empathy, intuitiveness... Sorry to say that some/most don't have the physical evidence you seek because it either hasn't been achieved or just plain classified... I forgot to mention that not everybody is capable of such acts.. but with practice they can achieve these states.

Not the whole US Government is trying to control the population, just a sect, and they don't use human telepathy, but rather psychotronic weapons that spam negative ideas or actions into the easily manipulated people. The media simply keeps us blind from it all and their goal is to keep us consuming and wasting, and they are doing a great job.

When I refer to ego i mean the self. When i say "dont let your ego make choices" I mean.. make your choices for the benefit of the whole, not the self.

I respect that you at least took the time to analyze my statements and remotely potentially consider/understand them.

Remember..... don't take life too seriously.. enjoy the simple things and be good to others.. everything else will fall into place. Be it by luck, or some unknown mysterious force/power that drives everything in the universe.

#1173 Elindoril

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 10:17 AM

Remember..... don't take life too seriously.. enjoy the simple things and be good to others.. everything else will fall into place. Be it by luck, or some unknown mysterious force/power that drives everything in the universe.

Pff hah, that's a load of crap.

#1174 Waser Lave

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 10:20 AM

Some other abilities... telekinesis, teleportation, cloaking yourself (invisibility), empathy, intuitiveness... Sorry to say that some/most don't have the physical evidence you seek because it either hasn't been achieved or just plain classified... I forgot to mention that not everybody is capable of such acts.. but with practice they can achieve these states.

Do you really class empathy along with telekinesis, teleportation and invisibility? O_o

#1175 Mr. Hobo

Mr. Hobo
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Posted 28 August 2010 - 10:33 AM

, but rather psychotronic weapons that spam negative ideas or actions into the easily manipulated people

Would a tinfoil hat offer sufficient protection against these negative idea psychotronic weapons? Or would I be better off investing in a helmet plated with mirrors?

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