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Do you believe in god?

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#1176 Sweeney

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 10:49 AM

Sorry if you misinterpreted me Sweeney, but the part about nobody existing was a joke, obviously we are both here writing these posts.

Maybe I didn't use the exact words that the theories themselves use, but I guess i did restate it poorly, this was not on purpose just laziness, but what i meant to elaborate upon was that everything is connected and we are all one in the same.

Some other abilities... telekinesis, teleportation, cloaking yourself (invisibility), empathy, intuitiveness... Sorry to say that some/most don't have the physical evidence you seek because it either hasn't been achieved or just plain classified... I forgot to mention that not everybody is capable of such acts.. but with practice they can achieve these states.

Not the whole US Government is trying to control the population, just a sect, and they don't use human telepathy, but rather psychotronic weapons that spam negative ideas or actions into the easily manipulated people. The media simply keeps us blind from it all and their goal is to keep us consuming and wasting, and they are doing a great job.

When I refer to ego i mean the self. When i say "dont let your ego make choices" I mean.. make your choices for the benefit of the whole, not the self.

I respect that you at least took the time to analyze my statements and remotely potentially consider/understand them.

Remember..... don't take life too seriously.. enjoy the simple things and be good to others.. everything else will fall into place. Be it by luck, or some unknown mysterious force/power that drives everything in the universe.

You have a strange idea of a joke.

Anyways, I'm still waiting for that evidence.

#1177 Puppetmaster

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Posted 28 August 2010 - 01:24 PM

Sorry to say that some/most don't have the physical evidence you seek because it either hasn't been achieved or just plain classified

So... you don't have proof because it hasn't been done?

#1178 lowellite

  • 54 posts

Posted 28 August 2010 - 06:29 PM

Although I'm not quite as "out there" with my views (or at least I keep the really "nutty" ones inside my head) I kind of agree with most of what neopedi2 has said... or at least, the basics of it all. Although I would probably use terminology that is more... widely accepted. I know this, because I have achieved (even if only briefly) most of the states mentioned above. (teleportation, empathy, cloaking, and intuitiveness).

How did you achieve teleportation and cloaking, Cody? It seems rather improbable.

#1179 neopedi2

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Posted 29 August 2010 - 04:30 PM

Quick question to you neopedi2...(feel free to respond via pm if you'd like) How did you... "turn on"? (to the movement, to the collective consciousness, to Reality) They say there are three ways in which one can turn on (to anything) through personal experience, through intuition, or through faith alone. Whichever it was, would you mind giving a bit more detail on how came to "turn on"?

I really wasn't going to post in here as I like to keep my "quacky views" limited to myself and to those I feel ready to hear the message... but I can't see this turning into a community vs. 1 battle.

Love and Light,

I was "turned on" in a way by all 3 of those examples... I simply thought about what our purpose is in this life and asked the world/god to show me.. and I was also very interested in the UFO phenomenon. I watched conspiracy videos like Zeitgeist and informational documentaries on quantum mechanics and on the vacuum of energy, and eventually led to this website... www.dr boylan.com/ This man is disclosing all kinds of government secrets on the ET subject and releases ultra-classified information from insider sources that are working undercover. All the truth and factual information we have comes from brave people risking their lives and families lives to disclose this top secret information. I have had ET contact myself, all I had to do was ask them.

I quite frankly don't care who calls me crazy or a nut case... Everything that I am saying will eventually be disclosed to the public. Who do you think opposes free and clean energy? Our military uses it(advanced energy systems) for weapons purposes...
Our military dissects captures and tortures ET flesh and organs and incorporates it into F35 Lightning Strike jets. They use artificial intelligence systems, antigravity systems.. It is NOT right to capture and mutilate other beings from outer space. This all goes on behind closed doors in deep underground laboratories. Does your scientific community ever talk about any of that?

I watched Youtube videos and used my intuition and discernment or "what i feel is true in my heart" to know what is from genuine sources, and what is disinformation... also by reading if it has a "light energy or dark energy"...

Once you become sensitive to energy all around you, you can feel the muddy slimy nasty energy they can attach to ANYTHING!

Likewise you can feel when people are genuine and are not trying to hurt you and actually want to help you better yourself. (spiritual teachers/masters)

All the information is online... once source led to another and youtube has an incredible amount of good information, but there is even MORE disinformation or a spin on the real information out there.

People have testified in court, they don't like being called nutcases... I could care less... Go look up "aura viewing" ..........learn to see energy naturally with your eyes...

The ET's are friendly, loving, humorous, people just like us and they want to HELP US...

I honestly hope that some kind of government agent doesn't come post on this thread to disinform you all or try to twist all this info that im spreading here... and I spread it cause I feel there many starseeds on this forum all yearning to wake up and become their full potential.. im just saying there are many smart and willing people on these forums and im sure they can figure it out if you give them a chance.. yeah at first they might call you names or bash your ideas but who cares its just the internet right?

I also find that my life is just better and im more happier to know the truth, instead of just being depressed about how everything is controlled by money, or that everyday people suffer, or that my life is meaningless and has no higher purpose but to make money and buy material items and live a fantasy life in an ignorant bliss... We all need to take care of each other and more importantly, this planet we live on.

edit: sorry if it sounds like im ranting... just letting my thoughts go.. the main reason im on this "movement" is because of the health benefits for my family, friends and I...we are all evolving and growing fast and meditation, yoga, astral travel, telepathy and cloaking are all part of the future... im just trying not to get left behind :p

People will catch on.. It takes time.

Edited by neopedi2, 29 August 2010 - 04:43 PM.

#1180 neopedi2

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Posted 29 August 2010 - 07:52 PM


She speaks the truth. Wake up! Many other intelligent races in the universe understand this, and now its our turn!

#1181 Unseen

  • Cultist of the Unseeing Eye

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Posted 29 August 2010 - 08:03 PM

Uhhh, I lost you all at God.

#1182 lowellite

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Posted 29 August 2010 - 08:54 PM

neopedi2, please please don't take this as an insult, but some of your experiences (interacting with ETs, viewing auras, etc.), should they not be true, would have entailed some very detailed and consistent hallucinations. When accompanied by possible hallucinations, some of things you experience, such as seeing hidden schemes in innocuous places (government cover-up of ETs) and seeing yourself as having a special function or position, are almost indicative of schizophrenia. Of course, you are unlikely to be schizophrenic, because most people with schizophrenia are more severely affected, to the point of being unable to function normally. Also, the paranoid delusions of schizophrenia patients are much more self-centered (usually the patient is the center of the conspiracy/cover-up). But the symptoms can worsen gradually, so please consult your doctor if anything feels amiss.

#1183 neopedi2

  • 37 posts

Posted 30 August 2010 - 11:52 AM

neopedi2, please please don't take this as an insult, but some of your experiences (interacting with ETs, viewing auras, etc.), should they not be true, would have entailed some very detailed and consistent hallucinations. When accompanied by possible hallucinations, some of things you experience, such as seeing hidden schemes in innocuous places (government cover-up of ETs) and seeing yourself as having a special function or position, are almost indicative of schizophrenia. Of course, you are unlikely to be schizophrenic, because most people with schizophrenia are more severely affected, to the point of being unable to function normally. Also, the paranoid delusions of schizophrenia patients are much more self-centered (usually the patient is the center of the conspiracy/cover-up). But the symptoms can worsen gradually, so please consult your doctor if anything feels amiss.

I appreciate your legitimate concerns for my health. I can control when I want to see auras, it is not spontaneous, just have to relax and use the peripherals for a minute or two (for me) . About my encounters with other life... I haven't yet actually been face to face with a being.. It is extremely difficult for this to happen because all legitimate starcraft that are not fully cloaked in invisibility can and will be shot down by the government.

My experiences are simple, subtle things that happen during my daily life... Things like being perfectly on time (to the minute)anywhere you go without trying..witnessing amazing things that others will miss.. Being lucky, all the time... Meeting the exact people you want to meet by coincidence. You can easily tell when someone's thoughts enter your head.. they simply aren't yours and you have to make sure the thoughts are coming from a love and light source..

If not, then work on your psychic shield so you are safe. People get paid to find and mentally torment anybody that is trying to open their mind.

Your shield is just your aura... you can manipulate your aura by your intention. Simply by thinking, and using your willpower to intend that nobody negative can enter your "bubble"(aura)... Shield everyday. It must become second nature in today's world.

#1184 Sweeney

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Posted 30 August 2010 - 11:58 AM

Do you realise that you sound like a grade-A lunatic?

#1185 Brennon

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Posted 30 August 2010 - 12:10 PM

With the Stuff i Have seen its almost impossible for me not to believe in god.

Edited by brennon, 30 August 2010 - 12:11 PM.

#1186 Warriors

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Posted 30 August 2010 - 12:17 PM

Wow I missed out on all the crazies...=/

#1187 lowellite

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Posted 30 August 2010 - 02:01 PM

I appreciate your legitimate concerns for my health. I can control when I want to see auras, it is not spontaneous, just have to relax and use the peripherals for a minute or two (for me) . About my encounters with other life... I haven't yet actually been face to face with a being.. It is extremely difficult for this to happen because all legitimate starcraft that are not fully cloaked in invisibility can and will be shot down by the government.

My experiences are simple, subtle things that happen during my daily life... Things like being perfectly on time (to the minute)anywhere you go without trying..witnessing amazing things that others will miss.. Being lucky, all the time... Meeting the exact people you want to meet by coincidence. You can easily tell when someone's thoughts enter your head.. they simply aren't yours and you have to make sure the thoughts are coming from a love and light source..

If not, then work on your psychic shield so you are safe. People get paid to find and mentally torment anybody that is trying to open their mind.

Your shield is just your aura... you can manipulate your aura by your intention. Simply by thinking, and using your willpower to intend that nobody negative can enter your "bubble"(aura)... Shield everyday. It must become second nature in today's world.

That's nice to hear, neopedi.:) If you can control when you see these things, you have a special ability in the best case scenario and a vivid imagination in the worst case scenario. ;)

Thanks for answering my questions, even though I am obviously a skeptic when it comes to conspiracy theories and the supernatural. Do you mind if I ask something else? How did you find out that aliens have made contact with Earth and that they are being killed by the government? Do you know where these aliens came from?

#1188 Unseen

  • Cultist of the Unseeing Eye

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Posted 30 August 2010 - 03:15 PM

Wow I missed out on all the crazies...=/


#1189 Rarely

  • 36 posts

Posted 30 August 2010 - 05:41 PM

lol this discussion is... idek. I was almost going to ask if it even matters. We all live & die - the only 2 things guaranteed in life. Then I realized it does matter because every government in the world uses religion as a propaganda tool to control the masses. The world would actually be a lot more pleasant place if the idea of god wasn't promoted. That being said, just because there is no god and no point to life, doesn't mean we all can't try to exercise kindness, affection, & understanding toward one another. The world doesn't need religion for us to be decent people and life is too short to behave like assholes.

#1190 neopedi2

  • 37 posts

Posted 30 August 2010 - 05:56 PM

That's nice to hear, neopedi.:) If you can control when you see these things, you have a special ability in the best case scenario and a vivid imagination in the worst case scenario. ;)

Thanks for answering my questions, even though I am obviously a skeptic when it comes to conspiracy theories and the supernatural. Do you mind if I ask something else? How did you find out that aliens have made contact with Earth and that they are being killed by the government? Do you know where these aliens came from?

A large number of ex high ranking officals including air traffic controllers, ex secret op. officers, commercial pilots, numorous military defence specialists with top secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents
lieutenants, ex commanders in the u.s airforce,
all going befor ethe national press club to discuss what their experiences have been regarding u.f.o's and all are willing to go before congress to testify under oath.. never before has such a group come forward..

this is a must see it is long.. extremely informative and enlightening.


Even this video contains a large amount of DISINFORMATION, but there is also factual information. Any negative ideas about ET's is 100% dark and filthy lies. Star visitors are highly advanced and highly spiritual beings that want to help us, mainly the earth, and they would never harm us and in fact would and have sacrificed themselves for us. visit DrBoylan.com for the best information

"Aliens" is a semi derogatory term and they would much prefer the terms "brothers and sisters/ star visitors" or if you must, ET's.. Where do they come from ? Our local neighboring star systems such as zeta reticuli , Arcturus or the Pleiades..and many others. There are even intelligent beings living on our very moon :)

How do I know they have made contact? The genuine crop circles, the declassified government documents, and I take the word of thousands of individuals that experienced it themselves and were sworn to secrecy but right before they died, they spilled everything they knew.

There is no such thing as "normal"... we are very unique beings and we have many undiscovered talents and a big future ahead of us. Don't let the elite get you down, they are shaking in fear because they know whats coming. They have the advanced technology to fake/stage an alien invasion just like they staged 9/11. They will try to use the "alien invasion" excuse to "unite the world governments to protect the people" and implant an RFID chip in everybody.

Sweeney, not everybody is prepared to handle the truth, but when you fully understand, it can shatter your reality and make you feel like a newborn, all im asking is that you keep an open mind, don't completely shut yourself out, science can only get you so far for now. You will have all the evidence you could ever want, but right now is not the time. Until then, be a die-hard skeptic, but also experience life for yourself.. I am what I am and we are all one in the same. All points are one. All time is now.

#1191 lowellite

  • 54 posts

Posted 30 August 2010 - 07:38 PM

neopedi, thanks for the detailed explanation. But there seems to be a few oddities. If the ETs are as technologically advanced as you said, how can the government capture/kill them at all? In fact, what's preventing these benevolent ETs from revealing themselves to the rest of the humans? They could have solved global poverty and food shortages already.

As for ETs on the moon... The moon is a barren wasteland that doesn't even have an atmosphere... The chance that life of any sort could be found there is close to nil...

I also don't see why the government would waste its time implanting RFID chips in the population. These things don't seem to have very good range, from what I've heard. Besides, there's hardly a need to implant additional tracking devices now that pretty much everyone carries around a cell phone.

Edited by lowellite, 30 August 2010 - 07:39 PM.

#1192 Gee

  • 498 posts

Posted 05 September 2010 - 10:12 AM

Don't try to change my vision though, I really don't want to go in-depth about my faith. I've heard every anti-God argument.

Respect others views.
Atheists who are disrespectful towards those who are religious are JUST AS BAD as the crazy Christian people on tv, and are just as annoying, just saying.

... FYI, I believe in "science", evolution, pro-choice, etc. I really just believe in a God rather than the ~rules~ the bible gives you.

Edited by wakasume, 05 September 2010 - 10:14 AM.

#1193 artificial

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Posted 15 September 2010 - 03:01 AM

I vote we erase the last two pages and continue the discussion. I'll start with a rather special post..

I had a discussion with a women who was doorknocking the other day about her faith and, as it turns out, she had been vehemently exposed to it from a young age.

Very few people who grow up under this indoctrination have enough of their reasoning ablility still intact to be able to think their way out of this bewitching circular trap - nor do they want to. To them, to rejoice in life, to live for themselves, is trading eternity for a brief and sinful frolic before a looming doom-without-end.

The very fact that the unknowable IS unknowable is what they claim gives faith its virtue anad makes it sacrosanct. After all, what would be the virtue in faith if that which we have faith could be known? A person who can maintain absolute faith without any proof whatsoever must posess profound virtue. As a consequence, only those who take the leap of faith off the bedrock of the tangible into the emptiness of the imperceptible are righteous and worthy of an eternal reward.

It's as if you have been told to leap from a cliff and have faith that you can fly, but you must not flap your arms because that would only betray a fundamental lack of faith and any lack of faith would infallibly insure that you would plummet to the ground, thus proving that a failure of faith is a personal flaw, and fatal.

The more difficult the teachings are to believe, the greater the required level of faith. Along with the commitment of a higher level of unquestioning comes a tighter bond to those who share the same faith, a greater sense of inclusion in the special group of the enlightened. Believers, because their beliefs are so manifestly mystic, become ever more enstranged from the 'unenlightened' (Atheists), from those who are suspect because they will not embrace the faith. The term 'nonbeliever' becomes a commonly accepted form of condemnation, demonizing anyone who chooses to stick to the use of reason.

Faith itself, you see, is the key - the magic wand that they wave over the bubbling brew they have concocted to render it 'self-evident'.

<3 the sword of truth

#1194 lowellite

  • 54 posts

Posted 15 September 2010 - 08:04 AM

I vote we erase the last two pages and continue the discussion. I'll start with a rather special post..

I had a discussion with a women who was doorknocking the other day about her faith and, as it turns out, she had been vehemently exposed to it from a young age.

Very few people who grow up under this indoctrination have enough of their reasoning ablility still intact to be able to think their way out of this bewitching circular trap - nor do they want to. To them, to rejoice in life, to live for themselves, is trading eternity for a brief and sinful frolic before a looming doom-without-end.

The very fact that the unknowable IS unknowable is what they claim gives faith its virtue anad makes it sacrosanct. After all, what would be the virtue in faith if that which we have faith could be known? A person who can maintain absolute faith without any proof whatsoever must posess profound virtue. As a consequence, only those who take the leap of faith off the bedrock of the tangible into the emptiness of the imperceptible are righteous and worthy of an eternal reward.

It's as if you have been told to leap from a cliff and have faith that you can fly, but you must not flap your arms because that would only betray a fundamental lack of faith and any lack of faith would infallibly insure that you would plummet to the ground, thus proving that a failure of faith is a personal flaw, and fatal.

The more difficult the teachings are to believe, the greater the required level of faith. Along with the commitment of a higher level of unquestioning comes a tighter bond to those who share the same faith, a greater sense of inclusion in the special group of the enlightened. Believers, because their beliefs are so manifestly mystic, become ever more enstranged from the 'unenlightened' (Atheists), from those who are suspect because they will not embrace the faith. The term 'nonbeliever' becomes a commonly accepted form of condemnation, demonizing anyone who chooses to stick to the use of reason.

Faith itself, you see, is the key - the magic wand that they wave over the bubbling brew they have concocted to render it 'self-evident'.

<3 the sword of truth

A very insightful post, douchenozzle! This pretty much sums up the entirety of religion...

It seems odd that anyone would believe that god(s) exists when there is no concrete proof to support his/her/its existence. However, some people, agnostics in particular, maintain that you can't reject the idea of god in the absence of negative proof. There seems to be two different views:

(1) people who assume that god doesn't exist because there is no proof that he exists.
(2) people who won't assume that god doesn't exist without proof that he doesn't exist.

I'm not much of a logician, so I can't figure out what's wrong with the second view, even though it doesn't seem right. After all, how do you prove that god doesn't exist? But people holding the second view are not assuming that god exists either, so it doesn't seem to be a logical fallacy... Perhaps someone can explain this to me?

Edited by lowellite, 15 September 2010 - 08:07 AM.

#1195 redlion

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Posted 15 September 2010 - 03:33 PM

A very insightful post, douchenozzle! This pretty much sums up the entirety of religion...

It seems odd that anyone would believe that god(s) exists when there is no concrete proof to support his/her/its existence. However, some people, agnostics in particular, maintain that you can't reject the idea of god in the absence of negative proof. There seems to be two different views:

(1) people who assume that god doesn't exist because there is no proof that he exists.
(2) people who won't assume that god doesn't exist without proof that he doesn't exist.

I'm not much of a logician, so I can't figure out what's wrong with the second view, even though it doesn't seem right. After all, how do you prove that god doesn't exist? But people holding the second view are not assuming that god exists either, so it doesn't seem to be a logical fallacy... Perhaps someone can explain this to me?

The first is a gnostic atheist view. The second is an agnostic theist view. You're confounding the issue with negatives upon negatives upon double negatives.

You can't prove that gods don't exist. What you can prove (or try to prove, if you don't buy the argument) is that God (that is, the Christian God) or Allah does not exist. Or the Buddhist god. Or the veddic gods. Or the Shinto gods. Or any number of specific gods, based on the descriptions we have of them. You could never disprove the existence of a god which did not communicate some facet of his/her/it's existence to humans.

For instance, the Christian god is described as all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-beneficent (not an evil bone in his body, had he a body) so we can make some claims about His existence or lack thereof. Hence, the Problem of Evil.

Generally, you could apply that concept to most other definitions of God. However some sufficiently vague descriptions of God, whether intentionally vague or because man cannot know god(s) nature(s), can escape the problem of Evil. I believe the Jehovah's witnesses are one such religion, but not being of that faith, I could not say.

#1196 Ozonewolf

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Posted 16 September 2010 - 07:58 PM

Hardline Atheist here

#1197 Acheron

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Posted 14 December 2010 - 02:34 PM

The first is a gnostic atheist view. The second is an agnostic theist view. You're confounding the issue with negatives upon negatives upon double negatives.

You can't prove that gods don't exist. What you can prove (or try to prove, if you don't buy the argument) is that God (that is, the Christian God) or Allah does not exist. Or the Buddhist god. Or the veddic gods. Or the Shinto gods. Or any number of specific gods, based on the descriptions we have of them. You could never disprove the existence of a god which did not communicate some facet of his/her/it's existence to humans.

For instance, the Christian god is described as all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-beneficent (not an evil bone in his body, had he a body) so we can make some claims about His existence or lack thereof. Hence, the Problem of Evil.

Generally, you could apply that concept to most other definitions of God. However some sufficiently vague descriptions of God, whether intentionally vague or because man cannot know god(s) nature(s), can escape the problem of Evil. I believe the Jehovah's witnesses are one such religion, but not being of that faith, I could not say.

This is a very elucidating post. The problem of evil is also a very interesting read. Of course, hardcore Christians have all sort of excuses for these 'inconvenience'.

#1198 Arshark

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 07:16 PM

No, I don't believe in God :)

#1199 Sockoo

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 07:23 PM

i don't belive in a invisible man that have powers but let people die starve and let people very rich and uses this starve people (he also is called god)

#1200 artificial

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Posted 16 December 2010 - 04:28 AM

i don't belive in a invisible man that have powers but let people die starve and let people very rich and uses this starve people (he also is called god)

Shhh, the invisible man may be watching you. :lookaround:

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