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Do you believe in god?

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#1251 Nunc

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:00 PM

You made this just in time to snag post of the year for 2010

Really? Is that even a real thing?

If it is, I'm honored :funone:

Edited by Nunc, 30 December 2010 - 03:01 PM.

#1252 Waser Lave

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:01 PM

I rank people all the time in my mental hierarchy. I use whatever criteria I want to judge them. I'm not a typical person, I realize that, but you must admit all christians are better than all muslims.

Have you met all Christians and all Muslims?

#1253 Ali

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:10 PM

Oh this has just become the perfect end to 2010. <3

You made this just in time to snag post of the year for 2010

Fuck, I am so happy I asked about your ranking

It's going in my top 5 of all time.

#1254 Sweeney

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:10 PM

Oh this has just become the perfect end to 2010. <3

There's a full day left yet :p
And it looks like he's wimped off anyway.

#1255 Nunc

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:15 PM

Well, let's hear them then...
"I have rational explanations" is not a rational explanation ;)

Besides that, should be to achieve what? The highest level of global harmony?
Surely it doesn't matter, as long as they're all the same?

I find your list insulting, irrelevant and above all, fucking stupid ^_^

Alright, since you asked for explanations, I'll give them. This is going to be a long post though, sorry :unsure:

Eastern Orthodoxy as a sum religion is definitely the best one out there. Eastern Orthodox (I'll just refer to them as Pravoslavni from here on out, it's more correct and much easier for me) have never ever done anything as a sum whole of a religion bad for their society. Here are three examples: Russia, Bulgaria, and Greece. In Russia, some of the most beautiful art on the planet has been made as a tribute to God. They're called icons, and here's one:
Posted Image
See? In Bulgaria, much the same. Also, the Pravolslavni of Bulgaria have managed to repeal the turks and stop the muslim invasion of europe. They are true vanguards of European civilisation thanks to their religion. In Greece, Eastern Orthodoxy has enabled them to throw off their shackles and become one of Europe's most cultured states.
Tengriism is like Altaic (mongol, proto-bulgar, proto-turkic) monotheism, and it just about one of the coolest religions out there. They worship a sky god. All Tengriists are big and powerful, and the Altaic cultures are the most warlike and conquering on earth. For example: the Huns, the Mongols, the Bulgars, the Turks. See?
Like Tengriism, but also really cool, with shamans and fierce warrior gods. Polytheistic though, so not above tengriism.
The original monotheistic religion, with it's striking contrast between the duality of the Bringer of Truth Ahura Mazda and the Great Deceiver, Angra Mainyu. In the end good triumphs though, one of my favorite religions :)
As the largest religion on earth, and still a European-centered religion, it goes pretty high. Also Gregorian chant is really cool. I think more people should become catholic.
Protestants are like whiny catholics, who rebelled against the pope 500 years because they felt the church in Rome was too 'corrupt' and 'oppresive', real egalitarians! Not a big fan as you can tell. Still better than islam.
Um... it's buddhism. Like a peaceful, mystical atheism.
Like Slavic Traditional Religion, but non-western, and centered around Japan mostly, so it's not very high.
The warlike side of Islam. A warlike people, the Persians are.
The peaceful side of Islam. Not as good as the Shiites obviously.
Slightly mutated Islam, I guess. A mystical faith, and it has a lot of Zorastrianism in it :)
tie for 12. JUDAISM
Not a big fan of Judaism, it's so bloody and cruel. Not even in a cool way like the vikings, just stupid people with crazy names killing other stupid people with crazy names. At least that's how I perceive the old testament, correct me if I'm wrong.
Most atheists are pretentious and stuck up. So...
Self-explanatory. Hinduism though is higher than Islam in india because hindus have done more for india as a whole and are triumphing.

Edited by Nunc, 30 December 2010 - 03:20 PM.

#1256 Sweeney

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:17 PM

Sorry, but listing your favourite religions doesn't justify saying that the followers of one religion are better than the followers of another religion.
You seem to have misinterpreted everyone's objections.

#1257 Nunc

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:18 PM

Have you met all Christians and all Muslims?

No way :)

But religion and culture are the two biggest indicators of any given individual, and they go hand in hand most of the time. And besides, if one philosophy applies more to a given religion, then a member of said religion is more likely to bear that mindset than another. For this reason I believe I can judge relatively well :pirate1:

#1258 Ali

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:18 PM

Oh god, there is so much I want to say but feel I need to leave it to people who are better with words.

This is just too brilliant.

#1259 luvsmyncis

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:23 PM

This isn't an art critique. What the hell does the Gregorian chant have to do with anything? I mean, I'm all for being random and full of shit, but holy Jesus! What is this?
Posted Image
God is watching you make an ass out of yourself.

#1260 Nunc

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:24 PM

Sorry, but listing your favourite religions doesn't justify saying that the followers of one religion are better than the followers of another religion.
You seem to have misinterpreted everyone's objections.

I don't really understand. It's hard to really explain a ranking after all, because all links must be explained. I don't have the time to do that for all of them unfortunately :/

But give me a given ranking (i.e. say, for example, "why is #5 > #13?") and I'll explain.

EDIT: Ok, in general, I like religions that benefit individuals of their culture (ex. Islam benefitting Arabs, Iranis, or Turks or Tengriism affecting Altaic nomad societies) by making their culture mroe warlike and powerful or expanding their culture's prospects through bettering art or technology, say. It's hard to explain, but I'll try :)

Edited by Nunc, 30 December 2010 - 03:26 PM.

#1261 Waser Lave

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:25 PM

For this reason I believe I can judge relatively well :pirate1:

I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!

Alas, believing something doesn't mean that something is true.

#1262 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:25 PM

Tengriism is like Altaic (mongol, proto-bulgar, proto-turkic) monotheism, and it just about one of the coolest religions out there. They worship a sky god. All Tengriists are big and powerful, and the Altaic cultures are the most warlike and conquering on earth. For example: the Huns, the Mongols, the Bulgars, the Turks. See?

So in the second best hypothetical situation, 90% of the world would worship a sky god and started becoming even more warlike and conquer-y?

I shouldn't be trying to find flaws though and just enjoy your post as is

#1263 Ali

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:25 PM

I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!

Alas, believing something doesn't mean that something is true.

Fairies ARE though.....right.....?

#1264 Sweeney

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:26 PM

I don't really understand. It's hard to really explain a ranking after all, because all links must be explained. I don't have the time to do that for all of them unfortunately :/

But give me a given ranking (i.e. say, for example, "why is #5 > #13?") and I'll explain.

How about instead of explaining your individual rankings, you explain why you think it's ok to rank vast groups of people by their religion alone?

#1265 Waser Lave

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:27 PM

Fairies ARE though.....right.....?

Of course fairies are real, I was just using that common misconception to add comedic effect to what would otherwise be quite a bland statement.

#1266 Ali

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:30 PM

I don't really understand. It's hard to really explain a ranking after all, because all links must be explained. I don't have the time to do that for all of them unfortunately :/

But give me a given ranking (i.e. say, for example, "why is #5 > #13?") and I'll explain.

EDIT: Ok, in general, I like religions that benefit individuals of their culture (ex. Islam benefitting Arabs, Iranis, or Turks or Tengriism affecting Altaic nomad societies) by making their culture mroe warlike and powerful or expanding their culture's prospects through bettering art or technology, say. It's hard to explain, but I'll try :)

Fine. #2 > #3. Why does polytheism drag them down but only by one place?

#1 > #5. I mean the sheer amount of art and music that Catholicism has contributed to society should have it shooting up your list.

#1267 Nunc

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:31 PM

I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!

Alas, believing something doesn't mean that something is true.

Well, I have only my own brain to rely on, and that's how I perceive the truth. You may do so differenty, who knows?

So in the second best hypothetical situation, 90% of the world would worship a sky god and started becoming even more warlike and conquer-y?

I shouldn't be trying to find flaws though and just enjoy your post as is

That would be very cool, yeah? The world is too peaceful now. Humans have become complacent and sedentary.

We were made to hunt, to kill, to murder, not to sit around in a cubicle 8 through 5 clicking buttons on a computer. You know what I mean? All the great advances f the past were fueled by desperate need, for survival. Would our ancestors have invented fire if they acted like us? Probably, they would have sat around eating fruits and berries until they died. Actually, you know, the Native Americans did that and they were conquered + exterminated mostly. Shows what that mode of thinking comes out to, right?

How about instead of explaining your individual rankings, you explain why you think it's ok to rank vast groups of people by their religion alone?

Because I don't have time to get to know every single human on earth? Duh...

#1268 Sweeney

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:33 PM

Because I don't have time to get to know every single human on earth? Duh...

See, the way I get around that problem is the same way every other rational human being gets around that problem:

By not presuming to pass judgement on people I know nothing about.

Doing anything else makes you a bigoted cuntflap ^_^

#1269 luvsmyncis

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:34 PM


Actually, you know, the Native Americans did that and they were conquered + exterminated mostly. Shows what that mode of thinking comes out to, right?

You think vegetarianism killed the Injuns?!

#1270 Sweeney

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:35 PM

We were made to hunt, to kill, to murder, not to sit around in a cubicle 8 through 5 clicking buttons on a computer. You know what I mean? All the great advances f the past were fueled by desperate need, for survival. Would our ancestors have invented fire if they acted like us? Probably, they would have sat around eating fruits and berries until they died. Actually, you know, the Native Americans did that and they were conquered + exterminated mostly. Shows what that mode of thinking comes out to, right?

Oh, and a healthy dose of naturalistic fallacy to back things up.

We weren't made to be or do anything. We evolved to be tool-users, not relentless predators.
You excuses for your bigotry are not only logically fallacious, they're also fundamentally flawed in and of themselves.

#1271 Nunc

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:37 PM

Fine. #2 > #3. Why does polytheism drag them down but only by one place?

#1 > #5. I mean the sheer amount of art and music that Catholicism has contributed to society should have it shooting up your list.

#2 > #3:
I like polytheists, but religions that worship a main god end up far more succesful. Roman polytheism was nice for a time, but nobody today believes in it. In the past, 95% of humans were polytheists. On the other hand 60% or more of humans today are monotheists. So monotheism is longer-lasting and more powerful in general, thus benefiting its worshipers.

#1 > #5
That's a tough one, but mostly because Roman Catholics have softened these days. You know, the pope and the hardliners in France and Canada are pretty much the only Catholics I respect, they wouldn't mind using violence to empower their religion. Even the pope is getting complacent now, having interfaith summits and stuff though :/

The patriarchs of Eastern Orthodoxy don't do that, they would advocate the eradication of enemy factions if the chance came up. At least that's how I perceive it.

#1272 Sweeney

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:37 PM

Well, I have only my own brain to rely on, and that's how I perceive the truth. You may do so differenty, who knows?

This is wrong, too. Wow. You're on a roll.

Thing is, the human convention of society allows us to share information, and effectively learn via proxy.
In fact, knowing that our brains are the product of a flawed, natural process practically forces us to communicate and build our most objective picture of reality through concensus.

#1273 Nunc

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:40 PM

See, the way I get around that problem is the same way every other rational human being gets around that problem:

By not presuming to pass judgement on people I know nothing about.

Doing anything else makes you a bigoted cuntflap ^_^

Ok mr. guy, if that's what you believe ^_^

Oh, and a healthy dose of naturalistic fallacy to back things up.

We weren't made to be or do anything. We evolved to be tool-users, not relentless predators.
You excuses for your bigotry are not only logically fallacious, they're also fundamentally flawed in and of themselves.

Alright. I presume though that our biology and internal mechanisms are designed to eat processed food and lead a sedentary mode of life? Oh wait, they're not :whistling:

Edited by Nunc, 30 December 2010 - 03:41 PM.

#1274 Waser Lave

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:42 PM

#2 > #3:
I like polytheists, but religions that worship a main god end up far more succesful. Roman polytheism was nice for a time, but nobody today believes in it. In the past, 95% of humans were polytheists. On the other hand 60% or more of humans today are monotheists. So monotheism is longer-lasting and more powerful in general, thus benefiting its worshipers.

So monotheism has been the dominant religious approach over the last 1000 years or so and it's "longer-lasting and more powerful" than all of the various beliefs over the rest of human history? Intriguing...

#1275 Sweeney

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Posted 30 December 2010 - 03:44 PM

Ok mr. Guy, if that's what you believe ^_^

Alright. I presume though that our biology and internal mechanisms are designed to eat processed food and sedentary mode of life? Oh wait, they're not :whistling:

That's not just what I believe. It's the prevailing moral concensus.
And I'm yet to see any compelling argument to justify your opposing stance.
Repetition is not a debate.

Our biology isn't designed to do anything. It evolved over a long period where we were tool-using hunter gatherers. Our lifestyle has altered significantly since then, and our biology has not kept up with the rapid pace of that change.
Except in one vital area; our brains. Allowing us to create tools, technology that offset the biological impact of our lifestyle changes. They even go beyond just reparations, improving our health, lifespan and quality of living hugely.
Once again, your reference to the naturalistic fallacy is rendered moot.

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