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Do you believe in god?

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#1451 Ziz

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 03:53 PM

But you have just said before that everything (everything include humankind acts) is part of Allah's plan.

Why didn't he just created us perfect so that we don't do evil?

#1452 nugget111

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 03:53 PM

Wut? What happend to the divine plan?

What about tornado's, hurricanes, tsunamis.

Allaah is the All-Wise, All-Knowing in all that He wills and decrees, and He is the All-Wise, All-Knowing in all that He legislates and commands. He creates and decrees whatever signs He wills, to frighten His slaves and remind them of their obligations and duties towards Him, and to warn them against associating anything in worship with Him, going against His commands and doing that which He has forbidden. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And We sent not the signs except to warn” [Quran al-Israa’ 17:59]

“We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur’aan) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?” [Fussilat 41:53]

“Say: ‘He has power to send torment on you from above or from under your feet, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, and make you to taste the violence of one another.’” [al-An’aam 6:65]

read more here bro


May Allah guide you to Islam

#1453 Ziz

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 03:56 PM

So Allah can just send a thunder to someone just for the lulz?

#1454 Cory

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:00 PM

So Allah can just send a thunder to someone just for the lulz?

sounds kinda like a prick thing to do, huh?

#1455 DoNotAnnoyMe

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:02 PM

seems to be a mean god that creates a bunch of thinking toys just to let them suffer to remember them he's still there.
wouldn't it be easier to make a bunch of mindless toys praising him?
and if he's omnipotent - why didn't he know the consequences of his own actions (just like humans)? why didn't he know how the humans would react to his actions, what they'd create, ...
mr. omnipotent knows how it ends and doesn't like how it ends, but he still does it. guess omnipotent and stupid can still go together.

#1456 nugget111

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:06 PM

But you have just said before that everything (everything include humankind acts) is part of Allah's plan.

Why didn't he just created us perfect so that we don't do evil?

he created in us SelfGood and SelfEvil and give you free Will ( which is limited )

ever had that feeling in your gutt that you jus did something bad ... ever feelt that good feling when you help some one who is in need?
this is from allah aswell.

if you Become disobedient and do murder theft all the evil actions and Deny Allah then this man has used his FREE will to gain ALLAhs displeasure

and the obedient person to Allah meaning his used his FREE ..you use it to Worship Allah and got his pleasure has sucessed

this is the test... who ever does good and prevents him from doing evil will suceed

and the greatest of good is to believe that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his last final messenger and a slave.

I ask you m8 isnt there goodness too in the world didn't Allah created Good as well?

#1457 Waser Lave

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:11 PM

he created in us SelfGood and SelfEvil and give you free Will ( which is limited )

ever had that feeling in your gutt that you jus did something bad ... ever feelt that good feling when you help some one who is in need?
this is from allah aswell.

if you Become disobedient and do murder theft all the evil actions and Deny Allah then this man has used his FREE will to gain ALLAhs displeasure

and the obedient person to Allah meaning his used his FREE ..you use it to Worship Allah and got his pleasure has sucessed

this is the test... who ever does good and prevents him from doing evil will suceed

and the greatest of good is to believe that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his last final messenger and a slave.

I ask you m8 isnt there goodness too in the world didn't Allah created Good as well?

Jesus is the one and true Lord, give up your heathen ways and accept his love.

#1458 DanDoesWork

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:13 PM

Who's to say all religion isn't just one man (:

#1459 Neoquest

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:13 PM

he created in us SelfGood and SelfEvil and give you free Will ( which is limited )

ever had that feeling in your gutt that you jus did something bad ... ever feelt that good feling when you help some one who is in need?
this is from allah aswell.

if you Become disobedient and do murder theft all the evil actions and Deny Allah then this man has used his FREE will to gain ALLAhs displeasure

and the obedient person to Allah meaning his used his FREE ..you use it to Worship Allah and got his pleasure has sucessed

this is the test... who ever does good and prevents him from doing evil will suceed

and the greatest of good is to believe that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his last final messenger and a slave.

I ask you m8 isnt there goodness too in the world didn't Allah created Good as well?

This dosen't make any sense whatsoever. You have no proof for any of this at all, if I made up a story about two magical frogs that killed you if you weren't good then would you believe it? No. It's pretty much just make believe stuff used to keep you in line.

#1460 nugget111

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:14 PM

Jesus is the one and true Lord, give up your heathen ways and accept his love.

I am a Muslim and Love jusus more then you my friend..

and in the Quran 1 book

we have a whole chapter honoring him and his mother so dont tell me who jesus hs

YOU NEED TO STOP worship a human and come to the truth

which is that jesus is a prophet of allah and is ALIVE and will come down one day and remove all false hood

and he Jesus is a MUSLIM!

#1461 Neoquest

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:15 PM

I am a Muslim and Love jusus more then you my friend..

and in the Quran 1 book

we have a whole chapter honoring him and his mother so dont tell me who jesus hs

YOU NEED TO STOP worship a human and come to the truth

which is that jesus is a prophet of allah and is ALIVE and will come down one day and remove all false hood

and he Jesus is a MUSLIM!

Didn't you say that Muhammad was Allah's only messenger?

Edited by Neoquest, 27 July 2011 - 04:16 PM.

#1462 DanDoesWork

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:19 PM

Isn't religion defined as a belief in a higher power God/Diety without scientific evidence? Isn't it just silly to flap gums about whos wrong and whos right? In the end we don't know until we pass on. I'm a Christian but I do keep a open mind about anything like this.

#1463 Waser Lave

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:19 PM

I am a Muslim and Love jusus more then you my friend..

and in the Quran 1 book

we have a whole chapter honoring him and his mother so dont tell me who jesus hs

YOU NEED TO STOP worship a human and come to the truth

which is that jesus is a prophet of allah and is ALIVE and will come down one day and remove all false hood

and he Jesus is a MUSLIM!

If you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour you will never be accepted into the kingdom of Heaven for he is the one and only God.

#1464 nugget111

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 04:29 PM

Didn't you say that Muhammad was Allah's only messenger?

Muhammad(peace and blessings of allah be upon him) is the LAST messenger

many came before him and all talk about " there is none worth of worship but ALlah"

and Jesus is a prophet

mosses a prohet along with 121,000 more

and all are of those whome Allah loves and has chosen them to bring mankind out of polyteisam and come to worshiping Allah ALONE with out any partners.

and from all these prophets

Mohammad is the last and no one will come after him.

May allahs blessings and peace be upon him and his family)

Edited by nugget111, 27 July 2011 - 04:33 PM.

#1465 redlion

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 05:12 PM

Muhammad(peace and blessings of allah be upon him) is the LAST messenger

many came before him and all talk about " there is none worth of worship but ALlah"

and Jesus is a prophet

mosses a prohet along with 121,000 more

and all are of those whome Allah loves and has chosen them to bring mankind out of polyteisam and come to worshiping Allah ALONE with out any partners.

and from all these prophets

Mohammad is the last and no one will come after him.

May allahs blessings and peace be upon him and his family)

But of course if you wanted to claim the lineage of a great many prophets, you would say you were of their line, and worshiped their god, and lived according to the ways of monotheism. But when he said he was the LAST prophet, he lost me. That could only be if God were determined never to speak to us again, and what kind of god would he be? No, Mohammad claimed to be the last prophet so that his words would carry the most weight, and would be followed the most closely. Pure politics, to unite the Arab people. A noble goal, but he who had it was not any particularly important prophet.

#1466 nugget111

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 05:44 PM

But of course if you wanted to claim the lineage of a great many prophets, you would say you were of their line, and worshiped their god, and lived according to the ways of monotheism. But when he said he was the LAST prophet, he lost me. That could only be if God were determined never to speak to us again, and what kind of god would he be? No, Mohammad claimed to be the last prophet so that his words would carry the most weight, and would be followed the most closely. Pure politics, to unite the Arab people. A noble goal, but he who had it was not any particularly important prophet.

read the Quran.. and stop making things up in your head.

cuz makeing theories up in your own head ..and then declaring them fact is wack as it defies the principles of acquiring knowledge,

you ONly using your head is the reason why you lost m8t.

the only way god stooped talking to you would be with the death of his prophet that he would wipe out the scripture as well.

BUT THE scripture is here and well protected

wake up the QURAN is still here and knowledgeable men have studeied it

if you do not know ASK those who know

Edited by nugget111, 27 July 2011 - 05:52 PM.

#1467 YaniiMarie

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 05:59 PM

I used to believe in God, but then I believed in several, and now I just don't.

I was raised Christian but Wiccanism runs through my family, so I'm now an Atheistic-Wiccan.

But I love religion and debates/discussions and learning other peoples' religions and hearing their views. I'm very open-minded.

Edited by iamyani, 27 July 2011 - 06:00 PM.

#1468 Cory

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 06:03 PM

cuz makeing theories up in your own head ..and then declaring them fact is wack.

I agree.

#1469 Bone

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 06:21 PM

Posted Image
This entire thread.

#1470 Junsu

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 06:44 PM



#1471 necospes

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 06:51 PM

I believe that a Kitten God created this universe. He talks to me through dreams. :)

#1472 Blackout

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 06:54 PM

I believe that a Kitten God created this universe. He talks to me through dreams. :)

I'm a Kitstren too!

#1473 YaniiMarie

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 07:22 PM

I believe that a Kitten God created this universe. He talks to me through dreams. :)

This is all I've been hearing from my friend recently xD I love it.

#1474 Narcissa


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Posted 27 July 2011 - 07:43 PM

I'm an agnostic. To me there is no way we can prove there is or isn't a god. So; no, I do not at the present point in time.

I was raised Catholic and I never saw/felt/heard/read anything that made me truly believe in any deity whatsoever.

#1475 Ziz

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Posted 27 July 2011 - 08:04 PM

I do believe in god, because some felings and creation cannot be explained just with common logic, and science doesn't really fulfill a good explanation.
Like semore said, "Simple cells cannot combine and produce these things".

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