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Do you believe in god?

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#1501 nugget111

  • 113 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 05:54 AM

One line break is plenty. Using more, and irregularly, makes your shit a lot harder to read.
I say "shit" because, as has been pointed out to you already, you're not debating, you're preaching.

And badly, at that.

if you disagree or dont accpet bring out the reasons why and we debate i gave so many evediences i challenged all who came at me and i am countering them all

Allah says in the Quran.

18. Nay, We fling (send down) the truth (this Qur'ân) against the falsehood (disbelief), so it destroys it, and behold, it (falsehood) is vanished.

im here to help you all understand with the help of Allah the truth and remove you all from your baseless belifs

that there is None worth of worship except Allah

btw you have a very beautiful way of speaking/debating

Edited by nugget111, 28 July 2011 - 05:55 AM.

#1502 MoriNoRyu

  • 211 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 05:54 AM

I did in fact read the link you posted. And i responded to your supposed point.
I spent 10 minutes of my time looking at your proof and provided a counter argument which you could argue if you wanted.
But you juststuck your fingers in your ears and said lalalala i cant hear you.
I try to be open minded, you clearly are not.
So here using your own brand of logic maybe you will understand better.

it seems to me that You didnt even click this link i posted.

Oh Btw,
Even muslim disagree with these findings.

Edited by MoriNoRyu, 28 July 2011 - 05:56 AM.

#1503 Gen

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 05:56 AM

1. as a Muslim i call to good and forbid evil as this order by Allah to all Muslims

2. isnt this the section where u CAN talk about stuff like this?

3. people like to debate here. .. and i wished to see what they could throw at me

and Last

Islam is beautiful religion and would love to make it clear for the people due to all the misconceptions running around on TV etc

i give the people here first hand chance to talk to a REAL muslim and get whatever they have inside them about Islam Cleared.

And Allah is the source of Strength !!

You should know that people only convert to a religion peacefuly (unless something might happen if they dont, like many Jews became Christians at Europe so they could live without the church on their feet) and because they believe in it, usually not because someone filled them with content that they wont even see/read.

EDIT: I forgot to ask, can you say what the "jihad" means for me please, I learned about it but I'm in doubt if I remember it correctly

#1504 Elle

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 06:00 AM

if you disagree or dont accpet bring out the reasons why and we debate i gave so many evediences i challenged all who came at me and i am countering them all

Allah says in the Quran.

18. Nay, We fling (send down) the truth (this Qur'ân) against the falsehood (disbelief), so it destroys it, and behold, it (falsehood) is vanished.

im here to help you all understand with the help of Allah the truth and remove you all from your baseless belifs

that there is None worth of worship except Allah

btw you have a very beautiful way of speaking/debating

Honestly, its fuckwits like you that give religious groups bad names.
Don't you dare walk your sorry ass in here and tell others what is and what isn't worth worshiping. If you believe in something, thats good shit. Accept and respect the fact that others have different beliefs.

#1505 MoriNoRyu

  • 211 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 06:01 AM

Intolerance is a big issue for some religions.

#1506 Sweeney

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 06:03 AM

if you disagree or dont accpet bring out the reasons why and we debate i gave so many evediences i challenged all who came at me and i am countering them all
Allah says in the Quran.
18. Nay, We fling (send down) the truth (this Qur'ân) against the falsehood (disbelief), so it destroys it, and behold, it (falsehood) is vanished.
im here to help you all understand with the help of Allah the truth and remove you all from your baseless belifs
that there is None worth of worship except Allah

btw you have a very beautiful way of speaking/debating

Do you believe that every single thing in the Quran is an accurate and unchanging reflection of reality?
If so, then we have a starting point. If not, then you've posted nothing that would impact on the truth claims of Islam.

You see, unless you define in naturalistic terms precisely what you're talking about when you dicuss your religion, there really isn't anywhere for the discussion to go.

#1507 DoNotAnnoyMe

  • 157 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 06:05 AM

if you disagree or dont accpet bring out the reasons why and we debate i gave so many evediences i challenged all who came at me and i am countering them all

the reason is pretty easy: quotes from an old book aren't an argument, they are - and now hold your breath - quotes from an old book.
then again trying to argument why a religion is the only one is simply nonsense. you cannot argument something that isn't about casuality.

religion is about believe - as simple as that. you pick a postulate of some sort that you simply believe and then start from there.
of course someone with a different postulate will see you argument as invalid as it simply doesn't make sense with a different postulate.
e.g. "everything in the quran/bible/whatsoever is true" could be a postulate that you can build upon to prove everything you want with regard to your religion.
however someone with a different one, e.g. "the system that yields the best prognoses is the contemporarily 'most true' one", will surerly regard all of your "arguments" (aka quotes from that book) as perfectly invalid as they can't make any sort of meaningful/verifiable prognoses.
in addition to that he'll claim all your arguments perfectly invalid as all of them require a lot of wild interpretation which could be done which pretty much any statement that is sufficiently vague.

in a nutshell: you won't convince anyone at all unless you leave your perfect little closed world and change the pov to a more open one

#1508 Zeer

  • 18 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 12:22 PM

Howso? Is this is personal disposition? I find it enabling. By some marvel of infinitesimal luck, I exist right now. I think it would be a waste to not use every day I'm alive to the fullest and live the best life I can because this is all I have and all I can really leave behind is my name... legacy... whatever you want to call it. It may seem bleak at first, but it's a really freeing experience.

Oh, I think we should live everyday to the fullest since in all probability there is nothing after you're gone. On the other hand, that also means that some people, like the Westboro Baptist Church members, won't burn for eternity in a special hell when they die.

But unless you do something truly unique and spectacular, no one will remember you in 100 years. And unless you end up as a fossil or a mummy or you impregnate so many women that a unique Y chromosome gene shows up in 0.5% of the world's population today (Genghis Khan!), no one will remember you in 1000 years. If I cared for legacy I'd have kids, but I won't. I'm selfish. ;3

#1509 Ziz

  • 936 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 12:54 PM

Is it just me, or did the OP just make this topic to try to convert others to his belief?

No, the OP just created it for debating about the belief in god, but apparently, this thread had became a mix of a place for preaching, increasing post count, trolling, and sometimes for expresing opinions.

#1510 Jake

  • 2701 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 12:57 PM

btw majority of Muslims are the poor.
Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) was extreamly poor
his companions are poor

The poor will enter paradise before the rich this is from Islam as well i come from a country fill of poor

That's why extremist Muslims are wingnuts.

#1511 lonewolf

  • 243 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 01:21 PM

well im aetheist...but if there was a hard proof that there was a god, i would believe it.

#1512 YaniiMarie

  • 46 posts

Posted 28 July 2011 - 05:38 PM

Intolerance is a big issue for some religions.

I totally agree. It's all controversy and ignorance between religions that gets people riled up. That's why I'm as open-minded as I possibly can.

#1513 necospes

  • 140 posts

Posted 29 July 2011 - 01:53 AM

No, the OP just created it for debating about the belief in god, but apparently, this thread had became a mix of a place for preaching, increasing post count, trolling, and sometimes for expresing opinions.

And no one should expect anything else from a debate on the existence of god. Every debate is always the same, and usually nothing amounts from it. I'd like to meet someone who changed their mind because of a debate on the internet.

In the end, the atheists will point to the lack of evidence for god. The theists use the bible or understand that there is no evidence and accept the existence of god as faith.

After all this turmoil, it will be the Great Kitten God who will strike upon all non-believers with his almighty claws and condemn you all. Evidence.

#1514 artificial

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 04:36 AM

The theists use the bible or understand that there is no evidence and accept the existence of god as faith.

I would probably go further to say that, in most cases, theists aren't actually portraying acts of faith at all.

Almost 95% of Christians I meet have either:
  • Been brought up in a Christian household, and/or
  • Have been indoctrinated with religion since a young age (Church/Christian school)
And don't know any differently. Most Christians I talk to surprisingly know very little about other religions, and are unable to hold even a simple debate when you start pointing out the fallacies of religion/the Bible. It's quite evident that they're only preaching what they've been taught; every young child will swear by Santa Claus, but you wouldn't label that an act of faith. A true act of faith would be to look at their religion objectively - understand their own, and other religions, and acknowledge the possibility of it all being a lie. If they were truly well educated on the subject, and still swore by their religion, than I would happily accept that as their prerogative, and a true testament to their faith.

One of the smartest guys I know has recently accepted Christianity, and while I may disagree with him, it's obvious that he's done his homework, and it truly is entertaining to hold a logical debate with him. Unfortunately, people like this are far and few between, and as is often the case, you usually get illiterates preaching what they themselves have been subjected to since childhood (case and point: kid above).

#1515 polyneux

  • 11 posts

Posted 29 July 2011 - 07:50 AM

I believe in God, I have never been to a Church in my life except for weddings, funerals, and one or two special occasions.

I believe that all books are written by man and, regardless of the inspiration or dictator of whatever book, and especially over thousands of years, a significant amount of hyperbole can permeate a text.

I believe in the theory of relativity, evolution...

Do you believe in Quantum Entanglement? Copenhagen Interperetation? Any of the Various Many-Worlds theories? What about Tabula Rasa? Spontaneous Generation? Cold Fusion?

Do you believe the Earth is flat?

At any point in history there are "Scientists" that come up with all sorts of facts as "proof" that theory x exists. This happens so much that they make a point of telling us in grade school that Theories are not "proven".

Yes there are facts and experiments that come along undoubtedly proving that say, Spontaneous Generation is incorrect. But how do we know at this point in life that our current theory of life creation is 100% correct? How do we know in 10 years that all of the sudden the greeks were right about the Aether?

Scientific theories come and go, and are proven and disproven, and God has stood through every one.

No, I don't believe you should force your religion on someone.
Yes, I believe that the Bible in whatever originality it was has been adultered by commercialization, zealots, and misguided individuals.

And yes I still believe in God.

Do I have any scientific proof? No

It's just an instinctual feeling. Do you have any proof that he 'doesn't' exist? If taken just the bare facts of his existence and management of us from the bible and nothing else, we would never comprehend it anyway.

#1516 Sweeney

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 08:00 AM

Your view of the scientific method is skewed, and a little worrying.

Every time there is a paradigm shift, such as the rejection of Aether, it comes about because the new theory explains all observations far better than the previous.
It is not possible for the Aether theory to suddenly explain the propagation of light better than our current understanding of electromagnetism. Not, at least, without revisions so significant as to render the new synthesis totally unrecognisable compared to the original.

#1517 Waser Lave

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 08:03 AM

Do you have any proof that he 'doesn't' exist?

How does one prove that something doesn't exist?

#1518 redlion

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 08:53 AM

if you disagree or dont accpet bring out the reasons why and we debate i gave so many evediences i challenged all who came at me and i am countering them all

Allah says in the Quran.

18. Nay, We fling (send down) the truth (this Qur'ân) against the falsehood (disbelief), so it destroys it, and behold, it (falsehood) is vanished.

im here to help you all understand with the help of Allah the truth and remove you all from your baseless belifs

that there is None worth of worship except Allah

btw you have a very beautiful way of speaking/debating

First, know that it is condescending and rude to tell an entire group of people that their beliefs are baseless. Please don't take a holier-than-thou attitude, especially in the debate section.

The problem with what you've been saying is basically that the existence of the Qu'ran is not direct proof of Allah - it is merely proof that people, specifically Mohammad the prophet and his followers the Moslems, believe in Allah. The two are distinct propositions. Saying "Allah says in the Quran" is not any way of making an argument. Surely, even you can see that the Quran was written by a man, same as the Bible, same as the Hebrew Torah, and the Talmud, and the Hadith, and all the other religious scriptures. Men, not God. God doesn't write anything. He just says it, and it's true. That is the power of God. So stop trying to claim that your book is the one path to God when obviously a few BILLION people who aren't moslem have found a higher power without it.

God is only an idea in our collective consciousness. Maybe he is our collective conscience, like Jimminie Cricket sitting on all of our shoulders.

How does one prove that something doesn't exist?


In fact our belief in imaginary things affects us every day. There is no natural law regarding the state of Virginia, yet enough people believe in it to regard its laws as valid.

#1519 Ngoduong

  • 84 posts

Posted 05 August 2011 - 08:34 PM

Why there are so many people believe in Gods? I believe in myself and i still be able to overcome everything happens in my life and im still good at that

#1520 Rooshy

  • 254 posts

Posted 05 August 2011 - 09:32 PM

Don't really know why I'm posting, but whatever.

Yes, I do. Not gonna bother reasoning why simply cause trying to change anyone's mind over an online gaming forum is well, futile to say the least.
It was eye-opening to skim through everybody else's perspectives though.

#1521 Sweeney

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Posted 06 August 2011 - 01:21 AM

Don't really know why I'm posting, but whatever.

Yes, I do. Not gonna bother reasoning why simply cause trying to change anyone's mind over an online gaming forum is well, futile to say the least.
It was eye-opening to skim through everybody else's perspectives though.

This is the debate forum. People debate in here.
If you don't want to discuss your opinions, write them on a post-it note and stick them inside your underwear drawer, where they'll be nice and safe from the cold light of reality.

#1522 MSPP

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Posted 12 August 2011 - 11:18 AM

I pretty much believe in the supernatural but god is a very hard question.In some terms he might be alive to me but usually i just cant understand how.I mean how can all this be possible.How has he came?All questions ill never get answers to.

#1523 lonewolf

  • 243 posts

Posted 12 August 2011 - 01:01 PM

Don't really know why I'm posting, but whatever.

Yes, I do. Not gonna bother reasoning why simply cause trying to change anyone's mind over an online gaming forum is well, futile to say the least.
It was eye-opening to skim through everybody else's perspectives though.

hahaha yeah, it is. after reading this thread had no impact on me watsoever

#1524 babylove

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Posted 13 August 2011 - 09:40 AM

I don't believe in god ;/

#1525 Vendel

  • 74 posts

Posted 13 August 2011 - 04:08 PM

I readily agree with that second poster, you've certainly opened a can of worms by asking that. It's nice realizing that on internet, protected by a measure of anonymity, you can get away with asking these questions without significant repercussions.

But I digress, my answer is no; I do not believe in god, because it is an existence that can't be proven, however it also cannot be disproven, to argue this would be a fallacy. However I look at it another way. What if I were to say that I believe god is an intangible, invisible unicorn, omnipresent and omniscient . You also can't prove it nor disprove it. I feel that if I were to accept an idea that a god exists, I'd be putting my trust into something akin to a fictional character.

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