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Customer Service...

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#26 Ives

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Posted 20 September 2009 - 05:54 PM

I hate customer service jobs. It's not because I'm aloof. I have a major social life, but when I'm behind a register a certain tension occurs, a malignant stupidity that makes you want to punch the guy you're helping in the face. But no, not all the time. It's the five people a day who feel like they're angry at the world. Just gives me bad vibes in general, so now I limit myself to teaching and menial labor. Teaching you at least know they're not gonna know and menial labor you at least don't have to put on a fake smile.

#27 Amour

  • 214 posts

Posted 02 October 2009 - 01:06 AM

I love it when no-class pieces of crap think they're better than you because they're the customers. I would love to just compare their lifestyle to mine and shut them right up, but instead I just smile.

#28 unworthy

  • 602 posts

Posted 03 December 2009 - 12:19 PM

putting till tape around it or even putting it in a plastic bag before swiping works:)

I started working at this new place and I love it. My managers don't put up with shit so when people come in complaining that two 350ml products costs more then a 700ml product they just tell them thats the way it is.

I used to work at a futureshop and people get mad all the f'ing time. I switched from sales to CS..for god knows why.. but if people freaked on me and acted rude all i'd say is "i'm obviously not the right person to be helping you" and then i'd go help the person next in line with them just standing there.

When there is more then one person you can always alienate them in front of others for being useless.

*The key to dealing with stupid people is to talk to them like they are children but not in a condescending way*

#29 kbbbb

  • 329 posts

Posted 03 December 2009 - 02:05 PM

How on earth can you give good customer service, when the customer themselves treats you like a piece of shit? I work at a servo... and I cop abuse all the time, quite frankly it's hard to keep a straight face when someone calls you a lying bitch when they think they know your job better than you do o.O

I don't get called that but I sure get patronised. They think because I work in a cosmetics and beauty store that i'm stupid. Middle aged, often ugly, women, replying to courtesy in a condescending and patronising way. Oh, I'm sorry I'm not your pet dog, for $16 an hour. I'll just go back to my law degree now and you can go back to your two kids, husband and housework. While I have no problem with housewives as such, the ones that think they're more intelligent than me, because I work in a cosmetics store, I just want to punch. Yes, all the decently trained sales reps in my store can see the middle-aged stuck-up chip-on-their-shoulder bitchy ones coming a mile off and really desire to not give them any service at all.

I can tollerate someone draging me around asking me to hold things. Being asked for help to pick a lipstick and having to try every colour in the store. It's when we have tried every lipstick colour they go "oh, is that it? Are you sure" or "Are you sure you don't have any of X item" when I say, no we don't, or "I want this item" I fetch it, and then just walk off with no appreciation.

Unfortunately, that is the art of 'customer service'- serving the tools and jerks and being humble and gracious about it.

#30 AjayC

  • 79 posts

Posted 05 December 2009 - 11:05 PM

I currently work in a service job. I find that dealing with customers is easy if you just smile at them, and make them realize that they are the ones being douchebags. But not actually saying it.

I personally find horrible customers amusing.

#31 Vexage

  • 191 posts

Posted 18 December 2009 - 10:09 PM

So you live in India? Whenever I call one I get a very nice Indian man with a suspiciously American name. Very knowledgeable though.

#32 travis

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 12:03 AM

I think this is rather humorous. I get treated like crap by the inmates at the prison. I'm a Correctional Officer, or guard as you might call it. At one point in time Texas called the inmates clients. Does that count as me being in CS? :p

I wrote an article on guards. Ever seen Convict News come into your prison?

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