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What do you hate about neopets?

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#51 Kyuu

  • 191 posts

Posted 14 December 2009 - 09:53 AM

Wow can't even express my opinion these days without getting attacked but if i were to say i have no problems with men acting feminine or gay no one would of attacked me then.

We're having a discussion. If you feel attacked, maybe it's because you're being defensive? So it's okay for you to have an opinion, but if someone has a disagreeing opinion, then we're "attacking" your "right to free speech".

You can't have it both ways.


How about this: What if I were actually a gay guy who's using a girly bunny icon? (I'm not by the way.) Then, you're not even attacking my opinion so much as my right to exist? How do you think I'd feel about that? Obviously you don't care because your right to free speech is the only thing that matters.

By the way, this is a message board, not a democracy. :)

Also, you never answered my question: how is this a problem inherent to Neo itself? Your problem with gays and femininity seems to be your problem, not everyone else's.

Edited by Kyuu, 14 December 2009 - 09:58 AM.

#52 unworthy

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Posted 14 December 2009 - 10:26 AM

guys get attacked for acting flamboyant or gay because other guys who are insecure with their sexuality find them offensive. Girls never get bothered because other girls dont care if they are gay.

#53 chobitz

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Posted 14 December 2009 - 11:17 AM

guys get attacked for acting flamboyant or gay because other guys who are insecure with their sexuality find them offensive. Girls never get bothered because other girls don't care if they are gay.


Human Sexuality 101: Sexual orientation isn't a black and white issue. Sexually orientation or identity is actually shades of gray.

People extremely homophobic have some latent feelings they are not dealing with well. I don't even mean that they are gay , but a lot of those gay bashers that go to extremes are usually closet cases. Our society (American) has forced men to shut off their feelings. Its OK to love a friend if he is male but boys assume they are gay if they are and out comes with the homophobia.

I am a disabled bisexual married (to a man BTW) woman who HATES intolerance with a passion. Yeah I know thats a tad hypocritical but honestly I am sick of it.

Love is NEVER evil. If with consenting adults its NOT OUR BUSINESS who loves who. As soon as the fucking Christian right get over their fucking self and leave most of us sane Americans alone with their bigoted hatred in "Jesus' name" Americans will be able to breathe easier..

Sorry but I am so fucking sick of hearing homophobes on line on boards bashing gay people and being bisexual I take deep offense to it. Oh wait I am a bisexual woman so thats OK with society and teen boys right Posted Image

Sorry guys for the rant.. but someone rattled my cage in this thread.

#54 truecrimes

  • 88 posts

Posted 14 December 2009 - 12:06 PM

Posted Image
its cool guys in the real world we keep dem phaggots down. u win with numbers on the internet but in real life u stay down.

oh and to sum up this debate

you will say im a phaggot for bashing phaggots and there is some deep feeling bullshit LOL WUT?
and i will say your a phaggot for defending phaggots cuz your defending your own kind...
bla bla i dont care u guys stay mad i wont change my opinion.

i love how people try to prove my "opinion" is wrong...was not aware this board has a big gay following.

#55 Snowneo

  • 216 posts

Posted 14 December 2009 - 12:14 PM

I hate that it takes weeks to get a response from TNT for anything, unless you want to give them money.
I hate that a lot of people are very greedy and demanding.
I hate that TNT has not fixed the coding issues

#56 Elindoril

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Posted 14 December 2009 - 12:59 PM

its cool guys in the real world we keep dem phaggots down. u win with numbers on the internet but in real life u stay down.

oh and to sum up this debate

you will say im a phaggot for bashing phaggots and there is some deep feeling bullshit LOL WUT?
and i will say your a phaggot for defending phaggots cuz your defending your own kind...
bla bla i dont care u guys stay mad i wont change my opinion.

i love how people try to prove my "opinion" is wrong...was not aware this board has a big gay following.

It's funny how you think you're so awesome and tough over the internet.

Also, who the fuck spells it phaggot? If you want to bash homosexuals, then just say faggot. If you don't care to deal with rebuttals, then don't bother posting a controversial post at all, and take your homophobia somewhere else.

#57 unworthy

  • 602 posts

Posted 14 December 2009 - 01:56 PM

truecrimes is as stupid as they come. If you werent worried that you were gay deep down why would it even matter to you if someone was?

Benefits of having gay men.

1.more women for the rest of us.
2. usually more productive in society.
3.They are discrete and don't want your hetero insecure ass in their life so they don't even bother you.

Problems with having gay men.
1. Closet gays resent them for showing that its okay to have those feelings when they are too scared to do it themselves.
2. They let the world know that it's normal and that our christian repressed nation is full of bullshit where we think that being gay is a sin when it's been around before christ and will be here while and after.
3.I cant think of any real problems because they are only made by intolerant people.

I'm not gay, I've had gay friends. They respect my sexual preferences and I respect theirs. They don't pressure me or ever bring up their personal lives in our relationships.

TRUECRIMES is just a sad sad little boy who masturbates cp and cries at night because hes alone and confused.

Edited by unworthy, 14 December 2009 - 02:22 PM.

#58 truecrimes

  • 88 posts

Posted 14 December 2009 - 02:09 PM

truecrimes is as stuid as they come. If you werent worried that you were gay deep down why would it even matter to you if someone was?

Benefits of having gay men.

1.more women for the rest of us.
2. usually more productive in society.
3.They are discrete and don't want your hetero insecure ass in their life so they don't even bother you.

Problems with having gay men.
1. Closet gays resent them for showing that its okay to have those feelings when they are too scared to do it themselves.
2. They let the world know that it's normal and that our christian repressed nation is full of bullshit where we think that being gay is a sin when it's been around before christ and will be here while and after.
3.I cant think of any real problems because they are only made by intolerant people.

I'm not gay, I've had gay friends. They respect my sexual preferences and I respect theirs. They don't pressure me or ever bring up their personal lives in our relationships.

TRUECRIMES is just a sad sad little boy who masturbates cp and cries at night because hes alone and confused.

its spelled "stupid" not "stuid".
wow damn i never even considered any feelings like the ones you posted i guess your one of the ones who feels like a phaggot, went against it but then got called out on it and now are accepting of homosexuality so no one guess your a phaggot yourself? I mean if were gonna pull random feelings out of our ass we might as well make the same assumption for you. I am against it because its against all that I believe...man you people automatically assume some crazy weird phaggot liberal shit... get a fucking life hippy not everything has a super deep down meaning..
Posted Image

#59 Elindoril

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Posted 14 December 2009 - 02:14 PM

its spelled "stupid" not "stuid".
wow damn i never even considered any feelings like the ones you posted i guess your one of the ones who feels like a phaggot, went against it but then got called out on it and now are accepting of homosexuality so no one guess your a phaggot yourself? I mean if were gonna pull random feelings out of our ass we might as well make the same assumption for you. I am against it because its against all that I believe...man you people automatically assume some crazy weird phaggot liberal shit... get a fucking life hippy not everything has a super deep down meaning..

Yup, I'm done arguing with you, go back to /b/ where you belong.

#60 Sweeney

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Posted 14 December 2009 - 02:16 PM

This thread is a lol.

#61 unworthy

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Posted 14 December 2009 - 02:18 PM

Truecrimes your so offbase its retarded. Not even worth fighting with.

/edit I guess what I Hate the most about neopets would be not being able to euthenize many of its users. :0

Edited by unworthy, 14 December 2009 - 02:20 PM.

#62 chobitz

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Posted 14 December 2009 - 02:31 PM

Truecrimes your so offbase its retarded. Not even worth fighting with.

/edit I guess what I Hate the most about neopets would be not being able to euthenize many of its users. :0

Ok unworthy you have my love Posted Image I repped your other post for being so damned right Posted Image Oh and for having a Khan avatar. My favorite perverted stuffed lion.

What I hate about neopets.. the new NC Mall KQ tokens suck. They have little if any animation and are way out of proportion. It makes the other neopet tokens to be as small as one of those Paris Hilton pocket dogs Posted Image

It's funny how you think you're so awesome and tough over the internet.

Also, who the fuck spells it phaggot? If you want to bash homosexuals, then just say faggot. If you don't care to deal with rebuttals, then don't bother posting a controversial post at all, and take your homophobia somewhere else.

He is soo 1337 we must phear his rath. Posted Image Isn't there an xbox calling him?

Edited by chobitz, 14 December 2009 - 02:30 PM.

#63 plookle

  • 46 posts

Posted 16 December 2009 - 03:48 PM

I hate how the pets change every two minutes. It is sooo annoying. I have a baby poogle, and I LOOOVED his little blue bow, but now he's been "updated" and it's gone and can't find a buyable blue bow for him. *cries* This pisses me off.

#64 Kyuu

  • 191 posts

Posted 16 December 2009 - 03:57 PM

I want the UC pets back. ): And it sucks that it's not an option to get them back. Of course they're never coming back because Neo likes people dressing up their pets because they have to spend NC to do so.

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