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Abrosia Idea

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Poll: Abrosia

To make abrosia for 100 posts + people so we can get better items.

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#1 CraigChrist

  • 111 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:07 AM

This is a vote to try to get Abrosia for 100+ posts people. We are tired of missing so many items. There is usually over 80 people on abrosia now. Vote in the poll and post your vote. Or it will not count. This is to keep noobs from just voting no and not posting. If you vote no please leave a reason why.

My vote is Yes. I don't even have 100 posts yet, but it is unfair to the people who do and are missing items because of people who just leech the programs and do not become active members of the community.

#2 Waser Lave

Waser Lave

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:11 AM

It isn't just other Abrosia users which you're competing with so it won't make any difference if you make it 100 posts+, Abrosia users are just the tip of the iceberg really.

Not to mention that if we have less people using it then the database won't be as accurate so there's a drawback to that too.

Also, you should have made this a public poll rather than asking people to reply with what they voted. ;)

#3 CraigChrist

  • 111 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:15 AM

I want reasons. =) There is a ton of people who just leech programs laser =( and its not fair to us. you know what i mean?

#4 Token

  • 576 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:16 AM

It's a game. We have a edge up on that game. Why are you complaining? You aren't doing it legit anyways.

#5 ArticTheTiger

  • 1318 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:17 AM

I say yes.

A bit of history on this idea;

[18:36] <CraigChrist> i think you should have 100 posts before you can use any program..
[18:49] <ArticTheLiger> I agree
[18:49] <ArticTheLiger> people are ruining the gene pool
[18:50] <CraigChrist> i dont even have 100 posts yet and i think that
[18:50] <CraigChrist> making it harder for us
[18:50] <CraigChrist> 100 non spam posts
[18:50] <ArticTheLiger> I dont even have that many non spam posts
[18:51] <CraigChrist> but its getting stupid how many people are on abrosia that have never posted or came into chat
[18:51] <ArticTheLiger> I know dude
[18:51] <ArticTheLiger> or an anti leeching policy
[18:51] <ArticTheLiger> people need to post once a week to use it
[18:52] <CraigChrist> i do post atleast once a week
[18:52] <CraigChrist> but how would they regulate it?
[18:52] <CraigChrist> or they have to come into chat and chat for atleast an hour

[18:56] <CraigChrist> So I have an idea
[18:56] <CraigChrist> well we have an idea
[18:56] <CraigChrist> tell us waht you think elin...
[18:56] <CraigChrist> its been harder to get good shit through the aber right?
[18:56] <ArticTheLiger> yes
[18:56] <ArticTheLiger> yes it has
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> say it is so elin
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 17:53:39 - Abrosia MSAB Started.
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 17:56:18 - Missed Bogie Berry: Sold out.
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:40:01 - Missed Love Shake Chocolate: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:40:04 - Missed Yellow Techo Pop: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:40:09 - Missed Balloon-Shaped Rainbow Candy: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:40:13 - Missed Fire Candy Buttons: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:40:16 - Missed Fire Candyfloss: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:40:19 - Missed Longan Lollypop: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:40:30 - Missed Sour Apple Lupe Hard Candy: Sold out.
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:50:57 - Missed Love Shake Chocolate: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:51:01 - Missed Dark Chocolate Hearts: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:51:12 - Missed Sour Apple Lupe Hard Candy: Sold out.
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:51:16 - Missed Mint Chocolate Uni: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:51:20 - Missed White Chocolate Gnorbu: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:51:25 - Missed Milk Chocolate Krawk Coin: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:54:23 - Missed Orange Chocolate Kacheek: Sold out!
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> 2009-12-24 18:56:15 - Pricing Personal Shop: Success.
[18:57] <Elindoril> What.
[18:57] <Kweh> o_0
[18:57] <CraigChrist> See
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> thats chocolate
[18:57] <ArticTheLiger> CHOCOLATE
[18:57] <CraigChrist> I think we need a 100 post minimum on Abrosia
[18:58] <CraigChrist> Because too many people are just leeching it
[18:58] <ArticTheLiger> on AT LEAST just abrosia
[18:58] <Elindoril> Indeed.

[19:03] <Kweh> I like the idea of having the refresh amount 100 + post count with 300 max so they switch shops every 13 minutes and miss restocks
[19:04] <ArticTheLiger> lawl
[19:04] <CraigChrist> Neopets General Artic?
[19:04] <ArticTheLiger> or change the functionality of >100 posters to "if you had 100 posts you COULD have bought:"

Alternately, make >100 posters get a chance to buy 1/3rd of the time, that way you advertise posting in the forums, AND you still make it worth it for new users.

#6 CraigChrist

  • 111 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:20 AM

I like your idea Artic. I enjoy your thoughts a lot. If we cant get the 100 posts policy at least implement something to nerf it down a little to see if it does any better?

#7 MasterJunpei

  • 453 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:23 AM

sorry I voted no. I haven't ever used the advanced part of Abrosia. 500 posts makes it worth something in my opinion. I never have any problem getting good items. No I don't get 10 500k-1 mil items a day but I usually pick up one. There's no need for this.

#8 Elindoril

  • Weeaboo Trash

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:28 AM

I like your idea Artic. I enjoy your thoughts a lot. If we cant get the 100 posts policy at least implement something to nerf it down a little to see if it does any better?

It might nerf down the program, but we could see some unorthodox activity from all the people who activity leech it, or just have them dump the program and we'll drop to a low user count of people pricing the database, which could hinder it.

Although I'd be unaffected by this change, I wouldn't want to sit through the chance and the aftereffects.

#9 Eliam

  • 621 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:31 AM

I dunno. I was against the whole charging for "advanced" status, so someone could still just come and sign up and pay a small fee and use Abrosia anyway. =/

100 posts isn't that many, and there are many other programs that are very helpful in the meantime. I'm gonna vote yes, but if we do that then I think we should remove the restrictions on it.

#10 CraigChrist

  • 111 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:34 AM

No, It will still be 500 posts for advanced nothing else is changing.

#11 Eliam

  • 621 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:36 AM

No, It will still be 500 posts for advanced nothing else is changing.

Then I say we should keep it the way it is.

#12 CraigChrist

  • 111 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:40 AM

It looks like you just wanted advanced. You never really wanted to change the program in the first place.

#13 Eliam

  • 621 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:43 AM

It looks like you just wanted advanced. You never really wanted to change the program in the first place.

No, here's my reasoning.

As it stands now, anyone can use Abrosia, with limited (but still kickass) functionality.
It used to be that only people with 500+ posts (aka, people who were a part of the community) could use the advanced features, which, let's face it, are amazing.
Now, though, we have people who can get advanced without any effort whatsoever, which makes it more difficult for everyone else using the program, so it would make sense to limit the number of people it is available to.

#14 ArticTheTiger

  • 1318 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:51 AM

The plan was always to provide useful programs to the masses, but Abrosia just seems too convinient to just hand out to people with low posts.

Back when I just started I got more items without advanced than I do now WITH advanced. THIS is what we try to remedy with this thread, please keep the ranting about the people who pay for the program (and thus doing their part contributing to pay towards the server and stuff) to a minimum, this is not about advanced, this is about a new rank that helps devoted posters and contributing members.

#15 CraigChrist

  • 111 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 10:52 AM

But say wouldn't you like to get more items on your way to advanced?

#16 luvsmyncis

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 11:02 AM

Hah. Imagine the effect it would have on the board. Bad enough with people posting everytime they scratch their nuts so they can reach 500 posts. It hurts to even think how it would be if EVERYONE was REQUIRED to have 100 posts before they could even get the program. Sure, we have a lot of dumb posts as it is, but I think doing this would make it reach uncharted levels of retardedness.

#17 Eliam

  • 621 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 11:29 AM

But say wouldn't you like to get more items on your way to advanced?

I find the amount of items I get more than satisfactory, and this is on an account that is not even 4 months old yet and so cannot get the rarest items.

Hah. Imagine the effect it would have on the board. Bad enough with people posting everytime they scratch their nuts so they can reach 500 posts. It hurts to even think how it would be if EVERYONE was REQUIRED to have 100 posts before they could even get the program. Sure, we have a lot of dumb posts as it is, but I think doing this would make it reach uncharted levels of retardedness.


#18 Vexage

  • 191 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 12:25 PM

No. Its a games, there are other programs, you make enough each day, deal with it.

500 is a good enough incentive, 100 is nothing.

#19 iargue

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 12:37 PM

As an Advanced+ member....I dont run the program under 8 seconds anyways, unless I am trying for UB buying.

I keep at at 8-12 seconds, and can pick up 20-100 items a day (Usually averages 48). I gain around 200k profit from running it each day.

We have given enough options for people to get the full version as it is. 500 posts is nothing to ask for. If we put it at 100, we would have ALOT more spammers (Seeing 40/500 discourages them to keep spamming, and they start posting. seeing 40/100 and they will be like. "Almost there. Spam spam spam")

#20 CraigChrist

  • 111 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:20 PM

Im not saying lower the advanced argue... Make it to where they can just use Abrosia and 500 for advanced.

#21 iargue

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:40 PM

Im not saying lower the advanced argue... Make it to where they can just use Abrosia and 500 for advanced.

Abrosia's limitation is the main point of having advanced. The other bonus's dont really compare.

#22 CraigChrist

  • 111 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:44 PM

You dont think we should use 100 posts to even use abrosia?

#23 Eliam

  • 621 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:45 PM

Abrosia's limitation is the main point of having advanced. The other bonus's dont really compare.

He is proposing that you do not let members with less than 100 posts use Abrosia at all.

#24 Rambo

  • 833 posts

Posted 24 December 2009 - 01:51 PM

At the end of the day I can see why Abrosia is set as it is.

The administrators are trying to get activity back into this place, and boy it's working.

#25 Oaken

  • 7298 posts

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Posted 24 December 2009 - 02:50 PM

Can people still restart Abrosia over and over to get the shop they want?

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