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The Best Way to Loose Weight?

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#1 Joanna

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 04:58 PM

Okay.. so to start my explanation- last year at this time I wore a size 5/6 jeans.
And now I barely fit into a size 9.... Posted Image

I gained about 10 pounds. And I am unhappy about it. Now don't get me wrong... I am not saying that I am fat...In fact gaining weight has dramatically increased my bra size... which me and my bf are VERY happy about.... but I just want to fit into my pants again. Considering I only bought them like 4 months ago.

So as of right now my work out has consisted of ab exercises and leg exercises before I go to the gym and do as much cardio as I can which has turned out to be about 25 minutes on an elliptical.... going a pretty fast and at a steady rate. I get my heart rate to about 160-180 and I burn a good 200 calories each time...

Right now Id say I am around 140-143 pounds. I would like to be at 130-135lbs.

Is this a good workout for someone like me?? Im not wanting to build muscle... I just want to loose 10 pounds.
Its mostly belly fat and excess fat on my upper thighs that I need to loose.

also I have been trying to eat better too. I have been having sandwiches with a piece of fruit for lunch mostly.


Edited by jsteinberg, 01 February 2010 - 04:59 PM.

#2 iargue

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 05:06 PM

Jogging is good for that, or swimming. They are not heavy muscle building.

Losing weight is as simple as burning more calories then you intake (Though by a significant enough amount to cause your body to want to burn fat).

The best way is to establish a diet that has you eating little amount of protein and minerals every x hours, and doing a vigorous activity between (Running is the best for girls if you not looking to build muscles). The steady intake of calories will cause your body to burn fat faster because it "reasons" that it can burn fat now and replace it in an hour when it gets more food.

That is how most professional body builders burn off excess fat.

#3 Joanna

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 05:11 PM

Jogging is good for that, or swimming. They are not heavy muscle building.

Losing weight is as simple as burning more calories then you intake (Though by a significant enough amount to cause your body to want to burn fat).

The best way is to establish a diet that has you eating little amount of protein and minerals every x hours, and doing a vigorous activity between (Running is the best for girls if you not looking to build muscles). The steady intake of calories will cause your body to burn fat faster because it "reasons" that it can burn fat now and replace it in an hour when it gets more food.

That is how most professional body builders burn off excess fat.

Kay. So say I eat something small and high in protein every 3-4 hours. Then I get on the treadmill or go to the pool and do enough work to burn a lot of calories then I should start loosing weight? Is the elliptical machine enough like jogging? I am so out of shape I can seriously only jog for like 5 minutes. But I can do the elliptical for 25. I know... weird. Posted Image

#4 jonnykun

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 05:25 PM

there's two forms of aerobic exercise...one where your stamina is increased, and the other where your fat is burned. for stamina increase you want to run/jog in your heart rate zone...which is different for every person. but anyways since you want to lose weight i'd suggest light but sustained jogging. 30-40 minutes being a good time period.

also, a healthy diet is key. drink lots of water, not too much starch, that sort of stuff. from my experience, your body is like a machine. if you give it bad fuel it'll run poorly. giving it the best fuel coupled with proper tuning (to borrow from my car metaphor) you'll have a clean burning car. excellent!

oh and some good advice...losing weight doesn't happen overnight (well if it does, it's not the permanent kind of weight loss, just water weight). if you keep a specific regimen for let's say...six months then you'll see a big, and permanent, difference.

and about swimming, i don't think that's the best way to lose weight because swimmers use fat to stay afloat, so their body will naturally keep a little bit of extra fat to increase buoyancy. the best form of exercise i still believe is traditional jogging. however, swimming is the least stressful on your joints, so if that's an issue swimming is better, especially in the long run.

Edited by jonnykun, 01 February 2010 - 05:27 PM.

#5 kittycat

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 05:34 PM

See my avatar if all else fails.

But legitimately, dancing is a good way to lose weight.

Edited by kittycat, 01 February 2010 - 05:35 PM.

#6 vin

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 05:36 PM

Swimmers have amazing bodys though, I must say.

If you are just looking to burn fat, I would go with jogging/running ... like others have said.

I agree with the drink water thing. Cut out all pop/soda/coke/whatever you want to call it.

I used to drink a lot of it and I cut it out cold turkey. Now all I drink is water / milk.

It is hard at first, but you definitely feel a lot better in the long run.

It is healthier for you and you lose a lot of weight that way. In fact the first time I quit i believe I dropped quite a bit in the first month or so of drinking just water.

Good luck to you either way. Stay motivated! :thumbsup:

#7 Joanna

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 06:17 PM

Thanks everybody. Im excited to loose weight and Ive been seriously working hard for a week or so.

#8 pyke

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 06:24 PM

Thanks everybody. Im excited to loose weight and Ive been seriously working hard for a week or so.

It's a gradual process. Ideal weight loss ranges from 1-2 pounds per week, otherwise you're looking at losing excessive lean body mass, which means your metabolism is going to slow down and you'll have a harder go with weight management than ever.

#9 Joanna

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 06:26 PM

It's a gradual process. Ideal weight loss ranges from 1-2 pounds per week, otherwise you're looking at losing excessive lean body mass, which means your metabolism is going to slow down and you'll have a harder go with weight management than ever.

If there was a damn scale around here I'd be able to keep track.Posted Image
How can a school with such a kickass weight room and pool not have a scale???! For realz.


Edited by jsteinberg, 01 February 2010 - 06:29 PM.

#10 pyke

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 06:29 PM

Probably left the scale out to prevent mass depression due to the freshmen 15. :p

#11 Mr. Hobo

Mr. Hobo
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Posted 01 February 2010 - 07:32 PM

general info:

free weights:

pirate beach body insanity or
http://hundredpushups.com/ + http://twohundredsitups.com/

Posted Image

drink water instead of whatever you drink normally and eat whole wheat instead of white bread. all your sugar should be coming from fruits (no candy, a tiny bit of dark chocolate)

#12 Joanna

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 07:35 PM

^^^^ Super Helpful. :D Posted Image

#13 Mr. Hobo

Mr. Hobo
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Posted 01 February 2010 - 07:40 PM

liamrosen is a really good read but it's kinda long, the first part is the most important. mindset doesn't really need to be read and diet rambles about stuff you probably know (eat your veggies, stay away from fast low tier foot etc) and the fitness section is covered in the sites with workouts (for the most part)

#14 Noitidart

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 08:26 PM

Running is the best but it hits your tits and ass first. If you want to target fat loss you have to lift. Do light weights and target the areas. Muscle burns fat. You're a chick so don't worry about getting buff it won't happen at all. It's good for you.

Don't eat before a workout. Workout first thing in the morning. Run before your lifting session. I would say 10 min run then 30 min lift you can add time later. Make sure to stretch first thing.

Guranteed you'll lose weight. I did this crap when i first started lifting to get mass and I frickin lost weight <_<

#15 Boggart

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 09:10 PM

A healthy diet is 80% of the importance for losing weight. The other 20% is therefore exercise. For girls (unless you want to bulk up for some reason) you should do like strength training using lighter weights. Most magazines and stuff suggest working your arms and upper body, but I would honestly just say stick with lower body. Build your lower body and that will greatly increase your metabolism.

Nutrition is everywhere so it shouldn't be too difficult to eat well. Just look at something and if it seems unhealthy, it probably is.

Drink water! Each glass of water burns about 18 calories. Ice water burns about 25. So if you have 2 glasses of ice water a day for a month, that's 7000 calories, or two pounds!

Plus you should hydrate regardless of that fact.

I've got other tips, but i'll stop for now :p

#16 Mr. Hobo

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 09:30 PM

If you want to target fat loss you have to lift. Do light weights and target the areas.

That contradicts every thing I've read

Muscle burns fat.

Muscles require more calories to maintain than fat so having more muscles = more calories burned so you can lose weight quicker :S

#17 Boggart

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 10:05 PM

Mr. Hobo is correct. Spot training will NOT make you lose weight in the specific spot.

HOWEVER, if you do build your arms, for example, and do eventually lose the weight, it will LOOK like your arms are losing more weight than the rest of your body since they're starting to tone and develop. But they won't lose any more weight had you not worked them. Which is why I suggest lower body. Larger muscles = more calories burnt for the metabolism.

Arms are only glamour and if you want strength. Not really NB for weight loss for younger ages.

#18 shallow

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 01:08 AM

Look into HIIT (High intensity interval training) It's the simple most effective way to burn FAT. There's many articles about it all over the internet.

Just do that or combine it with MS,E work to speed up metabolism whilst not in the gym..

Also, Frequency > Duration, what I mean by that is.. It's better to go to the gym 4 days a week and do 20-30 minutes per day. Than to go 2 days a week and do 1 hr per day.

As far as diet goes, obviously cut out all the crap, don't eat carbs later than around 7pm, or not in the last 4 hours before you go to bed.. Eat high protein content, chicken, tuna, eggs.. and go low on carbs,

If you do feel snacky between meals or later on in the evening have a piece of fruit / yoghurt

I'm sure you don't anyway but, don't expect it to come off in a week.. I've had clients that want to lose like 10-20lbs by 'next' month >.> A healthy weight loss ratio is 1-3lbs per week.. People see shows like 'biggest loser' and stuff like that where they cut like 10-20lbs in a week.. But that's because they're morbidly obese.. The only way someone who isn't ridiculously overweight is going to shed weight at that rate is by cutting a leg off or something..

Ya, any questions that aint been answered in this thread yet, feel free to PM

, gl ;)

Edited by shallow, 02 February 2010 - 01:16 AM.

#19 queen

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 06:37 AM

im pretty sure that exercises does 30% of the "lose weigh mission" food makes 70% ;)

#20 Boggart

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 07:53 AM

20-80, 30-70, it's all relative :p. I know that exercise is more important to me than diet since my metabolism's pretty bad. It all depends on the person.

Eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Which could mean an egg, or a banana for one of your "small" means that isn't one of the three main ones.

Eat a small dinner. No more than 4 ounces of protein and very very few carbs if you're being really strict with your diet.

#21 Joanna

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 08:00 AM

This is fantastic! Im going to be losing weight in no time. Im super excited. Its really all I can think about. :p

#22 pyke

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 08:39 AM

general info:

free weights:

pirate beach body insanity or
http://hundredpushups.com/ + http://twohundredsitups.com/

Posted Image

drink water instead of whatever you drink normally and eat whole wheat instead of white bread. all your sugar should be coming from fruits (no candy, a tiny bit of dark chocolate)

Starting strength? You a bodybuilding.com lurker or what? :p

#23 Boggart

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 09:36 AM

By the by, do NOT lose more than 1-2 pounds a week! Otherwise that's too much stress for your body and bad for you longterm.

#24 jcrdude

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 09:42 AM

I lost 20 lbs. with the

Pizza, Diet Coke, and Running Diet

I was poor as shit, so I could only eat what was free... and since I worked at Domino's that was pizza. I just cut my calories (by eating LESS pizza and switching to DIET coke instead of regular coke) and exercised, and the weight dropped off in a few weeks.

Everyone else will tell you that my diet was retarded, but any time your calories in are less than your calories out you will lose weight.

#25 phalkon

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Posted 02 February 2010 - 10:07 AM

an idea, if not the best one.

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