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[Help]Neopets login.

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#1 Bman

  • 1 posts

Posted 06 May 2010 - 01:37 PM

Hey people, Bman here. Just wondering if someone can help me with the vb.net neopets login and whatnot.

It doesnt seem to work.
strhtml = wrapper.WebPageData
 	strhtml = wrapper.PostWrapper("www.neopets.com/login.phtml", "destination=%2Findex.phtml&username=&password=&x=&y=", "http://www.neopets.com/hi.phtml")
 	If InStr(1, strhtml, "logout") Then
 	MessageBox.Show("Logged in!!")
 	MessageBox.Show("Login Failed")

 	End If

Thats the code for the login that doesnt work.

This is the wrapper :

Imports System.Web
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Public Class HTTPWrapper
	'HTTPWrapper Class by Blazer 
	'Version 0.2, 2010 - 04/02/10
	Public LastPage As String
	Public WebPageData As String
	Public RequestHeader As HttpWebRequest
	Public HeaderResponse As HttpWebResponse
	Public CC As CookieContainer = New CookieContainer()
	Public ContentType As String = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
	Public UserAgent As String = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 4.0.20506)"
	Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
	Function GetWrapper(ByVal Uri$, Optional ByVal Referer$ = vbNullString)
 	On Error Resume Next
 	LastPage = Uri
 	If (Len(Referer) = 0) Then
 	RequestHeader = CType(WebRequest.Create(Uri), HttpWebRequest)
 	With RequestHeader
 	.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get
 	.Referer = LastPage
 	.KeepAlive = True
 	.UserAgent = UserAgent
 	.CookieContainer = CC
 	HeaderResponse = .GetResponse()
 	Dim Stream As New StreamReader(HeaderResponse.GetResponseStream())
 	WebPageData = Stream.ReadToEnd()
 	End With
 	RequestHeader = CType(WebRequest.Create(Uri), HttpWebRequest)
 	With RequestHeader
 	.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get
 	.Referer = Referer
 	.KeepAlive = True
 	.UserAgent = UserAgent
 	.CookieContainer = CC
 	HeaderResponse = .GetResponse()
 	Dim Stream As New StreamReader(HeaderResponse.GetResponseStream())
 	WebPageData = Stream.ReadToEnd()
 	End With
 	End If
	End Function
	Function PostWrapper(ByVal Uri$, ByVal Post$, Optional ByVal Referer$ = vbNullString)
 	On Error Resume Next
 	LastPage = Uri
 	If (Len(Referer) = 0) Then
 	With RequestHeader
 	RequestHeader = CType(WebRequest.Create(Uri), HttpWebRequest)
 	.Referer = LastPage
 	.KeepAlive = True
 	.UserAgent = UserAgent
 	.CookieContainer = CC
 	.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post
 	.ContentType = ContentType
 	.ContentLength = Post.Length
 	Dim writer As New StreamWriter(.GetRequestStream)
 	HeaderResponse = .GetResponse()
 	Dim reader As New StreamReader(HeaderResponse.GetResponseStream())
 	WebPageData = reader.ReadToEnd()
 	End With
 	With RequestHeader
 	RequestHeader = CType(WebRequest.Create(Uri), HttpWebRequest)
 	.Referer = Referer
 	.KeepAlive = True
 	.UserAgent = UserAgent
 	.CookieContainer = CC
 	.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post
 	.ContentType = ContentType
 	.ContentLength = Post.Length
 	Dim writer As New StreamWriter(.GetRequestStream)
 	HeaderResponse = .GetResponse()
 	Dim reader As New StreamReader(HeaderResponse.GetResponseStream())
 	WebPageData = reader.ReadToEnd()
 	End With
 	End If
	End Function
 	Function ClearCookies()
 	On Error Resume Next
 	CC = New Net.CookieContainer()
	End Function
	Function URLEncode(ByVal Encode$) As String
 	URLEncode = Encode
	End Function
	Function URLDecode(ByVal Decode$) As String
 	URLDecode = Decode
	End Function
	Function TimeStamp() As String
 	Dim date1970 As Date = "#1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM#"
 	Dim datenow As Date = Date.Now
 	TimeStamp = DateDiff(DateInterval.Second, date1970, datenow)
	End Function
	Public Function ConvertTimeStamp(ByVal _UnixTimeStamp As Long) As DateTime
 	Return (New DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).AddSeconds(_UnixTimeStamp)
	End Function
	Public Function Rand(ByVal low As Long, _
 	ByVal high As Long) As Long
 	Rand = Int((high - low + 1) * Rnd) + low
	End Function
	Public Sub Wait(ByVal milliseconds As Long)
 	'Wait the specified number of milliseconds without hanging the program
 	Dim StartTime As Long, StopTime As Long
 	StartTime = timeGetTime
 	StopTime = StartTime + milliseconds
 	Do Until timeGetTime > StopTime
	End Sub
	Function DownloadImage(ByVal URL$, ByVal Name$)
 	On Error Resume Next
 	If (Dir(Application.StartupPath + "\" + Name + ".jpg") <> vbNullString) Then
 	My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(URL, Application.StartupPath + "\" + Name + ".jpg")
 	System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "\" + Name + ".jpg")
 	My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(URL, Application.StartupPath + "\" + Name + ".jpg")
 	End If
	End Function

	Function DownloadFile(ByVal Uri$)
 	On Error Resume Next
 	Dim SFD As New SaveFileDialog, i As Long 'Set our variables

 	With SFD
 	.AddExtension = True
 	.CheckFileExists = False
 	.CheckPathExists = True
 	.CreatePrompt = False

 	SFD.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" 'Set out filters
 	SFD.ShowDialog() 'Show File Dialog

 	If (Len(SFD.FileName) = 0) Then 'To Skip the nasty error of "Empty File Path." So if there's no file destination chosen, then it will automatically exit.
 	Exit Function 'Exit Our Function
 	End If 'End Statement

 	My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(Uri, SFD.FileName)
 	End With
	End Function
	Function RDLE(ByRef ListBox As ListBox)
 	On Error Resume Next
 	'RDE = Remove Duplicate List Entries
 	For x% = 0 To ListBox.Items.Count - 1
 	For y% = 0 To ListBox.Items.Count - 1
 	If (x% <> y%) Then
 	If (ListBox.Items.Item(x%).ToString = ListBox.Items.Item(y%).ToString) Then
 	End If
 	End If
 	Next y%
 	Next x%
	End Function
	Private Function Array(ByRef strArray() As String, ByVal strTemp As String) As Long
 	For y% = LBound(strArray) To UBound(strArray)
 	If (Len(strArray(y)) = 0) Then Exit For
 	If (InStr(1, strArray(y), strTemp)) Then
 	Array = y + 1
 	Exit Function
 	End If
 	Array = 0
	End Function
	Function RDSE(ByRef strArray$()) As String()
 	'Remove Duplicate String Entries
 	On Error Resume Next
 	Dim strTemp() As String, y As Long

 	For x% = 0 To UBound(strArray)
 	If (Array(strTemp, strArray(x%)) = 0) Then
 	strTemp(y) = strArray(x%)
 	y += 1
 	ReDim Preserve strTemp(y)
 	End If
 	Next x%
 	RDSE = strTemp
	End Function
	Function Hash(ByVal Temp$, Optional ByVal Content$ = vbNullString) As String
 	On Error Resume Next
 	Hash = LCase(MD5Hash(LCase(MD5Hash(Temp)) + Content))
	End Function
	Private Function MD5Hash(ByVal Content$) As String
 	Dim M5 As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider

 	Dim ByteString() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Content)
 	ByteString = M5.ComputeHash(ByteString)

 	Dim FinalString As String = Nothing
 	For Each bt As Byte In ByteString
 	FinalString &= bt.ToString("x2")
 	Return FinalString
	End Function
	Public Function GetStringBetween(ByVal InputText As String, ByVal StartText As String, ByVal EndText As String, Optional ByVal StartPosition As Object = 1) As String

 	Dim lnTextStart As Integer, lnTextEnd As Integer

 	lnTextStart = InStr(StartPosition, InputText, StartText, CompareMethod.Text) + Len(StartText)
 	lnTextEnd = InStr(lnTextStart, InputText, EndText, CompareMethod.Text)
 	If lnTextStart >= (StartPosition + Len(StartText)) And lnTextEnd > lnTextStart Then
 	GetStringBetween = Mid(InputText, lnTextStart, lnTextEnd - lnTextStart)
 	GetStringBetween = vbNullString
 	End If

	End Function
	Public Function GBA(ByRef strSource As String, ByRef strStart As String, ByRef strEnd As String, ByVal lstAdd As ListBox, Optional ByRef startPos As Integer = 0) As String
 	Dim iPos As Integer, iEnd As Integer, strResult As String, lenStart As Integer = strStart.Length

 	Do Until iPos = -1
 	strResult = String.Empty
 	iPos = strSource.IndexOf(strStart, startPos)
 	iEnd = strSource.IndexOf(strEnd, iPos + lenStart)
 	If iPos <> -1 AndAlso iEnd <> -1 Then
 	strResult = strSource.Substring(iPos + lenStart, iEnd - (iPos + lenStart))
 	startPos = iPos + lenStart
 	End If

 	GBA = vbNullString
	End Function
	Function LoadListBox(ByRef ListBox As ListBox)
 	Dim OFD As New OpenFileDialog 'Set out chosen variables
 	With OFD
 	.CheckFileExists = True
 	.CheckPathExists = True
 	.Multiselect = False
 	.RestoreDirectory = True
 	.Title = "Please select an Input file" 'Set the "Title" of the Open File Dialog
 	.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" 'Set out filters.

 	.ShowDialog() 'Show Out Open File Dialog

 	If (Len(OFD.FileName) = 0) Then 'Checks to see if their's any file chosen. If therer isn't, then it will exit the nasty error of "Empty File Path."
 	Exit Function 'Exit Our Function
 	End If 'End of Statement

 	Dim Stream As IO.StreamReader 'Read the lines from the file.
 	Stream = New IO.StreamReader(OFD.FileName) 'Set our Variable Stream to read the file selected in Open File Dialog
 	While (Stream.Peek() > -1) 'Start counting down the number of lines in the file.
 	ListBox.Items.Add(Stream.ReadLine) 'Begin adding the files content into the specified listbox
 	End While 'Once done, Exit.
 	Stream.Close() 'Once done reading, exit.
 	End With
	End Function
	Function SaveListBox(ByRef ListBox As ListBox)
 	Dim SFD As New SaveFileDialog, i As Long 'Set our variables

 	With SFD
 	.AddExtension = True
 	.CheckFileExists = False
 	.CheckPathExists = True
 	.CreatePrompt = False

 	SFD.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" 'Set out filters
 	SFD.ShowDialog() 'Show File Dialog

 	If (Len(SFD.FileName) = 0) Then 'To Skip the nasty error of "Empty File Path." So if there's no file destination chosen, then it will automatically exit.
 	Exit Function 'Exit Our Function
 	End If 'End Statement

 	Dim W As New IO.StreamWriter(SFD.FileName) 'Read the number of lines
 	For i = 0 To ListBox.Items.Count - 1 'Count how many items are in the specified listbox
 	W.WriteLine(ListBox.Items.Item(i)) 'start writing the items from the specified listbox to file
 	W.Close() 'once the writer known as "w" is done with writing the items to file. It will close.
 	End With 'Done with Save File Dialog
	End Function
	Function SaveTextBox(ByRef TextBox$)
 	Dim SFD As New SaveFileDialog

 	With SFD
 	.AddExtension = True
 	.CheckFileExists = False
 	.CheckPathExists = True
 	.CreatePrompt = False

 	SFD.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" 'Set out filters
 	SFD.ShowDialog() 'Show File Dialog

 	If (Len(SFD.FileName) = 0) Then 'To Skip the nasty error of "Empty File Path." So if there's no file destination chosen, then it will automatically exit.
 	Exit Function 'Exit Our Function
 	End If 'End Statement

 	System.IO.File.WriteAllText(SFD.FileName, TextBox)
 	End With
	End Function
	Function LoadTextBox(ByRef TextBox As TextBox)
 	Dim OFD As New OpenFileDialog
 	With OFD
 	.CheckFileExists = True
 	.CheckPathExists = True
 	.Multiselect = False
 	.RestoreDirectory = True
 	.Title = "Please select an Input file" 'Set the "Title" of the Open File Dialog
 	.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" 'Set out filters.

 	.ShowDialog() 'Show Out Open File Dialog

 	If (Len(OFD.FileName) = 0) Then 'Checks to see if their's any file chosen. If therer isn't, then it will exit the nasty error of "Empty File Path."
 	Exit Function 'Exit Our Function
 	End If 'End of Statement

 	Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(OFD.FileName)

 	TextBox.Text = sr.ReadToEnd()

 	End With
	End Function
End Class

Credits to Blazer for the wrapper, Im just using it.

Someone please help me :)

Edited by Bman, 06 May 2010 - 01:58 PM.

#2 iargue

  • 10048 posts

Users Awards

Posted 06 May 2010 - 02:22 PM

X and Y are no longer needed.



X and Y are no longer needed.



#3 Zeeknon

  • 63 posts

Posted 09 May 2010 - 07:15 AM

Dim User, Pass As String

User = "munsterpoo"

Pass = "code"

strHTML = wrapper.PostWrapper("http://www.neopets.com/login.phtml", "destination=%2Findex.phtml&username=" & User & "&password=" & Pass, "http://www.neopets.com/hi.phtml")

If strHTML.contains("Location: /index.phtml") Then

	MessageBox.Show("Logged in!")


	MessageBox.Show("Login failed!")

End If

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