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Why do people hate Justin Beiber?

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#201 vurty

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Posted 24 March 2011 - 08:13 PM

honestly it's probably out of jealousy. What teenage boy wouldn't want to live like him..yeah constantly traveling can be stressful. But all the money and girls you can think of is his. People look for anything to put down people above them, it's in our nature.

Edited by vurty, 24 March 2011 - 08:13 PM.

#202 Maloo

  • 445 posts

Posted 02 April 2011 - 09:01 AM

Bieber sounds worse than a screaming baby

#203 thatisstreet

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Posted 02 April 2011 - 09:18 AM

Today you need to be lucky rather than talented to become famous. There are millions of people just as capable of performing just as well as Justin Bieber however they get no exposure because it would be impossible. Secondly artists are now manufactured by the industry, they don't sing about what they actually feel or dress how they actual would. Justin Bieber didn't become famous because millions of people one day listened to his song and decided it was good. He became famous because they industry told millions of girls that he was good and thus a star was born. Finally there is a huge aspect of jealousy but in my opinion is for the right reason. Graduate students are paying upwards of 50 grand working their asses off and still not getting any jobs while Rebecca Black pays 2 grand for a crap music video to be made and feels entitled to be making millions.

Edited by thatisstreet, 02 April 2011 - 09:19 AM.

#204 contour

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Posted 06 April 2011 - 05:35 PM

I don't mind Justin Bieber now that Rebecca Black set the new standard for low.

#205 Tumbleweed

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Posted 07 April 2011 - 03:06 AM

If you've ever read the Birth of Tragedy, you will soon understand the nature of Justin Bieber. The guy prolongs the destruction of real art as we know itt,

#206 bluehawaii19

  • 94 posts

Posted 07 April 2011 - 10:31 AM

I just hate turning on the TV and he is everywhere. I remember a few months ago when the promotions for his movie were on. It really annoyed me. Also, his Proactive commercials and the commercial where he sang Happy Birthday.

I also heard he is a big diva when it comes to things. Also, I want to the NY State Fair last summer after not having gone in at least 15 years and there was merchandise all over the place for him. He had been there the day before I went and was glad I missed seeing him.

I mean, he has been around for what, a year or two, and has a movie and biography about him already? Also, Miley Cyrus bugs the heck out of me as well. I just want to punch both of them in the faces.

Nothing against people who like them, I just don't. At all.

#207 1337hunt3r

  • 191 posts

Posted 07 April 2011 - 11:11 PM

I don't mind Justin Bieber now that Rebecca Black set the new standard for low.

Just when you thought you hit rock bottom... start digging:

#208 Blues

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Posted 07 April 2011 - 11:13 PM

And here I was thinking this was going to be a trick question...

#209 italkaboutoddthings

  • 139 posts

Posted 07 April 2011 - 11:24 PM

La Bebah Fevah, do you feel it its suffocating your new born children! Can't believe out of all the raw talent on youtube, his selected. To bad looks sell :o

#210 Juturna

  • 400 posts

Posted 09 April 2011 - 08:44 PM

A: He sounds like a girl
B: The majority of his fanbase are teenage fangirls.

Put those two together, and you get something incredibly annoying, and something you just must hate. 8D

#211 Cupcakepink

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Posted 11 April 2011 - 10:20 AM

I am a fan. and I have no idea. He's definately good looking and has talent.
I can understand lots of guys not liking him because all the girls love him but I just say they're jealous. what's with all the haters?

#212 CocaKola

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Posted 12 April 2011 - 06:17 AM

Everything everybody else said above me.


I do not like him because:

1) His voice
2) His fans, 'Beliebers' Really? Ew.
3) His really stupid hair
4) His singing is atrocious
5) His fans
6) The fact that he doesn't know what germany is..lol O_o

#213 without123

  • 213 posts

Posted 15 April 2011 - 08:20 PM

Honestly, I think about don't give a rats ass about him.
But the just 'hate/dislike' him because his fanbase is friggin annoying(generalization) and they want to shut them up.
Sadly, it turns out his fanbase is nicer than the haters.

#214 mjcm

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Posted 16 April 2011 - 03:56 AM

he's very famous yet his voice sucks! talk about autotuned!

#215 Rooshy

  • 254 posts

Posted 16 April 2011 - 09:20 AM

Haters will be haters.
That's all. o;

#216 RWS

  • 596 posts

Posted 16 April 2011 - 10:14 AM

I think it's mostly because he is ridiculously successful but not that talented, imo. Probably the same reason that so many people dislike Rebecca Black - she doesn't have a lot of singing talent, but she will definitely be making a lot of money after Friday.

#217 Rooshy

  • 254 posts

Posted 16 April 2011 - 02:08 PM

I think it's mostly because he is ridiculously successful but not that talented, imo. Probably the same reason that so many people dislike Rebecca Black - she doesn't have a lot of singing talent, but she will definitely be making a lot of money after Friday.

The only reason Rebecca Black is so famous is because of the haters. If people just left her alone, no one would even know about her. Lol.

#218 Eyams

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Posted 24 April 2011 - 06:29 PM

because singing with autotune takes no talent

#219 Rooshy

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Posted 24 April 2011 - 06:52 PM

v_v Youtube him live, he can sing.

#220 thoragon

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Posted 11 May 2011 - 01:51 PM

beliebers, ewwww!

#221 koobe

  • 591 posts

Posted 15 May 2011 - 02:56 AM

whats there not to hate??? seriously.

#222 Woe

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Posted 15 May 2011 - 04:13 AM

Most people hate him because hes younger than them, and hes already rich. That and him not writing his own songs.

#223 frostz

  • 594 posts

Posted 15 May 2011 - 06:15 AM

theres a "justin beiber" in every generation...but people hate them because they are more successful than they are ...

#224 nugget111

  • 113 posts

Posted 30 June 2011 - 10:29 AM

he is rich.. with real $ money

and all u guys have is Neopoints

lol that why they all hate him

#225 ThreeDollarBill

  • 252 posts

Posted 01 July 2011 - 09:37 AM

Uhm, I don't really hate Justin Bieber per se, he doesn't sing that bad, he looks like a girl (which enhances the cuteness factor) and stuff.
What I do hate is how the higher powers (marketing) use him for. Nowadays there are very few artists out there that actually care for the people, for teaching or transmitting something worthy. Present pop artists are just about stupid teenage relationships, parties, good looks, etc. Marketing puts them as symbols that every teenager who wants to be popular or successful must follow, promoting the development of shallow minds who don't care about anything that is not money or good looks.
Sure, there will be someone who will come and say "OMG, Justin cares for people!!! He donates 4 charity n stuff!!!11!!"
Yeah, but don't people just realize that donating to charity is just a cliched escape from being targeted as an uncaring star? They just say... "omg, how will I improve my public image??? Oh, I know! I'll donate a millionth part of my fortune to charity and... there, problem solved!!!" They don't actually care for people, they care for their image.
When an artist truly comes with an idea to solve a social problem or actually cares for promoting reflexive thinking among the poser kids and society in general, then THAT will be "helping people and caring for them". Other than that Justin Bieber and the rest of the famous air-headed celebrities are just that; pretty faces swimming in money.

Edited by IceSandwich, 01 July 2011 - 09:39 AM.

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