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OMG i had the weirdest Dream...

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#1 Greatgenes

  • 95 posts

Posted 18 July 2010 - 09:02 PM

do you ever have a dream and then remember them days or even weeks later ?

have you had any weird ones ??? really really crazy you would never do that in real life ones ? nightmares ? pple you havint seen in YEARS? or ones with lots of love and maybe some touchy touchy :p ?

i have had all of the above.
what have you guys dreamed up ?

Edited by Greatgenes, 18 July 2010 - 09:02 PM.

#2 tb20

  • 68 posts

Posted 18 July 2010 - 09:08 PM

Pretty much all of those heh, dreaming the same dream again really is freaky! I love lucid dreaming ^_^

Weirdest one would have to be the one where raptors were let loose in the school for some kind of hunting survival game (nightmare obviously)

#3 MiladyM

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 09:16 PM

You should start by telling your own :p

#4 emerkeng

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 09:57 PM

If you share your dream I'll share mine :)

Edited by pathentic, 18 July 2010 - 10:01 PM.

#5 Greatgenes

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Posted 18 July 2010 - 10:46 PM

hmmm okay lets see what one shall i pick?? O_o

the last one i had altho maybe not the scariest was a party at my place..just like i do every weekend in the summer, after everybody had gone home for the night some weird creepy old guy showed up at 3am i dont remeber specifically if he was there for the party or something else...anyways he had some lil boy who was completely limp (around 3 yrs old i guess not sure but really small) dragging beside him like a rag doll, the creepy old guy was really drunk, i got the lil boy first if i remeber correctly and woke him up (he seemed just fine) i microwaved some potatoes we had in the fridge leftover from BBQ at the party and gave them to him, the creepy guy was really pissed about it for some reason but he did what we told him to do and he sat in a chair in the middle of the room while my grandmother called the police (i have no idea why she was there) numerous times beacuse they never seemed to be showing up, in the mean time the creepy guy who is still in the chair is very slowly starting to sober up and in the process of becoming sober he is becoming more creepy and violent about the lil boy that we were taking care of. my boyfrind who is sleeping on the loveseat in our livingroom had the lil boy tucked into a fleecy beside him so he could fall asleep and feel safe. for some reason i knew the poor lil guy was very severly sexually abused ( this is probably beacuse i watched a CSI about this topic early that morning) and beaten. after the police had finally shown up the creepy guy who is still in the chair was sooo angry about us being nice to the lil boy and us calling the police he had a fit lunged at me and i got stabbed in the palm of my hand by a pocketknife he had hidden...and of course the police are fuk*** useless in my dreams when it comes to danger for some reason...then i woke up..i was so disturbed and upset about my dream that i had to get up get a glass of water go pee and then wake my boyfriend up to switch me sides of the bed beacuse i was to scared to sleep beside the window.

there is alot of this i left out but i cant remember it very clearly.. but i think i might be happy about that

its very rare i have dreams like this..but when i do it usually pops into my head on a daily basis untill i forget about it.

i dream about sex prolly about once a week, always in the mornings right before i wake up..but i wont tell about those dreams haha. and hmm what else... i dreamed me and my younger sister were very small and got lost in the driveway and family members knew about it and didint watch where they were stepping. kinda like honey i shrunk the kids but without a storyline.

when i was a kid in elementary school i would always dream that i went to school and i forgot to put my clothes on, or a monster or serial killer was chasing me and when i tried to run away it was like i was running in slow motion..i never remember the outcome tho...OOOOOOH and i used to dream that i could fly all the time..i still dream about it but very very rarely and then i can never remember the dream clearly..but i used to remember great when i was a kid.

haha okay so my dream was not very cool to read about..but it really upset me in real life..it was only 2 days ago and i still think about it a lil...i was thinking about it when i made this thread..

ANNNND NOW off to bed!!! i have my fingers crossed for happy dreams

#6 AliceFi

  • 474 posts

Posted 18 July 2010 - 11:00 PM

i often have weird dreams, some could even be scenarios for a movie ^^

i once had a really sad dream about some sort of vampires (loooong before the twilight-hype, i don't even like twilight), f.e.

i sometimes use my dreams in the animations i make :) it's a great source of inspiration

#7 vin

  • 314 posts

Posted 18 July 2010 - 11:07 PM

you should watch Inception - the movie.

it'll fuck with your mind. & scare you even more about dreams/dreaming in general. hahahah

#8 Zacharus

  • 589 posts

Posted 18 July 2010 - 11:10 PM

Uhh yuck I hate nightmares but I do have em most of the time and they are worse than yours :D

Edited by Pyrosyne, 18 July 2010 - 11:11 PM.

#9 Nonygirl

  • 99 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:28 AM

I haven’t yet met someone who suffers from the same "precognitive moments" that I do, whether imagined or real.

Ever since I was a child I have remembered what would happen in reality in small snippets from previous dreams. Some people like to tell me "Oh yea, I have déjà vu too!" No. Their déjà vu is not my version of it, and it is not as intense.

Their déjà vu doesn't create a pain in their gut; making them develop nausea, some long ago heard music starts playing in their head while they shake in disgust and irritation as they are pulled into an alternate universe they have no inclination to be in. It sounds insane, but it has happened to me for years.

Sometimes I crave for the feeling, it's like a temporary but crazy high, and the only drug is my mind. The unfortunate part about it is that it usually only occurs during times when I don't want to experience the eerie feeling, such as in the middle of a test or when I have a bunch of things I have to do that way.

It disappears once I go to sleep and wake up, like a reload of reality.

#10 Georgina

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 01:46 AM

Yeh dreams, I love dreams. One time I found out that girls can have wet dreams too! Awesome.

#11 MiladyM

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 03:49 AM

Yeh dreams, I love dreams. One time I found out that girls can have wet dreams too! Awesome.

Haha, damn now you know our deepest secret.
Anyway, about weird dreams.. I don't really remember any of my dreams except for flashes. I did dream that I went to a schoolreunion once, and ofcourse I was totally rocking it. It's weird how I dreamt about people I don't even remember the name of anymore, or realised I remembered them at all o.O

#12 Yumi

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 04:46 AM

Same thing, I've experienced all of those above.
But in my own observation, i think im having nightmares more than good dreams :[

#13 Dan

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 05:13 AM

I haven’t yet met someone who suffers from the same "precognitive moments" that I do, whether imagined or real.

Ever since I was a child I have remembered what would happen in reality in small snippets from previous dreams. Some people like to tell me "Oh yea, I have déjà vu too!" No. Their déjà vu is not my version of it, and it is not as intense.

Their déjà vu doesn't create a pain in their gut; making them develop nausea, some long ago heard music starts playing in their head while they shake in disgust and irritation as they are pulled into an alternate universe they have no inclination to be in. It sounds insane, but it has happened to me for years.

Sometimes I crave for the feeling, it's like a temporary but crazy high, and the only drug is my mind. The unfortunate part about it is that it usually only occurs during times when I don't want to experience the eerie feeling, such as in the middle of a test or when I have a bunch of things I have to do that way.

It disappears once I go to sleep and wake up, like a reload of reality.

Sounds like you could use a psychiatrist.

#14 Nonygirl

  • 99 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 05:25 AM

Sounds like you could use a psychiatrist.

I prefer to think I have mental powers beyond anyone's understanding.

Or that I'm just speshul.

#15 luvsmyncis

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 06:25 AM

I do not find other people's dreams interesting unless they were dreaming about me. 

#16 Greatgenes

  • 95 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 08:10 AM

you should watch Inception - the movie.

it'll fuck with your mind. & scare you even more about dreams/dreaming in general. hahahah

i did see it :) on opening night. it was kinda fu**** up. i have so much to say about that movie but i wont, since most have probably not seen it yet
but i will give it a 6.5/10

Edited by Greatgenes, 19 July 2010 - 08:11 AM.

#17 MiladyM

  • 428 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 08:11 AM

I do not find other people's dreams interesting unless they were dreaming about me.

Ill try, but Ill need some visualizing with that. Nvm if u have brown hair, its hopeless for me then :(

#18 Powerrrr

  • 955 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 08:36 AM

I hate getting dreams where i get killed Posted Image

#19 KatieKat

  • 38 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 09:54 AM

It's funny how you have dreams and they seem so real and vivid to you, but when you try and retell it to other people their like "oh, ok...." .
You know what I mean? Like i've had super scary dreams(aka nightmares) before, but when I try to retell what happened, it sounds really stupid and not scary at all.

#20 outsidedream86

  • 457 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 10:12 AM

I hate getting dreams where i get killed public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif

I had a dream once where I was shot, felt myself slowly and painfully dying, then became a ghost and was trying to talk to my loved ones, who were crying over my death. I was despondent for a week because of that dream.

#21 MiladyM

  • 428 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:07 PM

It's funny how you have dreams and they seem so real and vivid to you, but when you try and retell it to other people their like "oh, ok...." .
You know what I mean? Like i've had super scary dreams(aka nightmares) before, but when I try to retell what happened, it sounds really stupid and not scary at all.

Yes, ive never been able to make someone understand why it was so scary either. It's weird how you dont realise how fake things are when youre dreaming!

#22 Greatgenes

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 02:21 PM

Yes, ive never been able to make someone understand why it was so scary either. It's weird how you dont realise how fake things are when youre dreaming!

yeah i agree, like the dream that i posted, it doesent sound scary but i was sooo f**ing upset, even tho i remember some parts to be cheesy.

#23 Georgina

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 02:25 PM

Yeh, I had this dream once,

about midget gypsies

and i was in their "land" by entering a mouse hole... and there was a really hot guy, i think he was the midget gipsies teacher, and we had sex.

My fave dream ever.

#24 Greatgenes

  • 95 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 03:01 PM

Yeh, I had this dream once,

about midget gypsies

and i was in their "land" by entering a mouse hole... and there was a really hot guy, i think he was the midget gipsies teacher, and we had sex.

My fave dream ever.

had any good acid recently ? haha im just jk lol @ yur dream tho

#25 chickensteak

  • 3 posts

Posted 19 July 2010 - 10:16 PM

Midget sex dreams?? I wish I could say I dream't up something as kinky as that lol. Though I did once dream about sitting naked in a bus ;o

Last night I dream't my dog could morph into a bear. But he changed back and I kept poking him hoping he'd turn back into a bear.

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