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» ScoreSending «

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#1 Jake2

  • 1185 posts

Posted 20 August 2010 - 10:08 PM

There's a few guides around but most of them are outdated, wrong or not what you're looking for. For this reason, I'll be helping everyone out with Score Sending. So, if you're new to score sending (or just need some help) post your questions (or what you need help with) and I'll do my best to answer.

I'm happy to teach you about times and scores for certain games through to when you should send your scores, and in what quantity.

Everyone else is free to jump in with their .02cents as well. :)

Posted Image

Edited by Jake2, 20 August 2010 - 11:56 PM.

#2 Lallard

  • 487 posts

Posted 20 August 2010 - 10:40 PM

I haven't tried using an SSer myself at all, so I'll start off by asking which available program would be the most reliable?

#3 Jake2

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Posted 20 August 2010 - 11:17 PM

sLAUGHTER's scoresender. It's free and reliable. I've never had any trouble (virus wise) with it.

#4 wtfints

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Posted 20 August 2010 - 11:34 PM

ah.. what's the chances of getting frozen?

maybe talk about your experience in SS-ing?

#5 Jake2

  • 1185 posts

Posted 20 August 2010 - 11:47 PM

Well, any cheating still has a possible chance of you being frozen. Even if you send 1 score that's perfect there's still a very small chance you could get iced for it. Heck, you could get iced for it even if you dont.

I've been score sending for aaaaages. At first I didn't know what I was doing and it resulted in me being chain iced time and time again. I used to do quantity over quality - i'd send hundreds of scores to get mass neopoints really quick. I thought that I could transfer the neopoints out before I get iced.. but it just doesn't work. The times I was using were too low for the games I was choosing.

Once I got over my obsession with quick neopoints, I decided I'd try and get some trophies. Pretty much the same result, I got greedy and tried to get as many as possible in the shortest amount of time. I.E 40 gold trophies over 2 days on reset day. Just doesn't go down well. Even if TNT doesn't catch you, people on the boards start getting suspicious and sending in forms and shit, it's bad for your account so its pretty much ruined anyway.

Here's where I started to learn. At this time I had hundreds of shells and I'd stick with one sending scores here & there slowly just to see how it turns out. To my surprise, I didn't get iced. I just kept sending safe scores over the course of a couple weeks (game avatars and the occasional trophy) and it was working brilliantly. I started to build from this and do it across multiple accounts & then I started getting the hang of it without too much drama.

#6 wtfints

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Posted 20 August 2010 - 11:52 PM

Well, for me i guess if i have to SS, it would be for the trophies for my main account.

But i'm wondering if it would be worth the risk.

#7 Jake2

  • 1185 posts

Posted 20 August 2010 - 11:53 PM

Well, for me i guess if i have to SS, it would be for the trophies for my main account.

But i'm wondering if it would be worth the risk.

You could always do non-supsicious games such as:
- Dungeon Dash
- Grand Theft Ummagine
- Bruno's Breakway
- Faerie Caves II

There is no review scores on those games and it's very easy to get a gold trophy.

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... the fuck is going on here.. TNT convention?

Edited by Jake2, 21 August 2010 - 12:20 AM.

#8 wtfints

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Posted 21 August 2010 - 12:25 AM

yea.. so many people here.

but i think i'll just stick legit with my main.

probably ss on other account instead.

#9 emerkeng

  • 561 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 12:31 AM

... the fuck is going on here.. TNT convention?

If it was I don't think those games are safe anymore :crybaby:. . . But HONESTLY WTF are there still 13 guests . . . O_o. Anyways just in case that's TNT: :fyou:

Edited by Yen, 21 August 2010 - 12:38 AM.

#10 InsertRandomNameHere

  • 340 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 12:35 AM

If it was I don't think those games are safe anymore :crybaby:. . . But HONESTLY WTF are there still 13 guests . . . O_o

I don't think so as Neopets Staff shouldn't be able to access here

#11 Jake2

  • 1185 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 12:46 AM

I don't think so as Neopets Staff shouldn't be able to access here

Shouldn't be too hard. I'm sure if Hydro banned me I could get back on here as ano.

If it was I don't think those games are safe anymore

The games I listed are fine. They each have a specific high score. Hundreds of people play them daily & probably loads of those get the 1k or high score. They'll be fine as long as you do right scores & times.

probably ss on other account instead.

Practice on your shell & then convert it to your main. :)

#12 Elindoril

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Posted 21 August 2010 - 03:43 AM

Shouldn't be too hard. I'm sure if Hydro banned me I could get back on here as ano.

It's not hard to IP ban, you know.

#13 Jake2

  • 1185 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 04:05 AM

It's not hard to IP ban, you know.

You know nothing, sir.

#14 Abigail

  • 329 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 04:29 AM

Oh and make sure you know the multiples of the games of the scores you're sending. Like don't send a 7777 on Maths nightmare. I did something stupid like this once.

#15 xToxic

  • 349 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 04:32 AM

You could always do non-supsicious games such as:
- Dungeon Dash
- Grand Theft Ummagine
- Bruno's Breakway
- Faerie Caves II

There is no review scores on those games and it's very easy to get a gold trophy.

... the fuck is going on here.. TNT convention?

So if i were to try to aim for these trophies. I should perhaps build up my score slowly like over a few weeks, It wouldnt be safe to just go straight in with a trophy score right?

#16 Jake2

  • 1185 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 04:35 AM

So if i were to try to aim for these trophies. I should perhaps build up my score slowly like over a few weeks, It wouldnt be safe to just go straight in with a trophy score right?

Unless you've played these games, no. Bruno's for example goes up in certain factors. For example, lets say 50. Points go 50, 100, 150, 200. If you work your way up and send a 175 score it'll be super suspicious. The best thing to do would be play it legit 1 or 2 times and get a crummy score. Then a day or two later send the final score (5,180 i believe it is from memory) with a plausible time frame.

#17 xToxic

  • 349 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 04:41 AM

Unless you've played these games, no. Bruno's for example goes up in certain factors. For example, lets say 50. Points go 50, 100, 150, 200. If you work your way up and send a 175 score it'll be super suspicious. The best thing to do would be play it legit 1 or 2 times and get a crummy score. Then a day or two later send the final score (5,180 i believe it is from memory) with a plausible time frame.

I dont think ive already played them if im honest, But ill give it a go, Play them all today then send a score for one of them tomorrow evening.

#18 Jake2

  • 1185 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 04:43 AM

There's really no need to play them all day. Just play it once and finish the first level which is super easy and send your score. Then do it again a couple days later then send the big score. Of course, you can mix it up anyway. I send the score first go and I've never had any problems.

I have, however, managed to send a score of 0 for zurroball before.. my SSer fucked up & crashed and it sent a score of 0 ._. it's still in my high score list i think.

#19 Abigail

  • 329 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 05:09 AM

ugh, its so hard to play bruno legit.
i hate that game personally.

#20 Lallard

  • 487 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 06:04 AM

So let's talk more about SSing games for trophies,

I know there's faerie caves II, bruno's backwoods, ruins rampage and GTU. Any other games that you suggest would be a good idea?

#21 bigtymerz05

  • 475 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 06:13 AM

SS is dangerous dont do it hahah :rolleyes::devil:

#22 Abrar

  • 157 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 06:21 AM

SS has great rewards (:
and that's why you do it on shell accounts, and not your main
i havent everr gotten frozen from SSing so far

#23 Jake2

  • 1185 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 06:25 AM

Score sending for trophies or avatars on your side is dumb. It's just drawing attention to somewhere where you dont want it. If it's just for neopoints, sure. Then launder it back to your main, but for trophies I don't see the point.

Zurroball (keep score under 9.99k)
Rink Runner (Score under 450)
Dice of Destiny (under 800 should be fine)
200m peanut dash
crisis courier

They are all very easy games and dont have long scores. :)

+ There's really no harm in score sending any game. Just keep it under the review score (or if you're unsure about it, slowly build your score up such as 1200, 1358 and then 1615) with high times (but not too high, like 3 hours or something).

For example, Korbats Lab, if I play it legit for the avatar + trophy it can take me up to 6 - 9 hours of constant playing. If I score send it though, I could send a time of 11096 (3 hours) in the top 17 and there will be no review. However, if I send the same score with a 618 second time, there will be a review because it's not plausible.

Edited by Jake2, 21 August 2010 - 06:28 AM.

#24 xToxic

  • 349 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 07:05 AM

Im attempting Bruno's breakaway, Wish me luck, I set the time to something like 2 and a half hours LOL
Im doing it on a side first to see if it does work (:

#25 InsertRandomNameHere

  • 340 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 07:07 AM

Im attempting Bruno's breakaway, Wish me luck, I set the time to something like 2 and a half hours LOL
Im doing it on a side first to see if it does work (:

Hehe Good luck you definitely won't get frozen. PS : I used a much lower time to get this trophy many times :) PM me if you want to know

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