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20 Things Everyone Should Know About

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#1 Xcisor

  • 207 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 06:57 AM

1. SPREEDER - Spreeder is an online program that allows you to copy+paste a body of text into it and then set the words per minute ratio at which each word is displayed in a sequence. The functionality of this program is similar to working out your muscles. To get stronger you start off with 5lbs and gradually increase the weight to 10,15,20 ect. With Spreeder, you gradually increase the Words Per Minute thus increasing your reading speed. This is also especially useful when reading large articles online for term papers/school. The average persons reading speed is 250wpm, whats yours? -> http://www.spreeder.com/app.php

2. ALTERNATIVE BREATHING CYCLES - Step one: Use right thumb to close off right nostril.

Step two: Inhale slowly through left nostril

Step three: Pause for a second

Step four: Now close left nostril with ring finger and release thumb off right nostril

Step five: Exhale through your right nostril

Step six: Now, inhale through right nostril

Step seven: Pause

Step eight: Use thumb to close of right nostril

Step nine: Breathe out through left nostril

Step ten: This is one round. Start slowly with 1or 2 rounds and gradually increase.Never force.Sit quietly for a fewmoments after you have finished. This process will help to improve your relaxation, increase your lungs ability to clean out toxins (in which it already is responsible for 70% of your body's toxins), balance the left and right hemispheres of your brain thus altering your brain waves putting you in a naturally meditative state and is a great mid-day pick me up.

3. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) JUMPROPE - Remember jump rope for heart in grade school, or the 50 trick jump challenge? Well, truthfully how difficult was jumping rope? How fun was it? Well, did you know, that it can burn up to 1000 calories per hour, making it one of the most efficient workouts possible. It works every muscle group in the body, developing long, lean muscles in all major muscle groups, both upper and lower. Jumping rope optimizes cardiovascular conditioning and maximizes athletic skills by combining agility, coordination, timing, and endurance. By combining jumping rope with the workout system HIIT it will increase the amount of fat burned and cut down the workout time from hours to 15-20mins per day! Watch this video for more information ->

P.S. If you've got an android or iphone check the apps for a HIIT app that will help you out.

4. LUCID DREAMING - Lucid dreaming is a process in which you conciously become aware that you are dreaming, while you are in your dream. This realization leads to complete power for the dreamer, allowing him/her to go anywhere and do anything in their dream. You might have had this happen to you once or twice in your life, but chances are the dream didn't last very long. This is because as soon as people get excited from realizing they have achieved lucidity, they tend to wakeup. Ways in which to master the art of Lucid Dreaming are A. Keeping a Dream Journal - right when you wake up write down what you can remember about your dreams and B. Look out for DREAM SIGNS. Dream signs are things that break the common laws of reality that occur frequently in your dreams. By noticing these it is easier to say "HEY IM DREAMING!" while in your dream. One of my dream signs if flying/levitating.

5. RAW FOODs DIET and VEGANISM - A raw foods diet is where you eat nothing that has been cooked or processed in any way. And Veganism is where you refrain from eating any animal based products, such as milk, meat and eggs. Research has proven that the combination of these two altercations to you diet are the most beneficial to your health. Non vegan options that are also good for your health are honey and salmon. For more information on RAW FOODS and VEGANISM, search Bernando LaPallo and David Wolfe on Google Video. Another good option for health and dieting is Dr. Mercola. Subscribe to his Facebook page today!

6. TED - <em>TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference in Long Beach and Palm Springs each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Oxford UK each summer. - </em>TED.com Within this organization is a plethora of knowledge in regard to ever aspect of global awareness possible. Great for English papers or increasing your own intellect. For a complete listing of all the TED talks, visit this link -> http://spreadsheets....a6o2bYlXg&gid=0

7. THE MOZART EFFECT - Ever hear that allowing a child to listen to classical music as it sleeps will make it more intelligent when it grows up? Well according to one psychologist, there may now be proof of this. Its called "THE MOZART EFFECT". <em>A decade ago Frances Rauscher, a psychologist now at the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, and her colleagues made waves with the discovery that listening to Mozart improved people's mathematical and spatial</em><em> reasoning. Even rats ran mazes faster and more accurately after hearing Mozart than after white noise or music by the minimalist composer Philip Glass. Last year, Rauscher reported that, for rats at least, a Mozart piano sonata seems to stimulate activity in three genes involved in nerve-cell signalling in the brain.</em>

8. DRAWING<em> - </em>Drawing is a great way to release stress or to wind down, get in your own little world. But it is also very helpful in maintaining proper brain functionality in this modern society. Most of what you do today is driven by the left hemisphere of the brain - responsible for mathematics, logic and reasoning and male oriented world views. Drawing however stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for emotions, creativity and femenism. For proper mental health it is good to exercise both. <em>But I'm not good at drawing!?</em> - There is no such thing, everyone is good at drawing, for the most sacred figures on the planet are nothing more than simple geometry. So think back to that boring sophmore study hall where the teacher wouldn't let you talk. Break out some simple doodles for 10mins a day. I personally like to draw mandalas which are nothing more than doodles themselves. For more information on Mandalas check out this link -> [url="http://www.art-is-fun.com/how-to-draw-a-mandala.html"]http://www.art-is-fu...andala.html<em> </em>.

9. BAREFOOTISM/NATURE - According to over 30 studies conducted by Clint Ober by just touching the earth with our bare feet or our bare skin; sit down on the grass, and the earth actually releases anti-inflammatory electromagnetic radiation," David Wolfe says. "This helps to draw out inflammation, in particular of your lower extremities: your feet, our ankles, knees, and hips." This proves that we are built to be out in nature and that our bodies (and spirits) are part of it. Make it a priority for youself to get out there and get atleast 80mins of barefoot to soil/earth contact per day. This will not only help your body become less achy, but will also ensure you are getting more fresh air and Vitamin D from the Sun.

10. MEDITATION - I personally cannot speak from experience on this topic as I have not put enough discipline into the practice yet, but the benefits of meditation are more than enough to want to take interest in it. Neuroscientists have found that meditators shift their brain activity to different areas of the cortex - brain waves in the stress-prone right frontal cortex move to the calmer left frontal cortex. This mental shift decreases the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. There is also less activity in the amygdala, where the brain processes fear. Meditation is also another practice you can take up outside in nature, where there is less distraction and when coupled with ALTERNATIVE BREATHING CYCLES, it should prove to be doulbe effective. Anothe, easier form of meditation in which I have delved into personally is the use of a MALA and recitations of a prayer or MANTRA. My most frequently used is OM MANI PADME HUM. You repeat this prayer in a song like chant 108 times as you pass over each of the 108 beads of your MALA. For more informtaion on MANTRAs and MALAS visit these links ->

11. STRANGERS - Have you ever been walking down a path/sidewalk, on a jog or passing someone else in an empty hallway? Well if so, you know about that awkward acknowledment of one another as you pass by and look away or at the ground. Well next time fight of the xenophobia (fear of strangers) and look that person in the eye and tell them "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening or a simple Hi!" It will not only make you more confident in you ability to talk to strangers in the future, but put out a ripple effect into the world and make it a more friendly open place.

12. STOPTHEROBBERY.COM -<em> STR was created to bring forth all of the most important information toa single source to facilitate the transition to a higher level of human consciousnes and next phase of our evolution. It is up to us to create the necessary changes in the world environmentally, politically, economically and spiritually to finally establish world peace and equal abundance for every person on the planet. - </em>This place is truly amazing. It has all the necessary information to allow a person to begin the WAKING process and start viewing their physical reality for what it really is. Visit this link here for more information. -> http://www.stopthero...com/Videos.html

13. BOOKS - This one should be a no brainer, but I read somewhere today that I think it was 58% or more Americans wont read a book after High School? >.< A shame but probably true. Don't be part of that more than half of this country, Get out there and get some good reads in. Better yet, shut off/ don't buy a television. Television = mind control/propoganda and Books > Television any day!

14. PHONE NUMBERS - Remember back in the day, when only your parents had cell phones, or no body for that matter, and you had to tie up the land line to call your freinds. How did you get a hold of them back then? The home phone didn't have a contact lists. You remembered there number! Well its a habit you should try to get back into. I recently had my phone stolen at the airport this past week and I was without a cell for awhile. In this time I accidnetly locked myself out of the house I was watching and had to call someone for help from a pay phone. To my dismay I didn't know my AZ families numbers! So I took it upon myself to start memorizing important numbers in just such emergencies from now on. Besides increasing your memory is also good for your intellect. It also makes you look like a champ when someone gets a call and says "hey do you know who 555-5555 is? And you can actually answer "YES!"

15. LATTE EFFECT - Ever heard of the expression being nickled and dimed? Well a recent study now called the Latte Effect, showed the impact of daily expenditures such as buying a Latte every morning from Starbucks. So lets imagine that you buy one Monday through Friday at $4. Thats $20 per week, not too shabby ehh? Well over the course of a year thats $1040. And thats JUST the daily Latte. That doesn't include things like fast food, bottled water, manicure/pedicures, car washes, and extra services on your phone plans. A good way to keep track of small spending like this is A: Keep a Money Log, where you record your monthly spendings each month and keep your receipts with it. B: Try to avoid impulse buying. This is where you go to a store to buy bread and come out with bread, a pack of trading cards, a lighter and some jam.

16. NAPPING - Napping is crucial to a healthy brain. Research shows that power naps can improve cognitive function, memory, creativity, and decrease stress levels. Also, in additon to regular napping, if you want to take it to the next level you may want to consider POLYPHASIC SLEEP CYCLES. In which your entire sleep schedule consists of SIX 20min naps during the whole day... thats it, thats all the sleep you get. It not only is better for you because it increases the amount of REM sleep you get, but cuts your sleeping down from 6-8 hours to only 2 per day! For more information visit this link -> http://dustincurtis.com/sleep.html

17. LIVE MUSIC/DANCING - This one is just a suggestion but live music is soo much more of an expereince than listening to it on your mac/ipod. So set aside 15-60 dollars a month to go see some band/musician play live at a concert. While you're there, dance your butt off! Literally, dancing is a great form of exercise and is fun too!

18. VIDEO GAMES - I know most of you have probably outgrown video games or if you're a girl, never really got into them, but according to BBC news, scientists have found that video games can improve your visual capabilities, and overall intelligence. link -> http://news.bbc.co.u...gy/2943280.stm. However, for those of you who don't really have a system or favorite game to play, try www.neopets.com. Its got hundreds of great flash games but also some of them are brain teasers similar to sudoku and will also increase your intelligence in addition to earning you neopoints which you can use to experience the entire NEOPETS website. If you do join let me know my account name is Xcisor. Also if you by chance have any interest in playing games but somehow find you would rather write/experience than watch, then visit my Pokemon Text Based Role Playing RPG at z3.invisionfree.com/poke_earth.

19. SMILE - <em>Whenever you get a grin on your face, your brain is releasing serotonin, the happy hormone. Smiling is the natural way to force yourself to be happy. Many people even smile for five minutes straight in the morning to get themselves in a great mood for the day. It is a very powerful tool that is utilized less and less as we grow older and need happiness more than ever. Just remember that while happiness leads to smiles, smiles also lead to happiness. - </em>HigherExistence.com

20. STUMBLEUPON.COM - Last but not least, I introduce the entire reason why I know about all this random stuff, STUMBLEUPON.COM! Aka the greatest thing since Google. Stumble Upon allows you to take a survey based on your interests and then once completed you will click on the STUMBLE button. This button will randomly take you to any place on the entire world wide web that is somehow related to the interests you selected in your survey. You can also track other stumblers and see what they have been coming across as well! My name on stumble is zylmorre and my other account is zilm. See you there!

Edited by Hydrogen, 07 September 2017 - 02:49 PM.

#2 InsertRandomNameHere

  • 340 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 07:01 AM

4. LUCID DREAMING - Lucid dreaming is a process in which you conciously become aware that you are dreaming, while you are in your dream. This realization leads to complete power for the dreamer, allowing him/her to go anywhere and do anything in their dream. You might have had this happen to you once or twice in your life, but chances are the dream didn't last very long. This is because as soon as people get excited from realizing they have achieved lucidity, they tend to wakeup. Ways in which to master the art of Lucid Dreaming are A. Keeping a Dream Journal - right when you wake up write down what you can remember about your dreams and B. Look out for DREAM SIGNS. Dream signs are things that break the common laws of reality that occur frequently in your dreams. By noticing these it is easier to say "HEY IM DREAMING!" while in your dream. One of my dream signs if flying/levitating.
Is this an example of Lucid Dreaming?
I was in a dream. I remember someone (a family member) and me together with a bed. I told him "I know I am in a dream but how do I get out of it?" and then he told me to try sleeping and I could get the top view of myself sleeping lols. Can't really remember much more but I think I tried many other ways to wake up as I was quite scared I would not wake up after all

PS : I lol'd at the flying. I had a dream which I was flying as high as an aeroplane. A crazy scary experience for me as I was afraid of heights. It was also very dreamy and unforgettable

Edited by Benign, 21 August 2010 - 07:09 AM.

#3 xToxic

  • 349 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 07:27 AM

19. SMILE - <em>Whenever you get a grin on your face, your brain is releasing serotonin, the happy hormone. Smiling is the natural way to force yourself to be happy. Many people even smile for five minutes straight in the morning to get themselves in a great mood for the day. It is a very powerful tool that is utilized less and less as we grow older and need happiness more than ever. Just remember that while happiness leads to smiles, smiles also lead to happiness. - </em>HigherExistence.com


Im going to try this.
This was quite an interesting read :) thanks for this.

#4 Abigail

  • 329 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 07:47 AM

i think i can comfortably read around 400 wpm. :o

#5 Lallard

  • 487 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 07:54 AM

20. STUMBLEUPON.COM - Last but not least, I introduce the entire reason why I know about all this random stuff, STUMBLEUPON.COM! Aka the greatest thing since Google. Stumble Upon allows you to take a survey based on your interests and then once completed you will click on the STUMBLE button. This button will randomly take you to any place on the entire world wide web that is somehow related to the interests you selected in your survey. You can also track other stumblers and see what they have been coming across as well! My name on stumble is zylmorre and my other account is zilm. See you there!

I LOL'd so hard when I got to this part xD

Spent a good 5 minutes or so reading this, thanks!

#6 jcrdude

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Posted 21 August 2010 - 09:41 AM

This sounds like some hackneyed bullshit.

I read about 4 or 5 of them and can't stand it anymore.

#7 Code

  • Patron of Absorbia

  • 435 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 10:51 AM

you forgot transformice :(

#8 Xcisor

  • 207 posts

Posted 21 August 2010 - 11:16 AM

4. LUCID DREAMING - Lucid dreaming is a process in which you conciously become aware that you are dreaming, while you are in your dream. This realization leads to complete power for the dreamer, allowing him/her to go anywhere and do anything in their dream. You might have had this happen to you once or twice in your life, but chances are the dream didn't last very long. This is because as soon as people get excited from realizing they have achieved lucidity, they tend to wakeup. Ways in which to master the art of Lucid Dreaming are A. Keeping a Dream Journal - right when you wake up write down what you can remember about your dreams and B. Look out for DREAM SIGNS. Dream signs are things that break the common laws of reality that occur frequently in your dreams. By noticing these it is easier to say "HEY IM DREAMING!" while in your dream. One of my dream signs if flying/levitating.
Is this an example of Lucid Dreaming?
I was in a dream. I remember someone (a family member) and me together with a bed. I told him "I know I am in a dream but how do I get out of it?" and then he told me to try sleeping and I could get the top view of myself sleeping lols. Can't really remember much more but I think I tried many other ways to wake up as I was quite scared I would not wake up after all

PS : I lol'd at the flying. I had a dream which I was flying as high as an aeroplane. A crazy scary experience for me as I was afraid of heights. It was also very dreamy and unforgettable

Sounds like the onset of a Lucid dream but the thing is when you notice you're dreaming, there is like an ON switch that clicks and everything becomes super vivid as if it were actually real life, kinda like in AVATAR when he would goto sleep in the avatar body and wake up in his real body, both of which were "real". thats kinda what its like. If you've never seen the movie before I suggest you do.

#9 Sweeney

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 03:39 PM

Sounds like the onset of a Lucid dream but the thing is when you notice you're dreaming, there is like an ON switch that clicks and everything becomes super vivid as if it were actually real life, kinda like in AVATAR when he would goto sleep in the avatar body and wake up in his real body, both of which were "real". thats kinda what its like. If you've never seen the movie before I suggest you do.

I don't believe you've ever had an intentional lucid dream.

#10 EzioAuditore

  • 246 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 04:33 PM

This might be some of the coolest stuff I've read in a while. I actually read all 20 (to my own surprise).

#11 Xcisor

  • 207 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:26 PM

This might be some of the coolest stuff I've read in a while. I actually read all 20 (to my own surprise).

Thanks. I worked pretty hard writing it, like i said though #20 is the best thing ever you get loads of eye opening things all the time surfing it.

#12 EzioAuditore

  • 246 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:29 PM

Thanks. I worked pretty hard writing it, like i said though #20 is the best thing ever you get loads of eye opening things all the time surfing it.

I work out frequently, but I never thought about jumping rope, and how many calories it actually burns...

I think I'm going to Wal-Mart tomorrow to buy a jump rope, hahahaha.

#13 Xcisor

  • 207 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:54 PM

I work out frequently, but I never thought about jumping rope, and how many calories it actually burns...

I think I'm going to Wal-Mart tomorrow to buy a jump rope, hahahaha.

Right. I never knew about jumproping either. I've been borrowing my cousins this weeks because I've been watching her house but its deff. at the top of my to buy list.

#14 jcrdude

  • Oh shit there's a thing here

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:59 PM

Right. I never knew about jumproping either. I've been borrowing my cousins this weeks because I've been watching her house but its deff. at the top of my to buy list.

Posted Image

#15 Xcisor

  • 207 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 06:10 PM

Posted Image

Posted Image

#16 iargue

  • 10048 posts

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 06:11 PM

1. Thats actually pretty cool. Good start.
2. Bullshit
3. You cant burn a thousand calories in an hour without eating properly. Your body refuses to burn calories past a certain point for fear of needing them later. So. More bullshit.
4. Lol. Even more bullshit.
5. Bullshit
6. Wikipedia is better for learning stuff.
7. No. You cannot learn, or process anything while asleep. This whole learn while you dream bullshit has been disproven time and time again.
8. Drawing only helps some people. Other people just get more stressed because what they draw is retarded.
9. Bullshit
10. Placebo Effect. The actual benefit comes from being able to focus on one thing for hours at a time, trains yourself in concentration.
11. Unless they shank you. but thanks for the common sense lesson.
12. Hippy society?
13. Whooo. More Common sense. Ty
14. Actually, learning phone numbers can cause you to forget more important things. This is why you should have a contact list. Why should I bother learning a number, when I could be learning physics or math, or something more important then Bobs number is 732-3201.
15. Ty for common sense.
16. Lol @ 2 hours = 8 hours needed.
17. Ty for common sense
18. No. Neopets doesnt improve your intelligence. Video games that require serious strategy such as Starcraft, improve your intelligence by helping you to think in a problem solving mode at high speeds. Games like Call of Duty and Counter Strike improve your vision because they teach you to spot details in areas with alot of details (Seeing the sniper in the grass from 100 yards away. etc. etc. Neopets actually is just for stress relief.
19. The physical act of smiling is just moving muscles.
20.Good way to waste your day. Better to just click Random on Wikipedia, or go jumproping.

#17 Xcisor

  • 207 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 06:36 PM

1. Thats actually pretty cool. Good start.
2. Bullshit
3. You cant burn a thousand calories in an hour without eating properly. Your body refuses to burn calories past a certain point for fear of needing them later. So. More bullshit.
4. Lol. Even more bullshit.
5. Bullshit
6. Wikipedia is better for learning stuff.
7. No. You cannot learn, or process anything while asleep. This whole learn while you dream bullshit has been disproven time and time again.
8. Drawing only helps some people. Other people just get more stressed because what they draw is retarded.
9. Bullshit
10. Placebo Effect. The actual benefit comes from being able to focus on one thing for hours at a time, trains yourself in concentration.
11. Unless they shank you. but thanks for the common sense lesson.
12. Hippy society?
13. Whooo. More Common sense. Ty
14. Actually, learning phone numbers can cause you to forget more important things. This is why you should have a contact list. Why should I bother learning a number, when I could be learning physics or math, or something more important then Bobs number is 732-3201.
15. Ty for common sense.
16. Lol @ 2 hours = 8 hours needed.
17. Ty for common sense
18. No. Neopets doesnt improve your intelligence. Video games that require serious strategy such as Starcraft, improve your intelligence by helping you to think in a problem solving mode at high speeds. Games like Call of Duty and Counter Strike improve your vision because they teach you to spot details in areas with alot of details (Seeing the sniper in the grass from 100 yards away. etc. etc. Neopets actually is just for stress relief.
19. The physical act of smiling is just moving muscles.
20.Good way to waste your day. Better to just click Random on Wikipedia, or go jumproping.

In response to half of which you declared bullshit-please provide counter data/research that proves against.
3. just quoted another site but I'd also need to see the article that says that your body wont burn anymore past a certain point.
6. some people who are audiotory/visual learners will be better aided by TED videos vs wiki articles
8. practice makes perfect and still doesn't count out the exercising of the right hemisphere of the brain
10. Psyhologists have proven using brain scanners that it alters your brainwave function. I think from beta to alpha but not sure.
14. Since when did learning something cause you to forget something?
18. Math's nightmare on hard would benefit indeed.
19. Again gonna need some counter research showing it doesn't release serotonin.
20. wastefulness is perceived. stumbles actually helped me get a lot of good resources for writing papers for college.

Great response though. other than the one's labeled bullshit
and i agree with you on most of the common sense ones too but you'd be surprised at how many people don't exercise them. I honestly cant remember the last time a stranger said Hi to me and not vice versa.

#18 Volition

  • 701 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:07 PM

4. LUCID DREAMING - Lucid dreaming is a process in which you conciously become aware that you are dreaming, while you are in your dream. This realization leads to complete power for the dreamer, allowing him/her to go anywhere and do anything in their dream. You might have had this happen to you once or twice in your life, but chances are the dream didn't last very long. This is because as soon as people get excited from realizing they have achieved lucidity, they tend to wakeup. Ways in which to master the art of Lucid Dreaming are A. Keeping a Dream Journal - right when you wake up write down what you can remember about your dreams and B. Look out for DREAM SIGNS. Dream signs are things that break the common laws of reality that occur frequently in your dreams. By noticing these it is easier to say "HEY IM DREAMING!" while in your dream. One of my dream signs if flying/levitating.

is it possible to get a lucid wet dream? :D

#19 Xcisor

  • 207 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:10 PM

is it possible to get a lucid wet dream? :D

not sure, but if you were to have one ths would definitely be the best way.

#20 Melchoire

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:16 PM

This is the sort of stuff you'd hear being spouted on Inside Edition or Good Morning America :p

#21 luvsmyncis

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:33 PM

I honestly cant remember the last time a stranger said Hi to me and not vice versa.

Strangers hate ugly people. Are you ugly? That might be why they don't say hi. :(

#22 iargue

  • 10048 posts

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:44 PM

In response to half of which you declared bullshit-please provide counter data/research that proves against.
3. just quoted another site but I'd also need to see the article that says that your body wont burn anymore past a certain point.
6. some people who are audiotory/visual learners will be better aided by TED videos vs wiki articles
8. practice makes perfect and still doesn't count out the exercising of the right hemisphere of the brain
10. Psyhologists have proven using brain scanners that it alters your brainwave function. I think from beta to alpha but not sure.
14. Since when did learning something cause you to forget something?
18. Math's nightmare on hard would benefit indeed.
19. Again gonna need some counter research showing it doesn't release serotonin.
20. wastefulness is perceived. stumbles actually helped me get a lot of good resources for writing papers for college.

Great response though. other than the one's labeled bullshit
and i agree with you on most of the common sense ones too but you'd be surprised at how many people don't exercise them. I honestly cant remember the last time a stranger said Hi to me and not vice versa.

I'm not going to prove something is bullshit without you proving that its not first. Just because you say something is true, doesnt make it true, back it up, and then I cant call it bullshit.

6)If it only helps some people. Why does everyone need to know about it.
8)There are alot of better ways to excerise your brain though. Things you could actually enjoy
10)Changing your brain waves wouldnt help you at all. Wtf.
14)Ever since you were born and have only had a certain capacity for storing information. You cant fucking learn everything in the world. The more you learn about one thing, the less you know about others. Its why people become experts.

#23 Melchoire

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 07:47 PM

Strangers hate ugly people. Are you ugly? That might be why they don't say hi. :(

I love your posts

14)Ever since you were born and have only had a certain capacity for storing information. You cant fucking learn everything in the world. The more you learn about one thing, the less you know about others. Its why people become experts.

You'd be surprised. I amaze myself sometimes at the sort of information I can recall if something triggers it the right way. The way I see it you can't truly forget something. It will still be in your mind somewhere; you just need to make the proper connection to remember it.

#24 Xcisor

  • 207 posts

Posted 22 August 2010 - 09:58 PM

I'm not going to prove something is bullshit without you proving that its not first. Just because you say something is true, doesnt make it true, back it up, and then I cant call it bullshit.

6)If it only helps some people. Why does everyone need to know about it.
8)There are alot of better ways to excerise your brain though. Things you could actually enjoy
10)Changing your brain waves wouldnt help you at all. Wtf.
14)Ever since you were born and have only had a certain capacity for storing information. You cant fucking learn everything in the world. The more you learn about one thing, the less you know about others. Its why people become experts.

Posted Image

1. SPREEDER - Thank you ^.^

2. ALTERNATIVE BREATHING CYCLES - This is actually properly called Nadi Sodhana. Its a type of breathing yoga,created by the ancient Yogis to cleanse energy channels, or nadis, which they claimed helped calm the mind and prevent disease. http://yogaposesasan...fm/nadi_sodhana

3. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) JUMPROPE - Jjumprope aside I'm sure most people did not know about HIIT before.

4. LUCID DREAMING - http://en.wikipedia....iki/Lucid_dream


6. TED - This you can take or leave really. I'm just bringing it to people's attention since everyone already knows about wiki.

7. THE MOZART EFFECT - http://en.wikipedia....i/Mozart_effect

8. DRAWING - Indeed. Other right brained activities include singing. But I just figured drawing would be easier for most people..

9. BAREFOOTISM/NATURE - This one has potentiality of being bullshit and I will admit to that possibility. I would say though that the placebo would take effect on me here.

10. MEDITATION - http://www.scienceda...00319210631.htm

11. STRANGERS - For some reason i doubt that you are nice to strangers.

12. STOPTHEROBBERY.COM - I don't know if the response "hippy society" was anything to respond to.

13. BOOKS - Enlighten that 58% of American's with your almighty call of "common sense"

14. PHONE NUMBERS - Your arguments have been irrational and unsupported. Renaissance Men obviously did not abide by your standing. In Psychology the phenomenon of 'forgetting' information has nothing to do with information being emitted from memory capacity, it has to due with difficulty recalling the information, encoding the information itself which means it wasn't stored in the "long term memory". Long term memory is one of three types of memory in psychology. The other two of which being sensory memory - which lasts only a small part of a second, just long enough to develop a perception short term memorylasts for about 20 to 30 seconds without rehearsal and long term memory which is suggested to be permanent: that nothing is forgotten only the means of retrieving it is lost

15. LATTE EFFECT - If it was such "common" sense why do so many people suffer from/fall prey to it and impulse spending? Why was the study conducted? And did you know it was called "latte effect" before this article?

16. NAPPING - http://www.ucop.edu/...y/article/20831 and POLYPHASIC SLEEP CYCLES- http://en.wikipedia....olyphasic_sleep

17. LIVE MUSIC/DANCING - This one is just a suggestion but live music is soo much more of an expereince than listening to it on your mac/ipod. So set aside 15-60 dollars a month to go see some band/musician play live at a concert. While you're there, dance your butt off! Literally, dancing is a great form of exercise and is fun too!

18. "improve your intelligence by helping you to think in a problem solving mode at high speeds" - ... hypocrite

19. SMILE Emotional Contagion

This process is also known as emotional contagion[4]. That is, emotions are contagious. Feeling good is infectious, and so is feeling crummy. With this in mind, what change do you want trigger in the world? According to a researcher from Lund University in Sweden, mimicking a person’s bodily state or facial expression causes physical responses in the receiver’s body that are identical to those in the sender’s [1]. That is, when people activate muscle groups that link to specific emotions, their body will react as though they are really experiencing that emotion. If you wrinkle your nose and narrow your eyes your body will release some adrenaline and your heart rate may speed up as though you are angry. If you mimic a smile by lifting the creases of your lips and squinting your eyes, your body will release serotonin, dopamine and other “feel-good” indicators. In the study by Hess and Blairy, participants reported feeling more happiness and sadness/depression relative to the video they were watching [2].

- [2] Hess, U. & Blairy, S. (2001). Facial mimicry and emotional contagion to dynamic emotional facial expressions and their influence on decoding accuracy. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 40, 129-141.

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