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Official Topic! Come here if you recently were frozen!

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#76 PeonYourLawn

  • 538 posts

Posted 12 December 2010 - 08:20 PM

Sigh, yea i know. I was planning to ss to 1m and stop. Pretty stupid though. Maybe I gotta clean my SS lists more, make it even MORE legit.

The trick is to actually play the games :D that way ull never get baned


#77 Barophobia

  • 612 posts

Posted 13 December 2010 - 03:33 AM

The trick is to actually play the games :D that way ull never get baned


I should try that sometime!


#78 PeonYourLawn

  • 538 posts

Posted 13 December 2010 - 10:17 PM

Well to be honest, I got frozen a long long time ago for harassing people or something like that.

In truth the convo went like



>>whats up dude i see you like science and technology

<<yeah whats your msn??


#79 DanDoesWork

  • 685 posts

Posted 14 December 2010 - 03:25 PM

Sigh I got frozen couple days ago for cheating on flash games. I thought my SS would be good..guess not. poor old accounts -_- atleast my main is still breathing

#80 Barophobia

  • 612 posts

Posted 14 December 2010 - 07:41 PM

Well to be honest, I got frozen a long long time ago for harassing people or something like that.

In truth the convo went like



>>whats up dude i see you like science and technology

<<yeah whats your msn??


wtf? They do that?

#81 Acheron

  • 586 posts

Posted 14 December 2010 - 09:17 PM

Neopets is batshit crazy for freezing people. Catch up.

#82 Barophobia

  • 612 posts

Posted 15 December 2010 - 04:09 AM

Neopets is batshit crazy for freezing people. Catch up.

yea but for socializing.........? Wow. I can totally imagine that person reporting Peon. "HALP THERES THIS PERV THAT WANTS MY MSN IM ONLY 10YEARS OLD"


Edited by barophobia, 15 December 2010 - 04:10 AM.

#83 Lychee

  • 633 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 01:55 PM

yea but for socializing.........? Wow. I can totally imagine that person reporting Peon. "HALP THERES THIS PERV THAT WANTS MY MSN IM ONLY 10YEARS OLD"

It's automated, rather than people submitting reports. That or TNT sift through hundreds of neomails. People have been frozen or warned for mentioning AIM and MSN.

#84 Whyumad

  • 457 posts

Posted 19 December 2010 - 02:06 PM

yea but for socializing.........? Wow. I can totally imagine that person reporting Peon. "HALP THERES THIS PERV THAT WANTS MY MSN IM ONLY 10YEARS OLD"


HAHAHAH Peon would totally do something like that,
yea I had a warning about mentioning msn and this was like 5 years ago.

#85 Dichromate

  • 277 posts

Posted 21 December 2010 - 10:01 AM

I got frozen while using SS last week on a newbie account and a one month old account. Both were using proxies.
I went back and revised the whole list (Using a stopwatch to count the time even) and now it's been almost a week and still no freeze yet. We shall see though. Might catch up. ;3

#86 Roxi

  • 499 posts

Posted 21 December 2010 - 07:22 PM

I was frozen on my main a few months ago, but it was from score sending. I've been using Abrosia for almost 6 months with no problem. I just run it a few hours and then stop it for a few. I do this a few days a week (usually 3-5).

#87 DanDoesWork

  • 685 posts

Posted 21 December 2010 - 07:45 PM

I got frozen while using SS last week on a newbie account and a one month old account. Both were using proxies.
I went back and revised the whole list (Using a stopwatch to count the time even) and now it's been almost a week and still no freeze yet. We shall see though. Might catch up. ;3

Good Luck I failed using SS, forgot to use mods i think but I Was frozen like 2 1/2 weeks later

#88 Reality

  • 106 posts

Posted 23 December 2010 - 10:54 PM

It's automated, rather than people submitting reports. That or TNT sift through hundreds of neomails. People have been frozen or warned for mentioning AIM and MSN.

I know this is kind of old, but damn I miss the days where people just casually mentioned AIM in trades and on the boards.

Even big names like Hynfaerie were just like "sup, AIM me to haggle on this item, my AIM is xxxx".

#89 Dichromate

  • 277 posts

Posted 24 December 2010 - 03:17 AM

I know this is kind of old, but damn I miss the days where people just casually mentioned AIM in trades and on the boards.

Even big names like Hynfaerie were just like "sup, AIM me to haggle on this item, my AIM is xxxx".

Some parents are crazy protective these days. My best friend's mom doesn't allow her on MSN because she might 'get corrupted'. (Her msn list is apparently going to sprout lots of hot strangers upon application apparently) and up until a couple of years ago won't let her play Neopets because she might 'know someone' through it. And no, we weren't 5 at that time. We were 14/15 or thereabouts.

Not to mention butthurts like this one's put Neo on their toes...


Edited by patapon, 24 December 2010 - 03:18 AM.

#90 nothereorthere

  • 182 posts

Posted 24 December 2010 - 02:57 PM

i hope i never get banned

#91 Sweeney

  • 1230 posts

Users Awards

Posted 24 December 2010 - 03:05 PM

i hope i never get banned

If you do, do you promise to fuck off?

#92 Crayon

  • 913 posts

Posted 28 December 2010 - 06:20 PM

Here, Cody. I was recently banned for having a guessable password which was not the case in the first place, it was just a random frozen. Here is a log for my tickets


The account you are writing in about was frozen for being hijacked. This means the account either had an obvious password that a scammer took advantage of, or had an abandoned email address that was taken over because the account name was the same as the username on Neopets.

We cannot return this username because we have no way of fully knowing who the original owner is.

For passwords, we have posted messages during the account creation process warning users not to use a password that can be easily guessed and possibly begins with your name, 'neopets', part of your account name, a pet’s name or species, '12345', 'asdfg', 'dragon', 'kitty', 'angel', etc.
If you decide to create another account, please make sure you choose a password that you can remember, but is not easy for someone else to guess. Also, please do not use an e-mail address that begins with your username (for example, if you had the username "neopets", you should not have the e-mail address "neopets@____.com".

Summer K.


Dear Summer K,

xxxxxx DID NOT have an easy guessable password. It was one of my passwords I use for my high-end accounts such as my personal and business e-mails. He did not get hi-jacked either, I'm the only one accessing the account and I did not share my password. I still have access to the email, "[email protected]". I request you unfreeze the account because the reasons you have frozen it for is misleading. If you need any personal information to help you get the correct owner of the account, contact me at xxxxx and I'll be more than happy to help you out.


I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we will not be able to assist you any further and must consider this issue closed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your understanding.


This issue is not closed until justice is profound. You have no right to take this account away from my brother and myself as we worked hard on it. I'll be speaking with BBB or Viacom about this issue if my account is not returned to the rightful owner. I'll be waiting for the last reply from your team until I file a report. Again, there are simpler ways to resolve this issue such as matching up the I.P addresses.


Please note that sharing an account is against the Terms of Use, so your account cannot be returned anyway. Indicating that you and your brother both played on this account is admitting to breaking the rules. Threatening to contact the BBB will not cause us to give an account back to someone who has broken the rules, I'm afraid.

Stopped it there, not worth trying.

#93 CJames

  • 388 posts

Posted 14 January 2011 - 12:53 AM

I was frozen for multi account. was multi account getting world challenge maps.. at the point i was frozen.. that was my only offence.. din even play with AB or SS..

#94 aoizora

  • 14 posts

Posted 19 January 2011 - 05:34 PM

Were you frozen?: Yes

Shops you AB in: 70,3,4,7,13,30,37,98,108
Refresh Time: default
OCR time: default
Haggle Time: default

Roughly how many hours do you AB a day? a week? 2; 14

Do you use the Igloo ABer if you get R/S banned? No

What Browser are you using? Google chrome

What version of that browser are you using?

Do you use the Browser Sync option on ABrosia? No

Do you use any other programs? (including programs from outside sources, including Score Sender) No

Have you been iced/chain iced previously using your current IP address? If so, please specify iced or chain iced: Yes, just now.

Please also include any other information you might feel is relevant.
I'm not entirely sure if this is relevant or not, but I just got chain iced (my friend also got iced) with the reason of 'using a score sender'. I have never used a score sender. EVER. I have two trophies -_-. And my poor friend who just started neopets got frozen along with me because I was interacting with her.

If they had banned me for AB-ing, fine. For buying items/neopoints/pets, fine. But for freezing me for something I never did? Just lol.

#95 zevrom

  • 411 posts

Posted 30 January 2011 - 04:35 PM

I remember I got iced when I was still a noob like 4 years ago I happened to find this faerie Uni in the pound I was like yay great catch and this girl NMs asking to give the Uni back I was like no and then she offered me a glowing paint brush for it and I accepted not even 10min passed me putting the glowing pb on TP to see what offers Id get and I got frozen I still remember that day it was a sad day :crybaby:

#96 Lychee

  • 633 posts

Posted 30 January 2011 - 05:03 PM

I remember I got iced when I was still a noob like 4 years ago I happened to find this faerie Uni in the pound I was like yay great catch and this girl NMs asking to give the Uni back I was like no and then she offered me a glowing paint brush for it and I accepted not even 10min passed me putting the glowing pb on TP to see what offers Id get and I got frozen I still remember that day it was a sad day :crybaby:

How old are you that four years ago classes as "recently" to you? Posted Image In any case, that was a clear violation of the rules. You're not supposed to trade pets for anything but other pets, and you can't add things into the bargain (petpets, paintbrushes, etc.). Kind of surprising that you got caught so quickly, though.

#97 zevrom

  • 411 posts

Posted 30 January 2011 - 05:20 PM

How old are you that four years ago classes as "recently" to you? Posted Image In any case, that was a clear violation of the rules. You're not supposed to trade pets for anything but other pets, and you can't add things into the bargain (petpets, paintbrushes, etc.). Kind of surprising that you got caught so quickly, though.

Yeah I know it wasent recently but just wanted to tell about how I got forzen for the first time and like I said before I was a total noob back in the days :p

#98 shadow7452

  • 24 posts

Posted 31 January 2011 - 10:00 AM

I got frozen for selling my NC items and a stupid buyer :(

#99 Perseus

  • 19 posts

Posted 31 January 2011 - 11:33 PM

I got frozen back when Autobuyers were a brand-new invention and I would leave my autobuyer on pretty much all day. I left it on all night once (after like 3 weeks of ABing) and woke up to all of my side accounts frozen, but with my main still intact. Pretty lucky :p

#100 Pinkberry

  • 28 posts

Posted 05 February 2011 - 05:12 PM

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we will not be able to assist you any further and must consider this issue closed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your understanding."


I had a nearly 7 year account, 270+ avatars, never once cheated or ABed or any of that crap, Random Contest trophy, Neopian Times x 12, retired trophies and rare items from old plots, and much more. I was actually a legit player.

But they chain-iced me because some idiot on my IP address (I use a shared computer) posted some offensive messages or whatever, and now every user who accessed this computer was frozen.

I told TNT to provide evidence and pinpoint this issue, saying that I never wrote anything offensive on the website.

What happened next?

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we will not be able to assist you any further and must consider this issue closed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your understanding.

Filing BBB complaint and possibly contacting Viacom. Know any other sites where you can sue things like these? Neopet's custom service is pissing me off. Oh, and if I don't get my hard-worked on account back, I'll be everyone I know not to buy NC Cash or Premium--and I'll stop by my little sis's elementary school to get every one of her friends OFF neopets.

From the looks of it, Neopets will shut down within 2 years max, anyway. It's already sinking to the tubes.

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