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Official Topic! Come here if you recently were frozen!

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#176 jonahfinn

  • 1006 posts

Posted 20 May 2011 - 04:25 AM

But someone could still look at your HS and report you for cheating,right? :p

true, but i doubt randoms would bother to check my gaming high scores.
Especially since I only had 8 game trophies on a 10 year account,
which is more reasonable than other users.
Most of my trophies were for plots. Total number of games I played was around 430.
Still trying to get that account back.

#177 danielfromburn

  • 492 posts

Posted 20 May 2011 - 06:08 AM

I just got iced for using a pretty unrealistic list on 3 accounts everyday for a week..

#178 anacarol

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Posted 21 May 2011 - 08:49 AM

my account got hacked yesterday. The idiot who hacked my account stole my bd pet deactivated my account.

#179 blackbeard

  • 9 posts

Posted 21 May 2011 - 07:06 PM

My very legit main account just got hacked and the hacker scammed so I was frozen for scamming!
Ive been legit for 1 year now... but I shall come back to the cheating world :D
Im tired of following the rules and getting fucked in the end

#180 Ziz

  • 936 posts

Posted 21 May 2011 - 09:14 PM

Were you frozen?: Yes, chain iced.

Shops you AB in: Grooming, Medicine and Food (never iced before for that), and the last week I abbed on Magic (I think this was the cause of my freeze).
Refresh Time: 3.5-4.5
OCR time: 0.2-0.3
Haggle Time: 0.3-0.5

Roughly how many hours do you AB a day? a week? No more than 6 daily, 5-6 days a week.

Do you use the Igloo ABer if you get R/S banned?

What Browser are you using? Firefox, Google Chrome
What version of that browser are you using? The latest (too lazy for checking them)

Do you use the Browser Sync option on ABrosia? Always, but the last week Abrosia had problems while trying to sinchronize with my FF.

Do you use any other programs? (including programs from outside sources, including Score Sender) NeonAP very rarely.

Have you been iced/chain iced previously using your current IP address? If so, please specify iced or chain iced:
No, but this time they iced all the accounts that were somehow related tto that account, but other sides were untouched (although they were on the same IP addres and that I made Np on them, but never transfered anything to the accunts they froze)

Please also include any other information you might feel is relevant. Those accounts had the same pin number, similar passwords and occasionally transferred items between them *facepalm*.

#181 zeetrop

  • 12 posts

Posted 25 May 2011 - 12:58 AM

All was just fine but then I was silly and send in a score of a game that was to much and now got banned forThis account was found to be cheating on the flash games.


#182 Skyscrape

  • 55 posts

Posted 25 May 2011 - 04:58 AM

Yep, one main and a semi-main were frozen, for buying/selling neopoints/pets XD

I still have one semi-main, and two side accounts though I wasn't chain iced, which was good XD

#183 Mystery

  • 472 posts

Posted 26 May 2011 - 04:07 AM

Ban reason:

This account's username and/or name was deemed inappropriate for this site. We will not unfreeze an account with an inappropriate username and/or name. You may create a new username as long as it is appropriate for this all-ages site.

ahahahhahah Posted Image Wanted to troll after 24hrs but I didnt get the chance :/

#184 Konpaku

  • 6 posts

Posted 01 June 2011 - 01:41 AM

Shops you AB in: Chosen by Abrosia
Refresh Time: Standard
OCR time: Standard
Haggle Time: Standard

Roughly how many hours do you AB a day? a week? About 2 hours every week

Do you use the Igloo ABer if you get R/S banned? Yes

What Browser are you using? Chrome

What version of that browser are you using? 11.0.696.71

Do you use the Browser Sync option on ABrosia? yes

Do you use any other programs? (including programs from outside sources, including Score Sender) Yes

Have you been iced/chain iced previously using your current IP address? If so, please specify iced or chain iced: No, this is my first account, iced

Frozen for cheating on flash games

#185 Kal

  • 43 posts

Posted 01 June 2011 - 11:10 PM

I was frozen for buying/selling NPs. I'll be more discreet about it next time.

#186 Kat

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Posted 03 June 2011 - 09:44 AM

I was frozen for buying/selling NPs. I'll be more discreet about it next time.

more detail would be helpful. like where did you buy from, how was it done, etc etc..

i've been seeing a lot more people saying they were frozen but have not been posting in this thread -.-;
use the form on the first page or provide more detail so we can have a little more insight on how to keep from getting frozen

Edited by Katrinas, 03 June 2011 - 09:47 AM.

#187 Runic

  • 47 posts

Posted 03 June 2011 - 09:57 AM

Shops you AB in: Snow Foods, Plushies and Magic
Refresh Time: 6-8 seconds
OCR time: 0.6 - 0.9
Haggle Time: 0.5 - 0.8

Roughly how many hours do you AB a day? a week?
2-3 hours, 3-4 days a week.

Do you use the Igloo ABer if you get R/S banned?
Nope. Had never gotten RS banned.

What Browser are you using?

What version of that browser are you using?
The newest one.

Do you use the Browser Sync option on ABrosia?

Do you use any other programs? (including programs from outside sources, including Score Sender):
Between Abrosia and Kad Feeder

Have you been iced/chain iced previously using your current IP address? If so, please specify iced or chain iced:
Just got chain iced today. Lost my main and my newst account. I used a proxy this morning while restocking in Magic.
I was gonna make some fake screenshots once I got home, but it was too late. D:

Dunno what to do.

#188 usfrules

  • 54 posts

Posted 04 June 2011 - 09:57 AM

Shops you AB in: NONE
Refresh Time: N/a
OCR time: N/a
Haggle Time: N/a

Roughly how many hours do you AB a day? a week? N/a

Do you use the Igloo ABer if you get R/S banned? N/a

What Browser are you using? Firefox, Proxies (Elite)

What version of that browser are you using? Newest

Do you use the Browser Sync option on ABrosia? no.

Do you use any other programs? (including programs from outside sources, including Score Sender) Yes, I used cheesie's second version premium score sender.

I was frozen fro cheating at flash games.

Please also include any other information you might feel is relevant.
Apparently TNT is feeling butthurt lately

#189 Philj16

  • 291 posts

Posted 04 June 2011 - 10:33 AM

All i can say isPosted Image

I cant see how so many people are being frozen :) I've use slaughters sser got around tones of trophies and 3 reviews all accepted and my account wasn't frozen the only thing i can lead to you lot being frozen is your wait times are too short.

I also abuy in magic and several low end shops , i'm constantly getting mps off the top of my head i've got 25+ this week ranging from 200k worth up to 4m worth. My buy times are around 2100ms ish and none of the account I've abuyed on are frozen

#190 luvsmyncis

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Posted 04 June 2011 - 10:41 AM

All i can say isPosted Image
I cant see how so many people are being frozen :) I've use slaughters sser got around tones of trophies and 3 reviews all accepted and my account wasn't frozen the only thing i can lead to you lot being frozen is your wait times are too short.

This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:

This account was found to be asking for or offering to be a 'neo-boyfriend/neo-girlfriend' or doing the same for a Neopet. Neopets is not a dating service.

lol a side which i never neomailed anyone on lol Pathetic

You've been frozen for stupider shit than SSing. Just saying.

#191 Bazzel

  • 249 posts

Posted 07 June 2011 - 08:49 AM

Thanks for the Thread!

Im new to Ab and this taught me alot.

I was thinking about setting it to only restock out the plushie shop so therefore my shop is purely plushies.. but i'll leave it to the orginal settings.. Also Ive turned Igloo off

#192 Kuraz

  • 546 posts

Posted 07 June 2011 - 08:52 AM

Thanks for the Thread!

Im new to Ab and this taught me alot.

I was thinking about setting it to only restock out the plushie shop so therefore my shop is purely plushies.. but i'll leave it to the orginal settings.. Also Ive turned Igloo off

running igloo ABer should be fine :)
just to tell you that as you are not advanced member, you cannot change any of the settings.
you can still visit shops you like if you are using AB list; otherwise Abrosia will decide for you :)

#193 Arial

  • 12 posts

Posted 10 June 2011 - 02:17 PM

running scoresender for extensive periods of time I'd imagine, or just stupid wait times for the games.
I'm new to this whole thing, never SS'd on my main...but I did on a side account with a similar name. Good bye to you 7 year account x_X

Any advice from ye veterans?
Start from scratch(which I have, only thing I'd be missing is a (trophy/old plot trophies/Unconverted Eyrie) or keep spamming TNT tickets? (none of which have been replied to)

#194 jonahfinn

  • 1006 posts

Posted 10 June 2011 - 02:25 PM

running scoresender for extensive periods of time I'd imagine, or just stupid wait times for the games.
I'm new to this whole thing, never SS'd on my main...but I did on a side account with a similar name. Good bye to you 7 year account x_X

Any advice from ye veterans?
Start from scratch(which I have, only thing I'd be missing is a (trophy/old plot trophies/Unconverted Eyrie) or keep spamming TNT tickets? (none of which have been replied to)

Depends how much money you had left in that account, I had a sides with 18mil, 600k and 1 mil, so one of those started to become one of my new mains =p
My main BD pet was also on lend to a friend at the time, so now it's back safe and sound with me. I only loss 30mil in items, and a lot of plot trophies =p

#195 Arial

  • 12 posts

Posted 10 June 2011 - 02:55 PM

nice! lucky haha

Both those were frozen though, the main(which I hadn't SS'd on) I'm assuming because it was 1 letter away from the side that I'd SS'd on(different e-mail/account info and I used a proxy)
Just started a new acc yesterday. So far a whopping 15k woooooooooo haha. Looking for a safe SS list(until I can get the swing of making one myself, been dabbling around and made/used a few, waiting to see how my side accs do/survive)
maybe just eventually get a list of around 30-50k~ per SS daily or something. x _x
Rather be safe than sorry haha.

not even going to bother with autobuying(scripts and the like), coding is just not my thing. looool.

Edited by Arial, 10 June 2011 - 02:55 PM.

#196 RubyBlue

  • 7 posts

Posted 12 June 2011 - 08:42 AM

I was frozen the other day on my new account for buying/selling neopoints and items, no idea where they get that from, with the exception of a little Igloo AB-ing I was playing legit.

Just found password for a four year old account that's been sitting unused for most of that time though, tempted to just cheat the hell out of it, see how long I can last.

I know TNT have always been a bit trigger happy with the freeze ray, but it definitely seems they've gotten much worse during the long time I was absent.

#197 Shunkan

  • 21 posts

Posted 15 June 2011 - 04:59 PM

I got frozen a few weeks ago due to "Potentially suspicious activity".
That's what I get for switching proxies (from like, different countries. LOL) so often.

#198 crtitcmeerca

  • 510 posts

Posted 16 June 2011 - 08:13 AM

I just recently tested out the Score Sender made by sLAUGHTER on a brand new account that i created for that purpose. I was score sending at very conservative times but i didn't think things through and left the send times identical. I also forgot to shuffle the scores, so they were sent one after the other. After 3 days of this, i was iced.

So, make sure your send times and scores are all different even for the same game and shuffle the games so that it wont notice you sending in times roughly similar to one another. Hope that would help.

#199 Vyers

  • 71 posts

Posted 25 June 2011 - 09:09 AM

my main is frozen for cheating at flash games, but i have only ever score sent on a shell with a proxy.
i have been having some email issues, and kept getting logged... im thinking my main might have been compromised and then being beefed up to sell. lol.

#200 Moo1

  • 93 posts

Posted 08 July 2011 - 12:46 PM

Shit! Don't know why I was frozen. Just used the ABer at decent speed, recently the Bagatelle (sp?) player, scorchy slots player, and yesterday the APer. My other main got banned, too. Fuck. At least I still have a 3yr+ one left. Even if I don't have the Lab Map or ANY np. Shit. Strangely enough, the one that didn't get frozen was sharing an email with one that did.

Edited by Moo1, 08 July 2011 - 12:51 PM.

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