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Member Since 22 Apr 2007
Offline Aug 06 2008 12:24 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [xkcd] Regrets

04 August 2008 - 10:06 PM

This is kind of sad. I saw it on Digg yesterday. I like how people are way more open on the internet though.

In Topic: Help me choose a name!

04 August 2008 - 09:17 PM

I got a last name for ya. How about Didder xD?

In Topic: Bloody Dentists

04 August 2008 - 09:07 PM

Haha. She hustled you xD. I'm still 18 but just recently got two wisdoms out. The first one didn't stop bleeding for days, I woke up with my bed sheets red sad.gif. The reason for it was because when they tried to pull out my wisdom, the root got stuck so they had to dig deeper to take it out grrr. It was pretty painful because I guess the numbness didn't reach that far down 1we8.gif.

My second one didn't bleed that much but it swelled up pretty bad xD. I looked like a chipmunk xD. I could barely eat anything because I could barely open my mouth. It lasted for over a week grr. The bump is still there too but my dentist said it will take weeks for it to go down sad.gif. But at least I didn't have to pay anything... or at least until next month when I go to college 1we8.gif. Enjoying the "parents paying for everything" phase for now xD.

In Topic: >>This Just In

03 August 2008 - 10:55 PM

Thanks for the welcome Black Flame and freakout smile.gif.

In Topic: Neopets trading board will no longer allow exchange of USD.

03 August 2008 - 10:54 PM

You can go to the other forum you mentioned for now but CheeSie is also thinking of doing this so you better sell, sell, sell while you can Marine.