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Member Since 22 Apr 2007
Offline Aug 06 2008 12:24 PM

Topics I've Started

Programming Mentor Program?

03 August 2008 - 11:01 PM

So I did a search and I haven't seen anyone suggest this before. We should have a programming mentor program where a programmer takes a newbie and helps him out and teaches him some things like basics and stuff. So the newbie would have someone to turn to for help. I know there are tutorials here but it doesn't really give the basics. There isn't like a complete guide. I tried books but I'm moving at a snail's pace xD. I need some type of help.

>>This Just In

02 August 2008 - 04:41 PM

Name: Jon
He Heard: Neocodex has some of the best neo programmers.
Expectations: For this forum to live up to what I heard and to become a programmer through help and tutorials here.
Activity: I'm only active on one other main forum which I won't mention here because it's against the rules so I'll be spending some time here.

I guess I'll be seeing you around smile.gif. I also already read the rules and all that jazz so you don't have to worry about me wink.gif.