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Member Since 25 Jun 2007
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Topics I've Started

anther ventrilo thing

28 June 2007 - 01:23 AM

yeah heres another 1 unless you watched them all

cat fan

28 June 2007 - 12:51 AM

yeah it's short but to me very funny http://www.killsomet...video.asp?ID=62

may i plz have a sig

27 June 2007 - 03:54 AM

could i have a sig of naruto using rasengan???

some funny stick figures

27 June 2007 - 02:33 AM

yah heres another weird vid only this time with stick figures


27 June 2007 - 02:03 AM

hello i am new the only other experience i have had on boards like this were for weird but sometimes fun games like stickarena and pawngame which if u havent heard of are multiplayer internet shooting games.the sites i was on were hacking sites such as this so i'm familiar with hacking sites by now 1 of which i made my own hacking programs or aka in stickarena terms hackpacks.i promise you that neopets programs and stickarena programs are totally different so i probably can't make any neopets hacking stuff at all. crybaby.gif but when i know how to i'l prolly try knowing myself.