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Member Since 10 Nov 2007
Offline Nov 12 2007 08:01 PM

Topics I've Started

Funny national survay

11 November 2007 - 08:58 AM

Lol, Im not sure where to find this, and Im not feeling like looking for it at the moment, but one of my friends once told me of a United States Nation Survay that was related to sex. Well it was mostly about if you had sex, you were there after not a virgin. The funny thing is, 99% of the people who took the survay said that after you had sex, you were NOT a virgin. My friend and I were pondering the other day what the other 1% thought....you had to share BLOOD, or something? haha, what retards... rolleyes.gif

Neopets Main Shop AutoBuyers

10 November 2007 - 08:36 PM

Im just wondering if Neocodex has any Autobuyers that are available, not to the public, but just in general...Cause Im willing to work hard toward the option of using (which I will use) an autobuyer. And Im guessing that the work is non-spamming posts...if so, whats the amount of posts I need? unsure.gif


10 November 2007 - 12:26 PM

Hmm, Iv been trying to download some of the awsome programs listed on this site, but none of them work....I did download the Neocodex required program, but I cant seem to find it anywhere....I use Firefox on a Windows Vista and I would greatly appreciate any help. Either PM me or post here, but I also greatly want to be one of those filthy rich Neopian users biggrin.gif.

P.S. Dunno if I posted this in the right place, sorry >_<