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Member Since 06 Jan 2008
Offline Jan 15 2008 08:41 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: How Much Np Have You Got?

11 January 2008 - 10:11 AM

i got around 90k and my account is only like less than a month old

In Topic: General Tips for Staying Unfrozen

11 January 2008 - 10:02 AM

Thanks for the tips,i would gladly go by them =]

In Topic: 67K Grabber, -Updated Again-

09 January 2008 - 01:25 PM

by da way i got it workin i only got about 15,000np but dats good!! xD
sum links must not be workin becuase before i use to get 57,000np!!!
any way thnx calum!

u should put new working links in =]

In Topic: I'm pretty certain aliens have visited earth.

06 January 2008 - 04:07 PM

aliens could surely be on earth,theres no doubt about it.

In Topic: David Blaine: Street Magic (LOL)

06 January 2008 - 04:01 PM

lma0o0o ahh that was funny haha.gif