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Member Since 07 Feb 2008
Offline Feb 24 2008 06:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Return Of Dr Sloth - Official Plot Thread!

19 February 2008 - 07:31 PM

UGH the waiting is so incredibly frustrating!!!!!!!!!

I'm ummm.... proud of the whopping 1 mil I have in points. Its the most I have ever had.

In Topic: What's wrong with the world?

19 February 2008 - 09:53 AM

I love lazyboy. Its hilarious, and true. Love the 6751ov8.png

In Topic: Children suck.

19 February 2008 - 09:35 AM

"How are parents in today's world suppose to take care of their kids? I don't get it. They're so fucking expensive. The dad has to go to work. He comes home and he's exhausted. To support the family, the mom probably needs to do some work too, not to mention cooking and cleaning... how will you send your kid to college? How will you even send your kid to pre-school if its like 1800 per month? Where do you get the time to teach and play with your kid if both parents need to make money? Kindergarden starts at around 5, thats 5 years you have to fill in before you get some time off."

You go to school, set goals, and acheive them. You take out loans to go to college for yourself so that you can get a decent job. You work two jobs if you have to.

I am a stay at home mother to four children. My oldest is 6, my youngest is 3 months. My husband works 16 hours a day but is home every night and every weekend. I put in quality time with my children 24 hours a day. Its my job. My kids may not have every game system under the sun but they have lots of toys to keep them entertained, books to learn from, food on the table. When it comes time for their college we will do what we can to help them, but they may well have to take out loans on their own just as we did. Hopefully they will be great students and will earn themselves some scholarships, but thats not anything we can bank on.

I grew up as one of eight children. I learned tolerance as a result. I learned to share, to work, to carry my own weight. These are not bad things to learn.

Sorry your younger siblings annoy you. I can tell you that as a parents kids are not always a walk in the park. Their are very needy little creatures, and its my understanding that they remain needy selfish little creatures till they grow up and get out on their own wink.gif

In Topic: do your friends know you play neo?

16 February 2008 - 10:10 PM

QUOTE(Sunset @ Feb 15 2008, 10:14 PM) View Post
Hmmmm you know what hydrogen I think you maybe right there maybe I should start getting her to play along with me because the more she knows about computers would be the better for the future.

My son plays *he will be 6 tomorrow* and he has played for about a year. Now my almost 3 yr old is showing some interest, but he doesn't quite get it. The older one likes to play games, and I don't mind his being on neo. At least I know what the site is all about.

In Topic: do your friends know you play neo?

15 February 2008 - 12:10 AM

My friends know. If they try to IM me and I don't respond right away they accuse me of "petting" blink.gif

I also boot my own kids off the puter so I can get on. tongue.gif