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Member Since 07 Feb 2008
Offline Feb 24 2008 06:21 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello... I'm new too

19 February 2008 - 09:19 AM

Hello all. I have been easing myself into life on this board for the past few weeks. A post here or there. Sort of sticking my toe in to test the waters.

I was brought here by a post on yahoo telling abouot the decoder. By the time I got here the decoder wasn't working on the 3 mods and had finished all but one of them on my own, but I was intrigued to say the least.

I am not AT ALL computer savy as far as programs go. I can surf the net, remove the occassional trojan by following detailed instructions wink.gif but thats about it.

I love games, although the only ones I play currently are neopets and the sims.

I am an adult (33 as of last week.... eek), a mom, a wife, and the occassional wench... but i try to keep that in check wink.gif

I am hesitant to post 3 times a day although I read that it was required to eventually get into private. I just don't want to spam the boards with my posts especially since they will not be technically helpful to anybody, kwim?

So anyway, again... I'm easing my way in. Had I known I was going to stay here I never would have used such a moronic screen name, but now I'm here and I like it and I plan on staying... so I'm offically the old bitchy chick with the stupid screen name. thumbsup.gif

A question on freezing and accounts

15 February 2008 - 01:11 PM

I'm curious, if somebody is frozen on their main account is their side account frozen as well. If two accounts are opened with different emails and you use a program on one and not the other do you risk losing the one that you don't use the programs on? Also if there are multiple players in a family does the entire clan lose their neo accounts, and are freezings ever for a few days or are they always permanent?

I ask because in various topics here people have mentioned that they have been frozen multiple times and then begin again. So, I'm just really curious as to how it works. Also, if you are frozen from one account how is it that you can begin a new one?