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Member Since 07 Feb 2008
Offline Oct 13 2008 11:28 AM

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In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

09 February 2008 - 01:56 PM

"You need to fill in all the boxes on the program apart from the output box, when you put in the modifiers make sure you put them all in that tiny box so for example all of this has to go on the same line in the same box all at once:


okay, i know what i was doing wrong. i was litterally typing A-G instead of 8. but the codes modifiers it told me to use didnt work. arggg.

In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

09 February 2008 - 01:44 PM

"Have you done the double ones and you get no error at all when you do the double?"

i didnt use the program for the doubles...i did them on my own, so i dont know if they worked

In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

09 February 2008 - 01:37 PM

runtime error "13"
type mismatch

this ^^ is what i get when i plug in the codes for the three modifer. ive triple checked it, i know im doing everything right. so whats wrong?