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Member Since 08 Feb 2008
Offline Feb 14 2008 01:08 PM

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In Topic: Buried Treasure

12 February 2008 - 06:12 PM

QUOTE(Rikku @ Feb 12 2008, 06:10 PM) View Post
intresting... so it worked.... really coool tongue.gif

Strange thing is, I could've sworn I already went today. But probably not ): I get confused easy.

In Topic: Buried Treasure

12 February 2008 - 06:07 PM

QUOTE(Rikku @ Feb 12 2008, 05:53 PM) View Post

_________ pulls out a ticket... and...
You Won 5,000 Neopoints!!

fool proof way to see if this works.. click on the link and see what you get

Are you serious?!

I just won 5,000 Neopoints haha!!! I didn't expect it to work...

that's actually kind of disturbing... yet awesome.