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Member Since 08 Feb 2008
Offline Feb 11 2008 06:06 PM

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In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

10 February 2008 - 11:11 AM

QUOTE(pinky111 @ Feb 10 2008, 11:08 AM) View Post
did you take the game id number and put it in the link to bring up you codes ?

Hmm I figured it had to do something with the game ID number. What do I exactly have to do? I've read SOOOO many of the pages on this thread and others but I don't think I've seen what I have to do with the Id number exactly?

In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

10 February 2008 - 10:59 AM

I get the program to work. I input everything and I eventually get a long list of outputs.

I get something like

But NONE of the combinations work. And if order doesn't matter, why am I getting different permutations of the same three numbers? Help anyone? blink.gif

And in case if it matters, I let V = A, X = B, C = C, S = D, T = E, and 8=F.

Am I supposed to be logged onto my NP account? Do I have to do something with the message ID? I don't see a textbox to put it in anywhere...

In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

08 February 2008 - 04:50 PM

I've inputted all the requirements, including the 30 modifiers, but when I click solve, I don't even get any numbers or any error messages... it just... doesn't do anything?

In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

08 February 2008 - 04:07 PM

I'm not sure if this has been answered anywhere, but which symbol is A supposed to represent and B and C? Or does it not matter?