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Member Since 09 Feb 2008
Offline Feb 15 2008 07:14 AM

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In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

12 February 2008 - 01:27 PM

QUOTE(Hydrogen @ Feb 13 2008, 01:56 AM) View Post
So enter in your codex username and password...then click login and then proceed to use the program?

now it works. thank you!

In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

12 February 2008 - 01:25 PM

QUOTE(Hydrogen @ Feb 13 2008, 01:41 AM) View Post
If everything is installed, and you try to run the program what does it say? Can you post a screenshot?

i was just asking what to do next it didn't give me anything. now it askes for the username

In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

12 February 2008 - 01:07 PM

QUOTE(Gingivitis @ Feb 13 2008, 12:31 AM) View Post
Did you download CodexChecks? thumbsup.gif

Did you download CodexChecks? thumbsup.gif

been there done that... now what?

In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

12 February 2008 - 11:53 AM


i've been trying to use this decoder all day and it still doesn't work. sad.gif
i downloaded everything from the 3 links. i installed them, but i can't get to that place where u insert ur codes (the prg on the screenie). how do i open that?