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Member Since 13 Feb 2008
Offline Apr 07 2008 07:18 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Medical Testing on Animals

20 March 2008 - 09:36 PM

I know a few people who have been raped. I have met people who have been convicted of rape. I certainly cannot condemn them to a lifetime of illness, suffering, and horrible pain for the sake of science. That would be far more inhumane than injecting a rabbit or a mouse with a debilitating disease. If you consider what we are actually doing to animals, you certainty would not be advocating testing on any human. Humans also have the ability to learn, understand, grow, repent, etc. I would not be willing to sacrifice the redemption of a human for the advancement of science. And, with the justice system the way it is . . . Ten years in jail is much different than ten years of scientific testing if you are innocent.

In ‘Nature’ you can see many examples of the exploitation of one species or another. Why is it such a concern when humans do it on a larger scale? Are we going to rescue every antelope eaten by a lion (I hope not it makes for great TV)? Are we going to police nature for the injustice it does to itself? I don’t have any specific examples off hand, and I am too lazy to research them, but I am reminded of an old Simpsons episode. Bart shoots a bird in a tree and realizes that the eggs were lizard eggs . . . hilarity ensues . . .

We alone are the only species that takes care of its mentally retarded, its old, its ill. I don’t see why we have to constantly watch over and protect other species for any other reason than they may be able to benefit us in some way. Or, in the case of the Scarlet Macaw, they look pretty tongue.gif

In Topic: Stupid Math Probability Question

20 March 2008 - 03:18 PM

I was debating someone.
Figured it would be easier to Photoshop the profile pictures in a screenshot than refresh it oh 3000 times before it might possibly come up.

In Topic: A Q&A with Adam Powell

04 March 2008 - 09:01 PM

Did you ever meet with Adam?

Was there another thread created that I may have missed ?

In Topic: I hate Neovision

04 March 2008 - 08:15 PM

How bad could it be ?

Bad very bad !

I was hoping for maybe at least one or two well animated clips . . .

I think I will stick with Happy Tree Friends.

In Topic: Cloverfield

23 February 2008 - 01:34 AM

I thought Cloverfield was pretty good.

The realism of the party scene I thought was well done. I could totally place myself at that party. At one point or another in my life, I was each of the characters it portrayed. Kinda creepy how they got that 'right'.

I also don't really care what the monster was, or if they survived, or to have my questions answered, In the words of B.McNamee "it is what it is"