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Member Since 22 Feb 2008
Offline Feb 23 2008 06:23 PM

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In Topic: Return of Dr. Sloth Decoder

22 February 2008 - 05:21 PM

Hello I am new to this site.
I did the ones and twos by myself.. the threes were giving me keyboard face, so someone recommended I download the decoder from here.

I have the decoder running. And I understand what the key, target and modifiers are. I also understand what you mean by Chars.

What I do not understand is this: how do yu get the values to enter in?
to me it looks like BCTVCZTV as close as actual letters on the keyboard come to the symbols. It looks like you are only using A-G, so do I just assign the symbols random letters or is there a correct value for each symbol?

Also on the decoder are you actually typing all 30 modifiers? Because I tried and it stopped half way through 6 or 7th one.