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Albino Chao

Member Since 09 Aug 2008
Offline Aug 15 2008 03:17 PM

Topics I've Started

Kreludor Mine Code?

10 August 2008 - 06:54 PM

Hey, what is it? Is there anything special in it? C'mon, tell me!

Greetings, fellow sleezy players... >:)

09 August 2008 - 06:27 PM

Yes, hello everyone...
I'm no newbie to neopets, but I've never been able to get into it, I had always felt asthough I would never be rich and famous enough to get the things I've always wanted... But, after discovering this site, my lust for ultra rare items has been rekindled! I'm not the person who just lets items sit there, oh no... I put them to good use, even if I had an incredible hoard of items.

So, I'm hoping you'll welcome this greasy lying cheater with welcome arms into your community... >:)