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Member Since 22 Nov 2008
Offline Dec 03 2008 03:41 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: sljMoneyTree (Money Tree Grabber)

22 November 2008 - 09:39 PM

Can someone make a List for Grabbing Items of things that everyone might want? (IE: Paintbrushes, Excpencive food items, plushies, bottled faeries)
If you can, please post it here. Thanks.
If someone can tell me how to make a list that'd be awesome too!

In Topic: Make Me Rich

22 November 2008 - 08:31 PM

QUOTE (Bright @ Aug 8 2007, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I try to do it, I get two errors. I get the error Codex Check Module Version:
Dll Set-up Error- RunCodexCheck- 0 - Please check you have the required files
Code:0602-Refrence- 608

Error: Run CodexCheck Failed.

What do I do?

I get the same thing, and I have all the setup things installed. What do I do?!
Email me at [email protected] for answers plz.
Got it to work!! =D
You have to click the icon of the computer at the ACTIVEX PAD SET UP not the "Finish Setup" one xD