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Member Since 06 Mar 2009
Offline Mar 18 2009 12:46 PM

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In Topic: Make Me Rich

18 March 2009 - 12:46 PM

QUOTE (Robert @ Aug 8 2007, 06:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Make sure you have the codex checks installed on your computer (http://www.neocodex.us/forum/index.php?act=downloads&do=download&download=47)

Make sure you have this installed http://msdn.microsof...l/html/cpad.asp

And finally this will install all ocx's you will ever need http://www.ascentive...ibraryfiles.exe

Good job RObert it says username and password I type it in. My neopets login and my neocodex but it says failed to log in make something that works you fuck this is harsh fake ima just make neopoints the hard way you douche bag

In Topic: Prolix Autobuyer

18 March 2009 - 12:31 PM

okay well it probably doesnt work considering naw is sitting on his ass ans talking instead of actually teying to figure out the problem. I'll just download a shitty edbuyer. It may not buy for weeks but there are no error reports!

QUOTE (Naw @ Aug 7 2008, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Program Name: Prolix Autobuyer
Author: Naw
Submit Bug Report: Click here to file a bug report for this program.
Download Link: Click Here

Prolix Autobuyer
  • Choose when to refresh during each minute (X-Y)
  • Choose delays (X-Y)
  • Option to stop when NP too low
  • Option to check restock ban every thirty minutes
  • Option to pause after 50 refreshes, for a 10 minute break
  • Option to use smart haggle (reduces freeze rate)
  • Account statistics - NP, Pet, Username
  • Restock Statistics - Amount of restocks, Last Restock Time
  • Session statistics - Items bought, failed, and NP spent.
  • Automatically re-login on logout by Neopets.
  • Right click buy list for options
  • Right click stock list for options

If you encounter any problems, please feel free to PM me or post in the thread.

Could everybody that uses it, please give feedback such as suggestions or complaints.


The funny thing is that its already downloaded so how can having 500 posts magically make it work thats a pile of shit. It can't affect the download newb unless something is automatically leeched from the website on to the computer it just doesnt work at all.

In Topic: Prolix Autobuyer

15 March 2009 - 06:36 PM

well thats just fuckin gay theres always a catch to these downloads. I switched to another site and I found the same thing and it works. Its free to ALL members.

In Topic: Prolix Autobuyer

12 March 2009 - 05:41 PM

I have a number of questions!
#1 Mentlegen get a fuckin life your 30 and you play neopets thats PATHETIC
#2 I was acting so mean because everyone said this download would work and it didnt. In fact the only thing that came out of it was a laggier computer. My games are all laggy so is my mozilla firefox. There are no such things as hacks the person who made this made a fake and he is a faggot cuz he wants to fuck up your computers. So fuck you for making a piece of shit download.

In Topic: Prolix Autobuyer

06 March 2009 - 09:11 PM

Wait everyone I just tried to run the download and it says this:

The application failed to initialize properly.


What can I do someone please help I use windows 2000 xp. So I download the file do I have to drag the 3 folders to the desktop?