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Member Since 11 Jun 2009
Offline Jun 16 2009 07:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Well... Hello ^^

13 June 2009 - 08:08 AM

Well, I love doing art ^^

Guten Tag, schön euch zu sehen

Well, in your two words was no single mistake, so your german is existing ;)

In Topic: Should I release this program?

12 June 2009 - 11:41 AM

This looks almost painful...
Poor board...
now to be real:
What is the point about annoying other persons and make their gaming
(Perhaps someone wanted to have an answer for a difficult qustion) harder =/

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

12 June 2009 - 11:32 AM

+ 5 TP Oo
Since my labrat is a shoyru I hope everyday it turns to maraqua x.x
I cant stand this empty look