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Member Since 03 Sep 2009
Offline Sep 08 2009 09:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Finding out birthdate on account?

03 September 2009 - 03:46 PM

I've got an old account too that I'd really like to get my hands on :[

Unfortunately the neo-friending technique doesn't work anymore, so now you have to try and rack your brain for any neofriends you knew on the old account.

There was one account I mentioned on my shop blog, but apparently that person seems to "no longer exist" so crud.

I also heard that birthday cracks no longer work since Neopets countered it. Any real truth to that? <:[

In Topic: Apparently one of TNT's artists goes to 4chan.

03 September 2009 - 03:41 PM

Thanked for this post! It put a smile to my face :D

I can't help but wonder what the winning caption's going to be.

In Topic: Greetings! :D

03 September 2009 - 03:32 PM

Hey there! I'm new here myself. Welcome to the boards! You don't strike me as the shy type at all though :D glad to make your accquaintance :3

As for Neopets, I have an account that I can no longer access because I forgot the dern birthday >:( and I'm annoyed because I have about 2 mill there *me thinks* which I worked hard for and earned honestly :[

so YAY for cheating extra help :p