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Member Since 06 Sep 2009
Offline Jun 09 2010 11:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: the cost of training

28 December 2009 - 11:48 AM

Damn. That's a lot of neopoints to spend on a BD pet. Guess I'll just have to trade-up for one Posted Image

In Topic: Interesting Events - the good, the bad and the ugly

28 December 2009 - 11:24 AM

I was deemed worthy of using Dr. Sloth's image on the boards B)

In Topic: Whats wrong with ABrosia?

28 December 2009 - 11:21 AM

Minus the occassional refreshing but not checking the shop it's rather fine. Posted Image

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

28 December 2009 - 11:00 AM

Have some patience. He might do that at one point (:

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

28 December 2009 - 10:56 AM

...and she doesn't change at all.

Posted Image

oh well, hope tomorrow's better Posted Image