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Member Since 06 Sep 2009
Offline Apr 14 2012 08:14 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I'm in a giving mood

30 September 2010 - 06:50 PM

Worst joke in the world...

Q: What's a dog's favorite part of a tree?
A: The Bark

...I'll go jump off a bridge now

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

18 June 2010 - 01:17 PM

But it was working wonderfully up until the update? And I'm not the only one with the same problem..I'm about 95% through with another scan and I've still not found anything infected or corrupted on my end.

I did the same. 100% scan through computer and just 2 "warnings". No viruses detected. Tried Abrosia again and windows automatically finds a problem with it and shuts it down. My OS is Windows 7 64bit just in case of curiousity =/.

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

18 June 2010 - 10:45 AM

I've done all of this and still have the same problem..Posted Image

Unfortunately I still have the same problem as you...and I was so hopeful this recent update would fix it >.<. I even tryed to unistall and reinstalling all the necessary components. I will check for Malware and then try reinstalling everything again.

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

13 June 2010 - 09:51 AM

i need some help. everytime it loads the main page after logging me in it says the program failed? any advice?

I'm having the same exact problem on my Windows 7 laptop; however Abrosia works fine with my Windows XP desktop...please fix this >.>...I'll give cookies =D

In Topic: [Auto Players] Dice-a-Roo Auto Player

24 December 2009 - 12:15 PM

Is this safe to use while you have Abrosia running?