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Member Since 05 Oct 2009
Offline Dec 27 2011 02:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

19 May 2010 - 08:49 AM

For the past few weeks, it seems Abrosia has barely been buying anything for me. Sometimes after running it 2 hours, It still doesn't restock anything. Is it because I'm not using my own list, or something else I may be doing wrong? It used to work so smoothly bringing in 100k-200k a day.

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

18 October 2009 - 08:10 AM

strange.. maybe you should file a bug report?

Alright, thankyou so much. I did that. Does anyone know how to insert a spoiler tag, for the log?

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

18 October 2009 - 07:54 AM

Hah, glad thats solved :p

I'll add that one to my arsenal of default responses to questions. :p

Still no luck though. :(
It's still crashing.

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

18 October 2009 - 07:48 AM

Yes, the theme is set to default, and I'm not frozen, lol.
I also get an error message saying "see logfile 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ Neocodex\ Python App\Abrosia.exe.log for details”

But I am an unbuyable xD

playswithbugs do you got the newest version of abrosia?

Ohh, I'm about to feel silly, lol!
Well, I thought I got the newest version. I uninstalled Abrosia earlier, then downloaded again.

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

18 October 2009 - 07:41 AM

Abrosia is getting stuck at "logging in" and becomes unresponsive. Does anyone know what the problem could be?