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Member Since 24 Oct 2009
Offline Oct 27 2009 10:23 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [Auto Players] Dice-a-Roo Auto Player

26 October 2009 - 10:51 PM

Nnnneeeooope, not blocked off... :(

I'm probably missing some damn .dll or something...

In Topic: [Auto Players] Dice-a-Roo Auto Player

26 October 2009 - 09:30 PM

This may sound ludicrously easy, but have you uninstalled/reinstalled? Maybe something small is broken?

Yes, :) A few times.

I've also Uninstalled and Reinstalled the Codex itself.

I've also re-downloaded both programs just in case there was somehow an issue when I was downloading them.

Same result, :(

I'm been scowering all across the internet for a Dice-A-Roo program, so of course it won't work for me, xD

In Topic: [Auto Players] Dice-a-Roo Auto Player

26 October 2009 - 09:09 PM

It's probably just a temporary issue. Wait 5 minutes and try again, it might just be the server.

Did - And I've been trying since yesterday.

I also tried recreating the error in the debug set-up you've provided, but the files weren't created when I did it.

And it's the only program on the site that won't work for me, sadly, :(

In Topic: [Auto Players] Dice-a-Roo Auto Player

26 October 2009 - 08:18 PM

Gah, no matter how many times I try it, it refuses to run.

I'm putting in my NeoCodex information, which works for other programs just fine, but not this program.

"Program Check Failed", "Program Check Failed", "Program Check Failed", over and over and over....
