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Member Since 12 Nov 2009
Offline Dec 08 2009 08:27 AM

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In Topic: Neodaq Gonna Collapse soon?

03 December 2009 - 02:41 PM

Yea, the neodaq is not even controllable...sure you can buy, but that doesn't affect prices

Yeah, Wasn't there a thing before when a group of people wealthy people used to invest in the same stock so it'd inflate? they got frozen (this was when you can buy as many stocks as you want)

Now it's random.

In Topic: Gang rape: Passers-by join in/watch gang rape, do nothing.

28 November 2009 - 03:45 PM

How can you people say that it was HER fault?

She went drinking with some friends (who hasn't) and I guess she was gonna say to her dad she'd get a lift from another friend.
Then things got out of hand.

Wasn't her fault.

In Topic: Neodaq Gonna Collapse soon?

28 November 2009 - 01:37 PM

Yes, the new stock market avatar requires you to have 1 million or more invested in stocks

Do you have to have bought 1mil worth of stock or does your portfolio have to be worth over 1mil

In Topic: Trophies you can SS for....

27 November 2009 - 10:29 AM

Bullseye II would be a good one.
I play it legitly and the high score is pretty plausible.

In Topic: Ratio Changes?

27 November 2009 - 10:14 AM

They fucked up my fav game for NP Dubloon Disaster.
Last time they fucked upp let it slide.

Why don't the keep the ratio's the same?