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Member Since 28 Nov 2009
Offline Nov 29 2009 04:28 PM

Topics I've Started

Which is more embarrassing?

29 November 2009 - 12:07 PM

This is always a clever little question,

Which is more embarrassing?
Getting walked in on when you're on the toilet,
or walking in on somebody who's on the toilet?

Ho-hum. (:

Actually, a poll was not necessary, but they're always fun. : D

Hello everybody. (:

28 November 2009 - 10:52 PM

Why hello! It's lovely that you took some time out to read this little introduction!

To be frank, I don't have anything to bring back to this community. ):
My neopet/general computer knowledge is terrible; nothing beneficial
will come out me, yup. :I
I'll simply be, "leeching," and post occasionally for the 'heck of it. :K

If you can accept that, I'm sure we can be wonderful chums. :D

Just a bit of rambling, but I vowed to never use the term, "lol." (Well, other than now)
Perhaps, you would all like to join me in
an attempt to exterminate the term from the internet?

I'm charmed.