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Member Since 07 Jan 2010
Offline Dec 12 2012 11:46 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hey

09 January 2010 - 10:09 AM

Awh, there's no need to be scared, nobody bites... unless you want them to Posted Image

In Topic: This would be a RE-introduction, I suppose

09 January 2010 - 09:23 AM

lol HRM and marketing is pretty interesting but sucks to find really good jobs in a hugely saturated market.
I'm .5 yrs from graduating from international business and marketing management.
Should've graduated already but on exchange :devil:

Nice! That's really cool =D That sounds like precisely the kind of program I want to get into. I just picked this because I was not really in a position to be too picky or choosy =P I don't think this university really offers a specialization of international business, it is partially integrated with the B.S.B.A. for general business, I think. Luckily I am only gonna be here for one semester, then I'm gonna move onto a school which better suits my needs.

Where are you from and where did you go on exchange?

In Topic: This would be a RE-introduction, I suppose

09 January 2010 - 12:08 AM

Wow, what a dead line =P a job that lets you travel would be really cool, I'd like that a lot but it doesn't look like that'll happen unless I do something like Civil engineering. Missing first day isn't a big deal, or even the first week. I'm kinda pissed at myself because I missed the deadline for the first online math assignment but wvr, it's only like 0.01%. Anyways, what's your work load like?

Yeah, I had thought "I'm done with my associates degree and I'm leaving the country in the summer, so I'm gonna take a semester off!", and then on Sunday I found out the health insurance dilemma. I went from not even having applied to a university and being in classes pretty much over the span of two days... That's me, I get shit done, apparently =P

At this point I'm not sure what I want to do, just that I want to be able to see the world. What kind of field of study are you in, and what do 'choo wanna do when you "get older"? (I feel stupid using that expression =P) And you're right, this is drop/add week, so most professors do not even get into the real meat of any material until the second week at earliest. Don't ya' hate it when you miss the first thing? >_< I know what you mean, to me it kind of makes me feel like I am giving a bad impression to the teacher, but I don't think they actually cared =P

I was only able to make it to one day of classes this week (There have been two) so I've only gone to two of my classes. I've got human resources management, fundamentals of marketing, managerial accounting and writing for business. As far as any work load is concerned, there are no current assignments that I know of, but I've heard my accounting teacher is a beast =P I know in marketing we only have a take-home midterm and a take-home final, with open notes and open book, and most of human resources is just groupwork... in that class we make group contracts and fire anyone from our group if they don't hold up their end of the bargain =P

In Topic: Nipple Piercing

08 January 2010 - 10:50 PM

hahahah. i'm sorry. i found that really funny ^

Don't worry, that's how it was intended to be =P

In Topic: Nipple Piercing

08 January 2010 - 10:39 PM

When did you realize that? It is right there in his profile...

Unless you were hoping to see some boobs. "Nipple Piercing" means it could be anyone and a good chance there is more discussion about nipple piercing than pics of nipple piercings.

Anyways, I have no clue since I'm not a fan of piercings.

If only it showed in a profile when someone was trying to be a smartass...

It was a joke, obviously, no one's gonna go posting pictures of boobs on this forum. I have been known to be stupid at times, but even at my worst, I'm not stupid enough to think that I'm gonna find porn on Codex ;D

And back on the topic of the piercings, Aether, I've always wondered, it seems like something like that would hurt alot... Is it as bad as it seems it'd be? I'd always be terrified that if I got a ring there it'd get hooked on something... something weird, like a fire hydrant or something like that =P