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Member Since 07 Jan 2010
Offline Dec 12 2012 11:46 AM

Topics I've Started

If "Love Story" and "Viva La Vida" had a baby

08 January 2010 - 10:46 PM


That's a pianist by the name of Jon Schmidt, he is simply amazing =D I am not sure of the other guy, though. They did an acoustic rendition of Taylor Swift's "Love Story" and Coldplay's "Viva La Vida", and I personally like what they did more than the originals =P (If this is in the wrong place I apologize)

This would be a RE-introduction, I suppose

07 January 2010 - 07:48 PM

Hello all, my name is Michael, and I doubt that most of you have even the faintest idea who I am, but there are a couple that might be able to dig into their memories to recall me. I joined back in 2004 but I could not remember my login information, or it just got lost in purges that have occurred during my absence, as it has been several years since I even contemplated getting back in touch with this forum. Anyway, my username was Stryyp.

I remember when I joined Codex I was either 13 or just turned 14, and stayed pretty active for a couple few years, I think, then life decided to go throw some curveballs and all that jazz =P Shit happens, ya' deal with it. It is kind of funny being back here, considering this is where I was when I was just starting high school, and now I'm back again while I'm over halfway through my bachelors degree. It makes me feel old =P

There's not really alot left to say about myself, but if anyone remembers me, by all means, ask any questions you want, I've got years of material to talk about =P