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Member Since 03 Feb 2010
Offline Jun 19 2011 12:10 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: NO EMMA ;_;

06 August 2010 - 06:28 PM

I think she looked way better with long hair. That said, I'm sure she'll look cute once her hair grows out just a little bit more.

I think it's kinda funny how shes the only one of the 3 main harry potter characters that really turned out hot. Daniel had his moment, but everyone I know agrees he looks less hot after the 3rd/4th hp movie.

In Topic: OMG i had the weirdest Dream...

19 July 2010 - 10:16 PM

Midget sex dreams?? I wish I could say I dream't up something as kinky as that lol. Though I did once dream about sitting naked in a bus ;o

Last night I dream't my dog could morph into a bear. But he changed back and I kept poking him hoping he'd turn back into a bear.

In Topic: Interesting Events - the good, the bad and the ugly

19 July 2010 - 10:12 PM

Today someone finally bought my plushie for 115k, and I managed to find an Earth scroll for 10np on the shop wiz! Good day today :D